The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 275 Five points for Gryffindor!

The bricks and stones of Hogwarts Castle fell silently, only the snowflakes fell on the window panes to make a crackling sound.

Walk through the snow-drenched corridor, and follow a narrow spiral staircase to the underground, where the potions class is located in a place so quiet that even the sound of the wind will not visit.

In the afternoon, the two colleges of the third grade poured into the classroom, and the students were chattering, holding textbooks and exercise books in their hands. After they sat down behind the desks, the students in the front row yelled: "Collect your homework, collect your homework, pass the homework to the ones behind."

Ever since Linde took over as a substitute teacher, the little wizards have both loved and hated this senior senior. I like his approachability, but hate the devil homework he assigns. Hogwarts has a thousand-year school history, and there has never been a crooked practice book like this. It is said that it is a native product brought by the transfer students from the motherland.

Perhaps only Hermione Granger likes this kind of test-taking cheats. She often feels that there are too few homework and she has not written enough.

The students in the front row collected all their homework and handed it over to Hermione, who counted the copies and placed them on the podium.

Seeing that the class time is approaching, the little wizards whispered, Linde was very smart and decisive in skipping class yesterday, but it hurt these little wizards. The old bat took time out of his busy schedule to teach. The gunpowder keg that just exploded scolded the students who hadn't seen each other for a long time, and relived the relationship between master and apprentice.

"De Lin isn't cutting class again?" Ron muttered under his breath.

"Merlin, I don't want to see Snape's face again. Thinking of his eyes makes me sick to my stomach." Seamus' face was pale. There will be no trouble, so it is Snape's focus.

Neville, who was in distress at the side, also felt sorry for him, staring straight at the door of the classroom.

Hermione comforted these useless men, "De Lin has already returned at noon today, don't worry about it."

Seeing the passage of time bit by bit, finally, in the eyes of everyone's anticipation, the classroom door was pushed open.

However, it was not the transfer student Linde who walked in, but a tall red-haired witch.

Seeing the group of children staring blankly at her, Lily Evans smiled brightly and stood on the podium without showing any timidity. She took out her wand and wrote a line of glowing words in the air: Ivana Collins.

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies, I'll be taking over from today. As you can see, my name is Ivana Collins, and I'm the new teaching assistant. If there's no doubt, let's get started. "

Miss Know-It-All immediately raised her hand and asked, "Ms. Collins, where is de Lin?"

"He still has to take Transfiguration class for Professor McGonagall, so he won't be able to find time." Lily's eyes lingered on Hermione's childish face for a while, and then naturally slid away, falling on the silent and gloomy Harry Potter. .

The boy happened to be examining the new teaching assistant with a curious expression. His emerald green eyes were like sunshine in Godric's Hollow, Lily unconsciously took a deep breath, feeling every hair on her back stand on end. The strong sense of déjà vu was like a slap across the years, making her cheeks burn hot. From the first moment she saw this little wizard, Lily knew who it was.

Harry, my dear Harry, poor son. Lily murmured in her heart. You have grown so big. It can be seen that you are not lively at all, did you encounter some people and things that made you sad?

Harry felt that the female teaching assistant looked inexplicably excited, and frowned unconsciously.

Lily turned her head away, and said calmly for a moment: "Who has any doubts? No more? That's fine. Now, please make a scabies potion, and let me see your basic skills."

These little wizards were also unambiguous, and they helped each other in groups of two. They set up the cauldron, lit the fire, one operated, and the other reminded them. After a while, steaming water vapor filled the classroom.

Taking advantage of this time, Lily patrolled around, pointing out mistakes and omissions in the operation. She speaks in a good voice and is quickly accepted by the students. Lily took the opportunity to inquire about Snape's reputation and deeds. She was always wary of this Death Eater who mingled with the teachers, even though they were once close friends. But the two who choose to part ways must regard each other as enemies.

Lily was glad that Snape didn't know her now, so it was convenient for her to find out the real face of this person secretly.

Facing the questions from the new teaching assistants, the young wizards of Slytherin all spoke well to their headmaster, and although the Gryffindor students dared not speak out, they still complained.

Lily was sharp in her heart, and probably guessed that Snape was the kind of annoying bad professor, which was as expected.

She asked Harry again what he thought of Snape.

"He is a good professor, very responsible, and very capable." Lily was taken aback by Harry's answer. In fact, it wasn't just her. The students around all looked at Harry with hellish expressions, thinking that this guy is Why did he open his eyes and talk nonsense? He was the one who was targeted the worst by the old bat. Could it be that he was stunned by Snape's scolding, and love came from hatred?

The potion in the crucible gradually matured. At this time, some students still made mistakes and added porcupine quills to the potion without turning off the flame. This caused the potion to become corrosive and boiled. Once it got on the body, It will cause dense red and swollen boils on the skin.

Seeing ominous acrid green smoke rising from the cauldron on the front table, Harry quickly drew his wand and yelled, "[cleaned up]."

A whirlwind rolled up the liquid medicine that was about to melt through the crucible, and then threw it into the waste liquid bucket in the corner of the classroom.

Lily shouted in amazement: "Response in time, Mr. Potter... five points for Gryffindor!"

Seamus wrinkled his nose, he messed up again, he was prone to make mistakes when he was nervous, but this is the learning content of the first grade, it really shouldn't be.

The new teaching assistant was magnanimous and allowed Seamus to make a new one. Seeing that other people had finished the scabies potion, he asked them to make the shrinking potion.

"Mr. Potter, can you tell me the materials needed to make the shrink potion?"

"Daisy roots, figs, caterpillars, a drop of mouse bile, a little leech sap."

"Exactly, five points for Gryffindor!" Lily's eyes lit up, "Can you tell me the precautions?"

"Well, the root of the daisy has to be cut evenly, does that count?" Harry hesitated a little, since it was almost impossible for him to fail in concocting such a potion, so he couldn't say any precautions.

"Yes, this is a very good point, please keep it in your notes. In fact, you must pay attention to the amount of materials used when preparing a shrinking potion. Once the proportion is wrong, it will produce toxicity. In addition, Gryffindor Add... three points."

Everyone just felt that the scene in front of them seemed familiar, and there was a sense of Snape's déjà vu, but one was desperately finding faults and deducting points, and the other was constantly favoring points.

Originally, the Slytherin students thought that Gryffindor wouldn’t get so many house points if Linde didn’t come to class. Unexpectedly, there was a female assistant who added more points. This witch must have graduated from Gryffindor !

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