The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 282 No, Ah Lin, are you serious?

When Linde returned to the Gryffindor common room, it happened that Percy and the others were happily describing the competition in the Potions class.

"The skill of the old bat is really amazing. Anyone who has seen him make medicine will say that he has developed this into an art. In contrast, our new teaching assistant is... Hey, De Lin is back."

"De Lin, it's a pity you didn't come to class." That's what the students said.

"Really? How do you know I didn't come to class?" Linde asked knowingly.

"Come on, Lin, we all know you're teaching Transfiguration to first graders."

"Are you guys talking about the duel between Professor Snape and Ms. Collins? Do you want to make a bet? Guess if I can tell the whole process of the match." Linde raised his hand to take a blowing bubble gum that was thrown away, and put it on the Chew in your mouth.

The bubbles blown by this kind of magic candy can not burst for several days. For a while, there was a trend of blowing bubbles in the college. The common room and dormitory were full of colorful magic bubbles that looked like crystals. Can't see clearly.

The students looked at each other in blank dismay, and then happily said: "Okay, what are you betting on?"

"The loser has to run around the Black Lake."

"That's it, that's it?" The wizards shouted.

Linde raised his eyebrows and added, "No clothes are allowed."

Percy's face changed. He is a good man with a partner, and he is also the president of the student union. If he loses the bet, what kind of image will he become in the eyes of the professors?

"Wait, everyone, don't be fooled, what if De Lin asked someone to inquire about it on the way here?" "Oh, yes, this De Lin is very cunning." "Looking at his smiling so happily, there must be fraud."

Linde raised his hand and swore, "Merlin testifies, I never asked anyone to inquire, let alone used magic tricks to spy. In fact, I learned the truth through divination."

"Then we bet you!"

Transfer student Shi Shiran sat on a chair by the window and closed his eyes slightly.

His consciousness entered a fugue, stepped into the long river of time, and went upstream. But the body speaks, repeating what Shenyou saw. This state is like a real prophet, speaking the revelation of fate in the form of sleep talk.

"Well, I saw that Snape asked Ms. Collins three questions, namely aconitum, bezoar and life-dead water, and she answered them all. Next, they will compete to see who can do it faster..."

The betting students panicked, and Percy's face turned pale, and he murmured, "No way, De Lin, you're serious."

Linde showed up in the Potions classroom for the first class in the morning, found an empty seat, and sat down as a quiet bystander, no one could see him.

Lily and Snape were standing at the workbenches.

"Shall we start?" Lily challenged her long-lost friend.

Snape nodded expressionlessly, and he said to the students: "Take care of every step that follows, this is a rare opportunity for you to learn. Clean up all the random thoughts that have nothing to do with potions in your mind... Did you hear that?"

"Yes, Professor." The students from the four colleges in the classroom said in unison.

Two experts in potion science started to boil the water of life and death. They first walked quickly to the storage cabinet to select the medicinal materials.

As soon as he started, Snape showed the strength he had been immersed in for many years. His hands were more precise than weighing scales, and he reached out and grasped the appropriate amount. In contrast, Lily had to use that silver scale to wait for her When the storage cabinet returned, a flame had been lit on Snape's side, and a faint blue smoke rose from the cauldron.

Slow step by step, Lily tried to keep up with Snape's speed.

A student pretended to be reviewing and muttered to himself: "I remember Professor Snape said that it is best to squeeze sleepy beans with the side of a silver knife instead of slicing them."

Lily squeezed the Sleepy Bean with a knife with a natural expression, oozing out a lot of juice.

Snape glared at the student and said sharply, "Do I need to remind you again? No unreasonable noise is allowed."

Ten minutes later, Snape's cauldron began to bubble hotly. He added the remaining medicinal materials in batches, and then began to stir. He has a unique secret, which is to stir it clockwise seven times counterclockwise, so that the potion will react more smoothly and fully.

Lily had just picked up the mixing spoon when Snape's Water of the Dead was about to be finished. She saw the smug expression on the old bat's face, and the smile on his stiff and slumped cheeks was like a crack of life, and it could be seen that Snape was serious about teaching a pushy Gryffindor a lesson. Great interest, more exciting than a cat smelling fish.

Lily put down her stirring spoon, took out her wand, and pointed it at the cauldron.

Snape's expression changed, and he couldn't help but ask, "What do you want to do?"

"It's just a trivial innovation. You're not the only one who understands the mysteries of potions." The witch whispered a remote spell, and the potion in the crucible began to spin rapidly, becoming clear and transparent at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, which meant that the potion was about to Finish.

"Aren't you afraid that the power of the curse will affect the effectiveness of the potion? I have to explain that if the water of life and death you made is a failure, even if you are one step faster, you will still lose..."

"It's done!" Lily laughed happily, with one hand on her hip, she generously asked Snape to test his medicine.

Snape put down the stirring spoon a second late, and the good mood just now was destroyed in an instant.

After the proud Potions professor inspected the potion made by Lily, he had no choice but to admit that she was the winner of this competition.

"But that's only because you got some sleazy sidelines. I bet you didn't know Sleepy Beans could be squeezed instead of sliced."

Lily said with a smile, "Anyway, let it go, Snape."

At this time, it was just time for the end of class. The old bat took two deep breaths and dismissed the class. He said in a cold voice: "About the demonstration just now, I hope that what you see is the value of knowledge itself, rather than some irrelevant disputes. Yes, don't try to imitate Ms Collins, the interplay between spells and potions is very complicated, especially for you, and you'll just end up with a pot of inexplicable poison."

Seeing the professor's expression, the students didn't even dare to vent their breath. One by one, they quickly left the classroom and walked out of the basement along the spiral stairs. Only then did they start talking intensely.

Linde still stayed in place, he wanted to see the follow-up.

"Ms. Collins, your skill in potions is very good. If you are my student, then I must be very impressed." Snape stood in front of Lily, looked down at the proud witch, and said softly.

"Can you tell me, which year did you enter Hogwarts?"

Lily's eyes are clear, and it is said that beautiful women are the best at lying. The wizard who revived her created a beautiful and lovely face for her, with red hair as deep as fire, and blue eyes that are thinner than the ocean. Such a witch, even if Without speaking, just watching her with a smile that is not a smile can make people stammer and unable to answer.

"Actually, I wasn't very interested in potions when I was a student... To put it bluntly, I hated you at that time, but after graduation, I worked as a pharmacist in a potion workshop in France. That’s how I developed my skills.”

Snape turned his head away slightly, not meeting Lily's sly eyes again.

"In the future, the potions class in the sixth and seventh grades will also be handed over to you. I will help you apply for a salary increase."

Lily wished that Snape wouldn't ask questions. She didn't want to reveal her identity, otherwise she wouldn't be able to communicate with the wizard at Spider's End in such a relaxed tone in the future.

"Are you so relieved of my education method? A dose of Life and Death Water can't prove my strength, why don't we try to compete to make Felicity Elixir?"

"Felix Elixir took too long..." Snape frowned when he heard the Felicia Felix, then thoughtfully, he continued, "In the morning, I will be in the office next door, if you meet You can ask questions at any time. I don't mind giving you, a disobedient student, some...necessary advice."

A cold and brooding man like him grinned slightly. For a moment, Lily thought he was smiling, but then realized that it was the old bat mocking her.

Lily waved her wand briskly, put the workbench back in place, and bottled the water of life and death. She smiled and said, "Class is about to start, professor, hurry back to your lonely castle."

"Hmph." Snape walked slowly into the office.

Linde looked at Lily thoughtfully in place. The witch seemed to be lost in memory, smiling sadly and cheerfully.

The transfer student woke up contentedly. That night, a group of senior Gryffindor students who were willing to gamble and lose, headed towards the black lake under the snowy night with the steps of wind and water.

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