The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 299 The Gunpowder Smell of Hogwarts

The Christmas holiday is over, and the students are returning to school one after another. Everyone has received the "Spellcaster's Introductory Manual" from the owl express, and they are full of curiosity about this novel magic tool. On the Hogwarts Express, everyone was talking about the Handbook, the achievement system, the school map, the magic version of the e-book, and the most amazing artificial intelligence—Helena Ravenclaw.

Hear that name, Ravenclaw! The daughter of the original founder, the hot woman who stole the crown (this sentence must not be written in the "handbook"), is now the most popular magic encyclopedia in the whole school.

The little wizards of the Eagle Academy were ecstatic. This finally proved that our academy is the one that fell from Hogwarts. That Ms. Helena can become an artificial intelligence, and all the teachers and students in the school admire her. All Ravenclaws have good faces.

What Gryffindor, a mere reckless man, has no plans. What Slytherin, old-fashioned, old and decayed. Hufflepuffs, wine bags and rice bags, nothing to worry about.

Hey, Ravenclaw's master is the master, don't be unconvinced, or I will send a small report to Ms. Helena and shut down your "Handbook"! (this is of course impossible)

The boys from the other three colleges were itching with hatred when they saw the guy from the Eagle Academy with his nostrils upturned. They are envious, they are jealous, and they are so uncomfortable that they gnaw their fingernails, wands, and sleeves. With so many ghosts at Hogwarts, why did you choose Ravenclaw?

Gryffindor has Sir Nick, Hufflepuff has fat monks, Slytherin and Bloody Baron are all famous ghosts.

Blame these old ghosts for not working hard!

"Ravenclaw's grandson thief! Do you dare to make an appointment with the dueling club?!" The Gryffindor students shouted to fight in the carriage here.

"Who is afraid of whom? The seven grades of Ravenclaw fight against the British wizarding world. Whoever refuses to accept will meet in the duel." On the other side, Slytherin's "enthusiastic classmates" accepted the challenge for Eagle Academy.

"Let's compare the rankings. Whichever college occupies the top three places on the list is the most powerful college!" The little wizards of Ravenclaw quickly realized and changed the topic, lest they really have to go to the dueling club to meet the three College gang fights.

"That's a good idea!" shouted one of the Head Boys. "Slytherins, do you agree?"

The prefects of the Snake Academy sneered and said, "Who is afraid of whom? Don't forget who is the winner of the Academy Cup for six consecutive times."

The Hufflepuff students muttered and discussed, and they were also very motivated.

When the train arrived at the station, the students from the four colleges mixed together and headed towards the castle. When they saw each other, they would snort coldly, with sparks in their eyes.

The professors greeted the students who had been away for two weeks in the auditorium, but they saw a group of menacing fighting cocks. Everyone's expression was full of excitement and urgency, as if they wanted to have a Hogwarts fight on the spot.

"What's going on here?" The deans looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said to the professors beside him, "It's good to have fighting spirit."

He got up, first blessed himself with a [loud voice] spell, and then gave a speech.

"Welcome home, little ladies and gentlemen."

There was enthusiastic applause in the auditorium, and everyone used the anger accumulated on the train to make cheerful noises. They clapped, stomped their feet, and knocked on the table with their cups, with excited expressions on their faces.

When the applause subsided slightly, Dumbledore continued with a smile.

"I believe that you have all received gifts from Hogwarts during the holidays. After a few days of familiarization, you must have gradually grasped the skills of using them. Let me say without boasting: the future of the wizarding world is in your hands!"

The applause was thunderous again.

Dumbledore raised his hand and pressed it, his clear blue eyes reflected the bright candlelight, shining brightly.

"Professor Geller will demonstrate the specific operation details of the "Manual" to you in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Here, I would like to thank all the professors, The wizard and the student. They are Professor Minerva McGonagall..."

Professor McGonagall's serious face was rosy, and he got up and bowed to the students, and the Gryffindors cheered heartily.

"Professor Severus Snape..."

The old bat Shi Shiran got up and also bowed, Slytherin was very proud. Before he sat down, he glanced at Lily next to him. The female assistant seemed absent-minded, with a mysterious smile on her lips.

"Professor Filius Flitwick, Lady Helena Ravenclaw..."

The little goblin professor seemed to faint with excitement, and the Ravenclaws raised their heads without saying a word.

"Professor Pomona Sprout..."

After the amiable herbal medicine teacher bowed, he waved again and again to his little badgers, and the long Hufflepuff table burst into cheers.

"Professor Hagrid, Professor Geller, Mr. Jim Harker, and..."

Amidst the sparse cheers, Dumbledore said the last person's name.

"Mr. de Lin."

Linde sat at the long table in Gryffindor, and the classmates, roommates, teachers and students around him all looked at him.

He also stood up, took off his hat and put it on his chest, and bowed his head in all directions. Immediately, there was an overwhelming sound of discussion, whistles and applause in the auditorium, and the hanging magic candle seemed to be shaken off.

"He's my roommate! Do you hear me? He and I are buddies!" Percy shouted to the other House prefects.

The Ravenclaw prefect looked at the transfer student, frowned and said, "If De Lin comes to compete for the ranking, wouldn't he take a place on every list? That's not good..."

Most of the Slytherin students looked at Linde in awe, and the prefects whispered: "Mr. When he raises his arms and shouts, we will immediately join him and do our best..."

Linde once again enjoyed the feeling of being watched by everyone. His companions excitedly grabbed his hand, hugged his arm, squeezed his shoulders and beat his back, and all begged him to reveal some inside information about the development, or inquire about the "Manual" hidden functions and the like.

The transfer students only said that they had only made some insignificant contributions, and the main workload was done by the professors.

Dumbledore said loudly, "Let's start the banquet!"

After spending the New Year's party together, the house elves in the kitchen are more enthusiastic and lively, and the food they present is also of a higher level. One floor, let people feast on.

After the meal, on the way back to the lounge, Linde was surprised by the starry sky around him, so he asked, "Why are you all so stupid today?"

"Ah, De Lin's words are really ugly, what is doglegs, don't you care about you, a great hero." The students laughed and made demonstrative faces at the students of other colleges passing by.

"Didn't I also make great contributions to the college? How many college points have I gained since the start of school? Why don't you come to show your hospitality?" Linde joked with a smile.

"Ahem, actually..." Percy pretended.

Wood continued, "Ah, let's be honest, just because Helena is now a magical elf in the "Handbook", the grandchildren of Ravenclaw are so arrogant! Our Gryffindors are outstanding, and the lower grades have the savior Harry , there is a great wizard like you in the senior grade, can you bear this breath?"

Linde probably guessed what they wanted to say. Although he didn't experience the disputes among the students on the Hogwarts Express, he had already expected that there would be introversion in the school, and now the fire was on him.

"I don't participate in any ranking competitions." Linde refused.

"Don't, De Lin, how could we win without you!" The students cried, and several witches begged softly, while the male students were even more pretentious, which made Lin De's skin crawl.

"Okay, okay!" Linde was impatiently pestered, but the corners of his mouth still curled up. "Let me tell you in advance that I won't compete for all the lists, and I will only participate in three at most. That's fine."

"With your words, we're on the mend." Percy looked excited, "Okay, now that we've got three champions on the list, the rest of the rankings have to be done by ourselves. We need to work together to bring Ravenclaw's The arrogance continues, do you understand?"

"De Ling!" This group of heartless students pretended to salute, looked at each other, and laughed in unison. Everyone knew that this was the golden age of their lives.

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