The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 318 Farewell to Hogwarts (big chapter)

There has been no official answer to Hogwarts being attacked by dementors.

This disaster was identified as a sudden accident, it happened suddenly, and it was resolved quickly. Many students recalled afterwards that they were not afraid, but only felt proud and proud, especially the seventh-grade graduates, who could brag about themselves for the rest of their lives. I am very happy to talk about it.

Basically, no students were injured, except that Draco Malfoy had a close contact with a dementor, which caused a mental shock and had to lie in the school hospital for a month. After that, he completely recovered without leaving any sequelae.

The other students drank hot soup and chocolate that day, and received a cup of bitter sedative from Mrs. Pang. After taking it, they went back to sleep well, and didn't even have nightmares.

Linde raised a black cat with a dark purple fur, as beautiful as the night sky, and felt like fine satin. His blue eyes looked like dancing flames in a dim environment. He named the cat Black Cloak.

The black cape and A Fu are black and white, a cat and a dog, and they quarreled in the first few days of meeting. A Fu always bullied the black cape because of his strong physique.

"Meow! Meow! (Dog, I am the great god of death, how dare you insult me!)"

"Woof!" Ah Fu's eyes showed disdain, "Woof woof! (You're still dead like you?)"

Whenever female students passing by saw a cat-dog fight, they would always side with the black cloak.

Ah Fu's dog face was full of disbelief, "Wow! (You guys clearly said I was the cutest!)"

The female students were holding black cloaks. This black cat always looked down on courteous women, but its proud little expression made the women scream cutely when they saw it.

Faced with Ah Fu's tearful accusation, the group of changed-hearted witches could only laugh and pat the dog's head to show comfort.

Some wizards may have seen their own shadow in Ah Fu, and stepped forward to comfort: "Ah Fu, it's not that you are not cute. It's just that people like the new and dislike the old, and, besides, you used to be very cold and unique. , now it’s just a licking dog, no one cares about it.”

After realizing this painful truth, Ah Fu could only cry to Lin De.

Linde could only smile and rub the dog's head, and told it: "The black cloak is really the god of death. When you die of old age, be careful that it throws your soul into hell."

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Ah Fu clamped his tail, and from now on facing the black cloak, he also crouched down, sticking out his tongue to please.

A soul named Tom Riddle snarled silently: "Stupid dog! Stupid dog! You've disgraced me, Voldemort! You even provoked Death, you stupid dog!"

Blackcloak is a cat who embodies all feline virtues. It is cute, and anyone who sees it will imagine the scene of the cat lying quietly in his arms. It is aloof, even if it is lured with rare dried fish from the magic world, it will not be moved, even if it is brushed and massaged, it will never get closer. It was serious, and would never meow to anyone unless necessary. Peeves saw the black cloak like a snake whose bones had been pulled out.

Such a cat seems to have an invisible aura, which can make people believe that it is very spiritual, and can bring great comfort to people who are in confusion and pain.

People die every second on the earth, and the fear of death continues until their souls leave their bodies and see the Grim Reaper.

"Reaper is actually a cat?"

These souls were extremely surprised. The black cloak squatted down solemnly, holding a small scythe in one paw, "Meow (mortal, you are dead)."

A little girl who died of illness pleaded: "God of death, I want to say something to my parents, can I?"

"Meow (no way)." The black cloak hesitated, "Meow (but I can let you touch it.)"

The soul of the dead hesitated for a moment, and stretched out its hand to scratch the jaw of the black cloak.

"Ah, so cute, I'm dead."

A vicious murderer threatened: "Silly cat, your name is Death? Bring me back to life immediately, or I will strangle you right now!"

The black cloak waved its sickle, and a group of dementors floated out, captured the sinful soul, dragged it into the underworld, and turned it into a pale lily.

Linde changed the image of the god of death and the common memory of him in human hearts. People gradually associate the god of death with cats. Many people who were tortured by life joked that they were going to see the cat owner before they died. Let the living relatives and friends not be sad.

Death is scary, but cats are gentle.


The Quidditch final is over, and the winner is Gryffindor.

After night fell, the auditorium was full of cheers. The three colleges were celebrating Gryffindor's championship. The long table of Slytherin was as quiet as a library. Their dean didn't show up here, perhaps because they were angry at the college's defeat. .

The lively celebration lasted until curfew, and the youthful cheers of the students seemed to echo in the intricate corridors of the main castle.

Lily stepped on the spiral staircase all the way to the ground.

The Potions classroom was pitch black. She raised her wand to light up the fluorescent light, and saw that the door of the office was open, and there was the sound of gurgling medicine being boiled inside. This familiar voice has accompanied Lily every night since January. It was in this narrow office that she and Snape created an immortal miracle in the history of potions.

This friendship of working together is filled with the smell of herbs and stored in the deepest memory. When Lily heard the cauldron boiling, her anxious heart also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Snape. Are you there?"

She slipped into the office, where only one candle was lit, and Snape sat in his lonely armchair, the automatic cauldron still bubbling, the blue steam filling the ceiling and hiding the old bat's face .

Lily asked again, "Snape, are you all right?"

"Of course." Snape's tone was very calm, "We need a new resurrection potion. And a new cauldron. Jim Harker and the three of them have proved themselves unreliable. I propose to Dumbledore to Resurrect Nick Flamel, the legendary alchemist will surely be able to make a suitable crucible."

"But to revive him, he first needs a magical cauldron." Lily's originally tense heartstrings relaxed a little, and she felt that Snape was pretending not to know and maintaining the status quo, which was exactly what she wanted.

"Yeah, so we don't have a cauldron, we can't resurrect Nick Flamel. Without a cauldron, we can't resurrect Potter, we can't resurrect... you!"

Snape leaned forward suddenly, his sallow face piercing the cauldron's mist like a ghost, and Lily was startled by his non-violent eyes.

"Snape, what are you talking about?"

"Ivana Collins." Snape stood up and wandered around the office in pain. "Ivana Collins! That's your name! Call it out!"


"Your Patronus!"

"..." Lili closed her eyes, and her tall and straight figure like a poplar tree relaxed, and an unspeakable sigh flew out of her throat.

"Long time no see, Sev."

Snape hadn't heard that nickname in almost twenty years.

He was covering his eyes tightly, but Lily could still see tears seeping from the edges of his palms.


The old bat sat slumped on the ground, coughing violently.

Lily's eyes were red, and she choked up, "Sev, don't do this. You never cry."

"I just, never, don't want to cry in front of you." Snape hit his forehead with his fist, as if to find out the switch of the tear duct, he knocked again and again until his voice was no longer hoarse, he finally Can open eyes, "Lily, why didn't you tell me?"

"I made an agreement not to reveal my identity on my own initiative."

"Jim Huck is James, right?"

"Yes." Lily admitted, "I only met him that day in Godric's Hollow. I was kept in the dark before."

Snape leaned back against the desk, and Lily sat down in front of him, and the two of them could chat quietly as they had back then.

Even if they all know that time is like an arrow pointing to the future, the year can never go back.

"I'll tell Dumbledore. Your business."

"Dumbledore may have already guessed."

"He always knows everything."

"Can you tell me what happened back then?"

Snape was silent for a moment, and finally came truthfully: "I eavesdropped on the conversation between Trelawney and Dumbledore. She is a real prophet. The divination says that a child born in July will destroy the Dark Lord. At that time I didn't know that Harry Potter was the Son of Prophecy...Anyway, I told him the news. When I found out that you were selected as the target, I went to find Dumbledore and hoped that he would protect you."

"I see." Lily said calmly, "Then what happened next?"

Snape hesitated for a moment, then continued: "After you died, Dumbledore found me again. He hoped that I would stay at Hogwarts to protect your children."

"You agreed?"

"Dumbledore said that he has the same eyes as yours." Snape twitched his lips, "Fortunately, he has a much better personality than James."

"It was De Lin who taught Harry. He also resurrected us."

Snape chuckled softly, "De Lin, he's such a kind bastard."

Lily didn't deny it either, she stared at Snape, and Snape stared at the toe of his shoe.

"Sev, do you still regret calling me a Mudblood?"


"James told me that if you were him, and you saw the girl you like the most in such a scene, you would definitely take offense at her. This is a boy's self-esteem."

Old Bat said angrily, "What does he know? He's just a pushy egomaniac!"

"You guys, it's true. You're stupid, you have ten thousand petty eyes." Lily sighed, "But now I understand you. Although it's a bit late."

Snape wanted to be tough, but was defeated by Lily's half-smile.

"I forgive you, Sev. I forgive you for calling me a Mudblood, and for leaking your prophecy to Voldemort." Lily's eyes were as gentle as the evening wind in the harbor. When she said this, Snape froze suddenly.

The old bat was dizzy, "You forgive me?"

"Yes. You are not a saint, and I am not a saint. It's just that it's time for us to let go. A new era in the wizarding world is beckoning to us. At this time, we are still immersed in the shadow of the Dark Lord's time. Don't you think it's a bit boring? I'm young and I don't want to be an old guy who gets left behind."

Snape nodded, and after a moment of silence he asked calmly, "What are your plans for the future?"

"It's all your fault, I wanted to pretend that nothing happened and continue to be your teaching assistant and go to school with Harry." Lily poked her cheek with her finger, looking thoughtful, "Now, I Going to confess everything to Harry when the time is right and get a job as a pharmacist."

Snape didn't say a word, but Lily talked a lot, and talked about her childhood, "Do you remember my sister Petunia? She was always jealous of my magical abilities, called me a freak, and gave Dumbledore back Lido wrote a letter, hoping to be recruited into Hogwarts. Harry may not have been in a good situation when he boarded at her house for more than ten years. I want to ask her to clarify."

Snape stared deeply at the witch's earnest look as she clapped her fingers to make plans for the future.

The crucible of the desk no longer smokes this day. The wand's light lasted until midnight before slowly leaving. The two agreed to see each other tomorrow.

The next day, James came looking for Snape, apologizing for his recklessness as a student.

But the office was empty, and there was no sign of Snape in the main castle or the White Tower.

He disappeared.

And no one knows his whereabouts.

The Head of Slytherin left Hogwarts just like that, soundlessly, like a tear in the rain, as if he were a ghost. Only the cauldron, medicinal ingredients, potions, and students' notes left behind by Snape can prove that this person really existed.

After hearing this, Dumbledore sat in the office in silence for a long time. Back then he made an agreement with Snape here to protect Lily's child. Now that Lily is back, Harry doesn't need anyone to protect him, so Snape won't stay any longer. .

It's just that the Potions class still needs a professor. Dumbledore hopes that Lily can take up the teaching position temporarily. If she is interested, she can become a full-time professor at any time.

She didn't understand why Snape was leaving.

James explained why. He said that what Snape needed was not forgiveness, but unforgiveness, so that he could live. An old bat that has lost the meaning of life can no longer fly.

Lily found that she didn't understand Snape after all, or she was always one step behind.

Grindelwald temporarily served as the head of Slytherin. He is a real vampire bat with a tough wrist and decisive actions, so he was quickly welcomed by the cubs of the Snake Court.

Students in grades 5 and 7 are busy preparing for their exams.

April flies by, and May seems like a blink of an eye. Thanks to the "Spellcaster's Introductory Manual", the students are generally full of confidence in the exam.

Linde maintains a regular schedule. In his free time, he goes to watch the sky outside the castle, pets cats and dogs. Go to the Dueling Club every week to educate the children.

The time spent at Hogwarts is counting down, like sand in the palm of your hand, the tighter you hold it, the faster it slips away.

In the blink of an eye, he was going to the examination room again.

Knowing that Linde was about to leave, Harry often came to talk to Linde in the last part of the school year.

The more we talked, the sadder the parting became. In the end, Linde just watched the sky, and Harry just watched the sky with him. Hermione is also here, Ron, Neville, Luna, Percy, Wood, many students will sit beside Linde and watch the sky quietly for a while, leaving a common memory for them.

The summer wind blew across the lawn, shaking the wizard robes of the group of young people, and then continued to move forward without stopping for anyone.

The exam was in June, and this year's Hogwarts really surprised the examiners. They said that this was the best class of graduates they had ever brought up, and their average quality was close to that of the top students in previous years.

Every exam that Linde took was an excellent grade. In fact, his exam papers were full marks, and the answers to some of the exam questions could be published in relevant academic journals after obtaining consent.

At the end of the semester, at the farewell banquet, the graduates took photos with the professors, took pictures with each other, hugged, presented blessing cards, and agreed to meet in the future.

Linde's roommates cried and laughed with their arms around him.

He left his temporary professor certificate in the school, and future students can visit the senior's deeds in the trophy showroom.

When the Hogwarts Express whistle blows, everyone will go their separate ways.

Leaving day was a bright and sunny day. Dumbledore takes a girl to Hogsmeade's Hog's Head pub. The boss, Aberforth Dumbledore, saw the familiar figure and broke his glass in fright.

James and Lily regained their original appearance and met Harry at King's Cross Railway Station. They went to the Vernon family together. The Dursleys almost fainted from the tricks of the resurrected wizard.

Harry was treated as a little slave by the Dursleys, and the days of the little bastard are gone forever. Now he lives with his parents back in Potter's old house in Godric's Hollow. The Dumbledore family also moved back here, and they could see each other often.

A few days later, Lily traveled to London's End of the Spider, where Snape lived.

Severus Snape was not there, but Lily knew that he had returned, and maybe one day in the future, he would suddenly appear again, but before that, Lily would continue to be the Potions professor at Hogwarts. Nothing had changed in that office, and Lily would have held someone's armchair.

As for Linde, he also bid farewell to Hogwarts, the end of his student days, followed by a long wandering journey.

At the first stop of the journey, he visited Io, the god of the kingdom of Tianyu. Linde had been looking forward to the board game for the daily recreation of the creator gods.

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