The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 285 Prophecy tracking, Christmas is coming

Lin De, who came back from the fugue, opened his eyes. Now that he knew the cause and effect, he didn't have to worry about it. He just went to beat Ah Fu sometime to vent his anger.

He concentrated on the task at hand, checking the Transfiguration assignments submitted by the students. In Linde's view, this subject is the essence of magic, but it is also a test of talent. Linde felt that without the help of the library, he would not be able to master the Transfiguration smoothly.

Now that he is already a master figure of Transfiguration, it is also a process of checking for omissions and making up for vacancies when he turns around and teaches students. In many cases, wizards will fail unexpectedly when performing the transformation technique, and these failure experiences are excellent negative teaching materials, which can give Linde a lot of inspiration.

The prophecy against Professor Trelawney in the common room is still raging, but the person concerned is about to organize Quidditch training. Wood is the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and his greatest wish has always been to win the Academy for the Academy. The trophy, this was his last school year at Hogwarts, he had to firmly grasp the opportunity, once he missed it, he would have to regret his youth for the rest of his life.

Because of this, Wood worked very hard in training, and immediately called his players to the Quidditch field for training.

The four of Harry and the others walked down the stairs of the dormitory at this moment. Girls can enter the boys' dormitory, but boys are not. Hermione would go to the boys' dormitory to discuss with Harry and the others from time to time.

At this moment, the friends Ron and Hermione were arguing, Neville shrank his neck and did not answer, and Harry frowned.

"Harry, George, Freddie, Katie, Angelina, Alicia, it's time for training!" Wood yelled.

"Go first, I'll be right there."

After leaving this sentence, Harry ran to Linde and whispered, "Mr. de Lin, I would like to trouble you to do a fortune-telling."

The transfer student showed a fortune teller's inscrutable smile, "Young man, I already know why you're here. You want to know where Ron's pet Banban is, right?"

Harry was rubbing his hands together uneasily as Ron and Hermione approached.

"De Lin, tell me, Hermione's cat killed Scabbers, and she still thinks the cat is innocent!" Ron was emotional, and the freckles on his nose were hot like sparks, obviously very angry . And Hermione trembled unconsciously, her eyes filled with tears, she raised her cheeks to keep the tears from falling, her pink cheeks tried to keep calm, but the corners of her lips were still drooping.

"Crookshanks won't do that. Ron's biased against it!" shrieked the little witch.

Linde did not judge the quarrel, he just said to Harry: "It's time for you to tell them the truth. Why do you always want to fight alone? Even Voldemort's virtue knows how to find a group of stinky feet A pure-blood believer. But you are hiding the truth from your friends, which is not right."

Harry muttered for a while, but finally lowered his head and did not defend himself.

"You let your guard down because you thought the man was a shameful coward, and he escaped with the help of the Dark Lord by accident. He is looking for a snake named Nagini. Harry, unless you can grasp the development of the situation, Otherwise don't give your enemy any chance, understand?"

"Yes, sir, I know what's wrong." Harry took a deep breath and his eyes became firmer. "We'll fix this."

Ron scratched his head, "Harry, what are you talking about?"

"Ron, Hermione, Neville, you come with me, I will explain this matter clearly, and I want to bring you to meet someone."

The four came to the Room of Requirement. Here, the three of Ron saw an extremely thin man with hair like hay and a body like a stickered skeleton. It was hard to believe that he was still alive.

"Who is this man?" Hermione asked timidly.

"Remember when the papers said someone had escaped during the summer? It was Sirius Black."

The three looked at each other, then burst into screams.

"Stop!" Harry quickly explained, "He's a good man, he's my godfather!"

"But he's a traitor, and he killed a lot of people! He killed the hero Peter Pettigrew!" Ron stammered, accusing Sirius.

"I see the truth in de Lin's prophecy. Pettigrew is the traitor."

Harry's words are very effective, and the reason why it is effective is because Linde's current reputation has been reversed, from an unreliable fortune teller to "the most powerful prophet in Hogwarts". Two days ago, if Harry had explained this way, the friends would have thought him crazy.

Harry tells Sirius that Scabbers is missing.

Sirius, who hated the traitor to the bone, pulled his hair violently, but he didn't blame Harry, he just scolded Pettigrew for his cunning and cunning.

"He can't get away, I'll catch him! Leaving Hogwarts is exactly what I want, I'll find him and kill him!"

The cold expression of the old prisoner made the young wizards pale, and only Harry could calm down.

"Godfather, let me help you."

"No, Harry, you stay here. I'll figure it out myself."

"Pettigrew is more dangerous now, and he has the help of the Dark Lord. I'm afraid you can't handle it alone."

"That's okay, I'll find a helper. An old friend who isn't so likable. If I have a chance, I'll introduce you to him." Sirius grinned, and the terrible rotten teeth made his already terrifying smile even more Shocking.

Harry gently stepped forward to hug the poor man, "Good luck, Godfather."

When night fell, Sirius came to the secret passage below the Whomping Willow. He picked up a dead branch and poked a knot in the tree. Just when he was about to get into the secret passage, the wolfhound named Afu got out, and they met face to face.

"Where's the dog?" Sirius said in surprise.

Ah Fu froze, staring at Sirius, ready to explode at any time, for fear that this strange wizard would reveal his whereabouts.

The prisoner of Azkaban looked at Alfred thoughtfully, remembering that the dog had appeared beside Harry.

Probably a good dog.

Sirius stretched out his hand and rubbed Ah Fu's head, and said with a smile, "It's so beautiful, good dog."

He dived into the secret passage with his body and left quickly.

Ah Fu breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the Whomping Willow gradually recovered. Ah Fu was severely whipped, and immediately let out a piercing dog bark, and fled away whimpering.

For the next few days, life at Hogwarts was quite peaceful.

Christmas is approaching day by day. The construction process of the Celestial Mastermind was smoother than expected, and there were many relaxed smiles on the faces of the professors, but this year, because of the troubles caused by the dementors and the prisoners of Azkaban, it is destined that a large number of students will choose to come back during the Christmas holiday. At home, only a few people stay in school. The originally strong festive atmosphere in the castle was a little deserted because of this.

Linde received many more calls, including calls from Malika, calls from Melina and Millicent, and calls from Star Lord and Tony, all of whom wanted to ask Linde about his Christmas vacation. arrange.

Unknowingly, Linde already has many friends who want to celebrate the festival with him.

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