The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 273 Night Travel Permit, Resurrection Stone

Fine cracks appeared in the purified Ravenclaw crown, and this treasure really looks like it has experienced the vicissitudes of the mottled years.

Dumbledore handed the crown to Linde and said with a smile, "I don't think anyone is more worthy of wearing this crown than you."

Linde took the crown and put it on his head tentatively. A strange idea came to his mind. The last guy who was given a hat by his master was the one who had been cursed...

Fortunately, Ravenclaw is not Avalokitesvara, and this crown will not crush Linde's head. When wearing it, in addition to feeling the weight of the crown itself, Linde could also feel a little bit of coldness permeating from the top of the skull.

The role of magic is strange. Ravenclaw's crown can indeed improve the wearer's concentration, but it cannot directly improve intelligence. And because it was made into a Horcrux by a bad thing like Voldemort, the magic effect dropped sharply, and it is really tasteless now.

Linde told Dumbledore of his discovery. Although the old headmaster was sad, there was no good remedy.

In the end, the crown remained in the principal's office as a collection.

Linde chatted with Dumbledore for a few words, mainly about the strange incident that happened after meeting the ghost Helena last night, and suddenly remembered that there was still a class in the morning, so he hurriedly said goodbye.

The last class in the morning was Transfiguration. Linde's Transfiguration attainments were seen in the magic world. If he was said to be the second, no one dared to be the first. He had already obtained the title of Master of Transfiguration two years ago. Professor McGonagall also knows his strength, so he is very tolerant towards Linde, even if he does not come to class, he will not care about it.

In today's Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall's complexion was rosy, and it seemed that a happy event was on the horizon. After her curiosity was satisfied, the tone of the elderly cat girl's voice was full of comfort. When Linde walked into the classroom, Professor McGonagall was explaining the disappearing spell.

"You must use this spell carefully, because once the object is erased by the spell, it can no longer be retrieved. It can be said that this is equivalent to destroying it. This spell has almost no effect on wizards, and I have never heard of it. It would be dreadful indeed if there were any spell that could wipe a man out completely... Oh, Mr. de Lin, you are late."

Linde apologized to Professor McGonagall at the door.

"Sorry, I accidentally forgot the time."

Professor McGonagall didn't say much, but nodded solemnly, motioning for Linde to take a seat.

After class, Professor McGonagall asked Lind to come to his office.

"I need to trouble you with something." Professor McGonagall brewed two cups of coffee in bone china cups and handed them to the proud student who often skipped classes.

Linde sniffed it carefully, confirmed that it was not cat poop coffee, and then took a sip in relaxation.

"Professor, please tell me. It's a coincidence that recently, people have often asked me for help. I feel like the protagonist of a game, and I am responsible for running errands. Ah, call me the God of Running Errands."

The transfer student laughed at himself. He really didn't mind helping others. All these experiences would become moments that can be recalled in the future. Linde was worried that no one would come to him. In that case, he would recall Hogg Watts's student life, can only see a barren ruins.

Professor McGonagall's serious and kind face was filled with Qi Qi Ai Ai's expression. She took a light breath to cheer herself up, and then said bluntly: "I want to ask you to take a few lessons. You are the best I have ever seen Master Transfiguration, you are the only one at Hogwarts who is up to the job."

Linde put down his coffee cup and said earnestly, "Professor, have you forgotten that I am helping Professor Snape as a potions teacher? And as expected, Professor Flitwick will also come soon. Please let me substitute for him. I’m sorry for what I said next: Why don’t you just let me serve as the dean of the four major colleges?”

Professor McGonagall looked embarrassed.

She was about to retract the request, but Linde changed the subject, "Actually, it's not that I can't help."

"De Lin, you can make a request within a reasonable range, and I will do my best to accommodate it."

"Well, I need a night travel permit."

"What?" Professor McGonagall was tongue-tied.

"You heard me right, I need a certificate that I can wander around Hogwarts after the curfew without being troubled by the dormitory supervisor. As the vice-principal, you must have this right." Linde smiled.

"But you often go out at night, haven't you never been discovered by Mr. Filch? This certificate is useless to you, but sending it to you will break the Hogwarts regulations, which is bad for the school." Management is a disaster."

"I need a certificate. When I leave school, I also hope that I can put this certificate in the display case in the hall. It will be a good memory link in the future."

"This... This is simply impossible, Mr. de Lin, your request is too much. I cannot agree."

Linde saw that Professor McGonagall had wavered, so he said persuasively: "Actually, we don't need to be so straightforward. What you gave me was not a night tour permit, but a temporary letter of employment, stating that I I have all the rights and obligations of a professor, and the obligations here include helping the dormitory administrators to search for students who go out at night. So instead of breaking the rules, I am also a staunch supporter."

Professor McGonagall gasped slightly. Don't say it, really don't say it, after Linde's reasonable packaging, things immediately became unreasonable.

"Okay, I agree."

Vice-principal Ms. Mai wrote a temporary professor employment contract with a quill and Hogwarts official seal, and awarded it to the transfer students on the spot.

Lindsch stepped out of the office, but then, instead of going to the classroom, he went to the principal's office to lead Afu out, and then strode away from the main castle, and walked out of Hogwarts in a grand manner. The dementors stationed at the exit saw the evil star from a distance, and hurriedly flew up.

Several employees of the Ministry of Magic were eating peach pie and drinking sweet coffee. When they saw a wizard with a dog walking out of Hogwarts, they hurried forward to question him, but before they got close, Linde disappeared in an apparition.

"Who is that man?" "Where did he go?"

Linde had left Hogwarts at this time and went to Gaunt's old house.

He actually didn't know the exact coordinates of Gaunt's old house, but by searching Voldemort's memory, he could find this desolate mansion in Great Hangleton. This is the house of the Gaunt family, the home of Voldemort's mother, and where a Horcrux is hidden.

Ah Fu barked deafeningly when he saw the dilapidated wooden shed.

It looked excited, eager to pounce on Linde and bite him.

"Hush, don't be nervous, Ah Fu, isn't it easy for me to kill you?" Lin De's gentle words made Ah Fu tremble, and he whimpered twice, and all the arrogance disappeared.

"Why do you think I'm here? I'm here for your horcrux, but don't worry, my real target is the resurrection stone on your horcrux. This Deathly Hallows is still useful, it can recall a dead man for me. Soul for many years. I promised Professor McGonagall and Snape to take their place, but I don't want to make myself too tired, so I need a helper to share the teaching task of Potions class for me."

Afu hung his head, and followed Linde to the old Gaunt house. The environment here is desolate, weeds are everywhere, and a dead snake is nailed to the door, which shows the pure blood of the Slytherin family. However, there is no one living in the house. guest.

"Marvolo Gaunt's ring is coming." Linde waved his hand, and Voldemort's Horcrux shot out from the dusty shadow of the dilapidated wooden shed and landed in his palm.

Linde rubbed the ring. In the original book, Dumbledore wore this ring and was cursed, resulting in only one year of life left. Arguably, the ring killed the greatest wizard of the twentieth century.

There was a black gemstone inlaid on the face of the ring, Linde took it off, and the ring itself was dropped casually, Ah Fu quickly grabbed it.

"I hold the resurrection stone, and I am here to summon the souls of the dead—"

Linde showed a narrow expression, and continued: "——Lily Evans."

There was some fog around Gunter's old house, and a pale figure came out of the fog.

This woman has a pair of impressive green eyes.

"Stranger, who are you?"

"I'm Linde, just call me De Lin." The transfer student stroked his chest in greeting, "Ms. Lily Evans, Mrs. Potter, I heard that you are quite accomplished in Potions, and I just need a teaching assistant." , share the lessons at Hogwarts for me. This is a fair deal. In exchange, I can create a body for you and help you fully resurrect, but the premise is that you can't expose yourself before completing the commission true identity."

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