The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 296: Teleportation Owl

As the New Year approaches, the teachers and students of Hogwarts enjoy a peaceful and stable vacation, while far away in Albania on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, members of the former Order of the Phoenix are hunting down the traitor Wormtail.

Wormtail, who was found to be being followed, hurriedly fled by plane. The tracking wizards managed to find the person's destination by confusing the Muggle staff at the airport: he bought a ticket to Albania.

The flight of Sirius and others was on the same plane as Lily's, of course she did it on purpose, even the seats were arranged behind Harry and the others.

Flying by plane is a novel experience for many wizards. Lily looked sideways at the scenery outside the window and listened carefully to the conversations of the young wizards in the front row.

She vaguely heard the word Wormtail, and was startled.

Twelve years ago, in order to avoid Voldemort's pursuit, Lily and James chose to cast the Fidelity Curse on the house, and Wormtail was the secret keeper. As long as he didn't reveal the news, no one could find the Potters.

When Voldemort broke into the house, Lily and James realized that Peter Pettigrew had betrayed them.

The last time Lily heard the nickname Wormtail was twelve years ago. This period of years stolen by death did not wash away the hatred in a mother's heart, and even aroused her anger even more. Lily trembled with anger when she thought that her lover James was no longer alive and her child Harry was suffering from loneliness.

Enemies are hateful, traitors are even more shameful.

He must be found, and the bastard thrown into Azkaban for a dementor's kiss!


On January 2, the plane arrived in Tirana, the capital of Albania.

The local temperature is still above zero, and there is no snow on the street, but there are many Muggle believers wearing white hats on the street. The strong exotic flavor makes the native British wizards find it interesting.

Lily followed Sirius and others all the way to this remote small country, and Wormtail arrived one step earlier than them.

By this time the traitor had disappeared. He's probably disguised again, and it's so convenient to have Polyjuice Potion, and he can change anytime, anywhere-as long as no one can see the transformation process. Sirius used the compound soup provided by Hermione to disguise himself as a Muggle and get on the plane.

It gave Lily a headache to think that Wormtail might be mingling among the dense white hats on the street. For a moment, she couldn't think of any clues to follow.

Generally speaking, when foreign wizards enter the country, they need to report to the local Ministry of Magic and register their wands. The process is relatively complicated, which will greatly increase the risk of exposure. It is for this reason that Wormtail uses hemp Otherwise, he would have to look for unregistered private portkeys to secretly enter the Continental.

There are many small countries in continental Europe. In a remote country like Albania, the total population of wizards in the country is only dozens or hundreds, and the number of members of the Ministry of Magic is pitifully small. The official power is weak, and there is no effective supervision of various illegal activities. No wonder Such a place is a favorite of dark wizards.

Right now, we can only hope that Wormtail has exhausted all the compound potions, but if this person leaves the city and goes to the vast wilderness, there is really no way to find them.

At a loss, Lily stayed temporarily in the local area, and while following Harry, she continued to search for the trace of the missing wizard.

Two days later, she saw a picture of the dead man in the local paper—a poor wizard from England dying in a drain in a foreign country. This proves that Wormtail no longer uses the image of this person, and that the Polyjuice Potion can only imitate a living person, and once the imitator dies, the potion will have no effect.

Now, no one knows the whereabouts of Wormtail.

Another day of dreary and bitter time passed, and the owl flying from Hogwarts found Lily.

A snowy owl stopped outside the window of the hotel room where Lily was staying, and pecked at the glass twice to attract the attention of the witch in the room.

Lily was poring over a map of Albania, trying to find a possible hiding place for Wormtail, when she turned her head and saw a beautiful owl perched outside the window, staring at her with bright yellow eyes.

She got up to say hello, smiled and said, "Wait a minute."

Before the witch opened the window to greet her, the owl suddenly teleported into the house, dropped a package of oiled paper on the table, and then squatted on the window sill calmly.

"Ah, why do you Apparate? Are you really an owl, dear?" Lily was very surprised. Although owls have always been good companions of wizards, they have never heard of this species having magical powers. The owl is a special case.

The witch took out a piece of halva and handed it to Xue Xiao, who picked up the halva and put it in a small pocket on his left leg.

"Is this saved to eat later? How clever, my dear!" Lily's bad and depressed mood improved a lot because of the arrival of this owl.

Xue Xiao tilted his head and looked at Lily for a while, then took out a piece of parchment and a quill from the seamless stretch pocket tied to his left leg.

The quill automatically wrote: Thank you, my name is Kaiya, I can't apparate, but the master gave me magic, I can run around like a ball chasing a bird.

The ball escape bird is the dodo bird, but in this world it is a magical creature with a natural teleportation ability.

Lily stared at this human owl for a while, then suddenly asked: "Are you De Lin's owl?"

Xue Xiao Kaiya squinted her eyes and nodded, her little expression was like a happy cat.

"No wonder you're so smart and cute. What did you bring?"

Lily rubbed Kaiya's head with the belly of her index finger, and then opened the oiled paper package. Inside was a "Spellcaster's Introductory Manual" and a letter with the Hogwarts school emblem printed on it.

The letter reads——

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Principal: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Wizards, first-class wizard of Sir Merlin, chief wizard of Wizengamot)

Dear TA Ivana Collins:

We are pleased to inform you that thanks to the excellent dedication of the headmaster, several teachers, Mr. Jim Harker, an expert in alchemy and charms, and De Lin, a seventh-year Gryffindor student, our school will introduce a new school in the new semester. teaching tools. We are honored to present to you a great invention that changed the magic world-"Spellcaster's Introductory Manual" (see the attached letter for details). Please print your fingerprints on the title page of the "Manual" after checking it, and this tool will automatically bind you as the only user. (If it is lost, please apply to the vice-principal for replacement after the semester starts)

Another: The new term will start on January 9th (zero time zone), please take the express train directly to the Hogsmeade platform on the first day of school to return to Hogwarts.


Sincerely Minerva McGonagall

Lily rubbed the soft cover of the "Manual" in amazement. This is a magical item, there is no doubt about it.

"Hogwarts is really rich now." Lily sighed sincerely, "Has Dumbledore dug a gold mine?"

Following the instructions in the letter, she printed her fingerprints on the Handbook.

The magic book suddenly floated in the air. After it was automatically opened, it began to turn pages quickly, as if it was alive.

Lily felt a warm wind blowing from the book, and then she felt an indescribable connection to the book, like a lost diary from her childhood.

Kaia cooed twice, as if she was happy for Lily.

Lily browsed and studied for a while, exclaiming from time to time. She now understood why Professor McGonagall could write such words as "changing the wizarding world" so proudly.

She looked up to Kaia and said, "Honey, thank you for sending this book. Did you bring it, De Linto?"

Kaiya tilted her head, and wrote on the quill next to her: You ran too far! Other cuckoo birds can't be delivered, so I can only come.

"Thank you De Lin for me."

The female Snow Owl tweeted happily and wrote: Remind you, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask the ghost in the book, she knows a lot. I'm leaving.

"I will. Goodbye, Kaia." Lily replied seriously.

Kaiya flapped her wings and disappeared into the room in an instant. The parchment and quill beside her fluttered down, and before they fell to the ground, Kaiya teleported back, put away the fallen paper and pen, cooed shyly at Lily, and used magic to teleport again. move away.

"It's so cute." Lily smiled softly.

She opened the "Handbook", pondered for a moment, picked up the quill, and tried to say hello to Helena Ravenclaw in the book.

"Dear Ms. Ravenclaw, good day, one thing is bothering me, I hope to get an answer from you..."

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