The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 250 The End of the Creator and the Creator

Inside the Planeswalker, the unconscious Rocket suddenly opened his eyes.

He frowned on the raccoon's eyebrows, looked around vigilantly, and found no danger, so he relaxed a little.

Since leaving Anti-Earth hand in hand with Lila, these two little animals have experienced countless adventures in the star sea. The outside world is extremely dangerous, people are scheming against each other, and civilizations are fighting each other. For the weak wanderers, if they are not careful, their bones will be swallowed up.

When Rocket and Lila drove the spaceship given by the adults to wander the galaxy, the first stop was the notorious place of ignorance, a sinful world full of vagrants, scammers, and violent madmen. They were tricked out of the spaceship there, and Lyra's two metal arms were almost taken off by the gangsters.

The dark truth of the universe greatly shocked their pure hearts. In order to protect each other, the pair of reformed little monsters quickly learned all illegal activities by virtue of their ingenuity. Soon, there were two more thieves who roamed the stars in the world, and their feelings quickly heated up, and they became soul mates.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, they soon quarreled over trivial daily matters, and finally felt that they were no longer the original partners, and angrily announced their disbandment. The raccoon found another partner, his name was Groot, he was a living log, a very good man, and reminded Rocket of a friend.

Wandering through this icy galaxy, Rocket and Lila never forgot their warm childhood. They regard Anti-Earth as their forever home, and believe that the noble adults must have built Utopia, so that all animals can live in happiness and peace . This warm faith supports them to overcome difficulties and desperation.

Rocket’s memory stays not long ago, when he was caught off guard by the Sovereigns, because not long ago, a raccoon with hands and feet stole the Sovereigns’ energy battery. A star is an extremely precious commodity. After the Sovereigns found out that the energy battery was lost, they were completely crazy. They went to the sky and went to the earth to dig through the stars of the Milky Way to catch this evil raccoon.

At that time, Rocket participated in a mechanic competition on Xandar, and was hit by a Sovereign bullet. He knew he was going to die, but unfortunately, Laila didn't know it yet, and she didn't know it.

Now it seems that things have turned a corner, the rocket is not dead, and is alive and well.

He found that all the injuries on his body had been healed, except that he was a little tired. This may be because he had too many weird nightmares when he was in a coma. He met an evil and cruel black-skinned ghost, and he also dreamed that his friend died tragically under the gun of the highest evolution. Such a dream made Rocket feel ashamed and felt that it was a betrayal of the adults.

Rocket will never forget the adult's caress, and from beginning to end, it can make the raccoon shudder. It has been many years since he returned to the adult's side. Those beautiful years are vivid in his mind, but he almost forgot the warmth of the adult's embrace.

"Mr. Rocket!" Qiao Jiani shouted in surprise, "You finally woke up!"

"You...oh, it's you." Rocket had an impression of the little blue-skinned girl, "Why did I appear here? Where is this place?"

"You're on the Planeswalker, and now the Planeswalker is docked at Anti-Earth."

"What?! Where are you talking?" Rocket suddenly grabbed Qiao Jiani's collar excitedly.

"Anti-Earth. Mister Rocket, can you let me go?"

Rocket threw off his collar in confusion, hugged his head, and paced back and forth on the hospital bed, "No, no, I can't come back. My lord said that my destiny is not here." He stared at Qiao Jiani viciously, "Take me to the cockpit , I'm leaving now."

Groot in the corner of the room opened his eyes and was delighted to find the energetic rocket, and he shouted: "I am Groot!"

"Okay, isn't I in good shape? Don't make a fuss, look at this blue-skinned girl for me now."

Seeing Rocket jump out of the bed and run out, Qiao Jiani couldn't help but panic, "Stinky raccoon! You are not allowed to mess with the spaceship!" She hurried to chase, but the conscientious Groot embarrassedly stopped at the door.

"Mr. Groot! Why are you messing around with the stinky raccoon?"

Groot was so ashamed to face others, turned into a tree, blocked the door, and then began to pretend to be dead.

Fortunately, Qiao Jiani carried a communicator with her and quickly notified the planeswalkers of the rocket's plan.

At this moment, on the anti-earth, Linde, Tony, Moon Shadow, Carrie, Stan and Little Snake are sitting on the edge of the top floor of the Twin Towers, sharing beer and German sausage, dangling their feet in the air, watching the sunset over the ruins of New York.

Tony ate his hands full of oil and water. He looked at the lonely street and the broken world after the war, and said with emotion: "Is it possible that everyone will come to this point in the end?" No one answered.

Qiao Jiani's anxious cry came from the communicator on her shoulder: "Mr. Stark, the raccoon has woken up and hijacked the spaceship. He wants to drive away the Planeswalker!"

Tony tilted his head and pressed the talk button, and replied, "We see, don't worry. I'll take care of it." He casually wiped the grease off his trouser legs, gulped down his beer, and casually left the building. Then with both hands supported, he jumped down from the edge of the building and fell rapidly. In the next second, the brilliant magic armor covered his body, the light wings spread out, and the roaring jet shattered the remaining glass, and the Iron Mage soared into the sky. Chase their cars.

Rocket piloted the Planeswalker over New York, trembling all over, tears in his eyes.

Looking at the eternal hometown in my heart, it turned out to be a ruin of war. Where is the so-called utopia?

The Iron Mage flew to hover in front of the Planeswalker, and Tony's voice came from the radio: "Hey, Sleeping Bear, you finally woke up, where are you going to take the ship?"

Rocket pressed the comm button and asked, "What's going on here?"

"Eh? You mean why this city looks like a piece of shit?" Tony shrugged. "You have to ask the captain, he knows everything."

"This is not the anti-earth, this is the earth, right?"

"I'm pretty sure this isn't my home." Tony said impatiently, "Hey, bitch, you should stop."

The raccoon hung up the communication, turned the bow of the boat, and was about to head towards the sky.

Tony raised his eyebrows, "This is your fault." He snapped his fingers, "Jarvis, disconnect the energy source of the spaceship and turn off the engine."

The Iron Suit incorporates technology. Tony implanted the artificial intelligence Jarvis into the suit, which is also the central control brain of the Planeswalker.

"Yes, Mister Stark."

The planeswalker lost power and began to fall. Tony flew under the ship, lifted the bottom of the ship with both hands, and brought it to the top of the twin towers.

"Huh, this thing is quite heavy."

Linde squinted and smiled, "Stark, if you drag a nuclear bomb into a wormhole, you won't complain like this. At least the ship won't kill you."

"Come on, Lin, there is something in your words." Tony pouted at him.

The raccoon got out of the spaceship, pulled its ears with both hands, and cursed: "This is not the anti-Earth! I want to go home! You bastards are lying to me!"

"Rocket." Linde looked back sideways. His back was so familiar to the raccoon, and his eyes seemed to be burned in the bone marrow.

The raccoon trembled unknowingly, "You are...the one from Earth...but what are you doing?"

"Why do you look like a person, right?" Linde joked, "Yes, I am the highest evolution."

"Impossible! How dare you pretend to be an adult!" Rocket rushed forward madly, about to tear open the wizard's lying mouth with sharp claws.

But a big warm hand gently caressed the raccoon's back. From the beginning to the end, the familiar feeling made Rocket's bones soft, and he let out a comfortable and reassuring sigh.

"How is it possible, what did you do to me?" Rocket asked lazily, his eyes panicked.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Linde shook his head helplessly, "Your body is very honest, you still remember me, but your eyes don't recognize me. Rocket, when did you become dull? Life outside is difficult, right? Welcome home, my work, my work child."

The wizard took out a golden mask from his pocket and gently put it on his face.

The sockets of Rocket's eyes were moistened unconsciously. He remembered the distant afternoon when he saw the gene accelerator. Seeing the brilliance of humanity in the eyes of the beast made him cry. At that time, he thought everything in the world was bright.

Over decades of wandering, all the heartache and sorrow flowed from the withered sea like a dead tide.

"My lord... I miss you so much."

"Okay, okay, don't panic, from now on, you can stay here, your fate has changed." Linde patted the raccoon's back lightly.

"Congratulations." Ms. Moon Shadow applauded lightly.

"Congratulations." Stan Lee was also applauding. "I wish Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy director) was here."

Tony interrupted the atmosphere, "Are you serious? Do you really want to play "EVA"? Don't."

"So, straight men are boring." Ms. Moon Shadow glanced at him.

"I was wrong, sorry."

Rocket cried for a while, and then asked in a panic: "My lord, how did your utopia become like this? What happened? Are Banban and Daya okay?"

Linde nodded and said, "Let's go, you must really want to know the truth."

He led the rocket to the ruins of the starship where the experimental body was created. The experimental garden here is already dusty, but there are still three rooms with residents on the top floor.

When Rocket saw Leila, Banban and Daya again, he cried again.

Laila laughed and cried, "I knew you'd come back. I didn't wait for nothing, my friend."

The appearance of Banban is still the same as before. This white little angel squatted in the studio, and described the civilization story of anti-earth with a pen. From Banban's clear narration, Rocket learned that when the Supreme Evolution created the orcs, they Mild, but still not a perfect race, with the change of living conditions and the emergence of classes, the orcs fell into infighting and wars, and the world was messed up in just ten years. Then, they came to the Creator's car, found the gene accelerator, and continued to evolve through this machine until they became a completely different future life, possessing unparalleled intelligence and knowing the past and future.

Banban said in her innocent and lively tone: "Then they decided not to have a body, and everyone turned into a soul and flew into the universe. Then Da Ya brought the gene accelerator back and locked it in the warehouse."

Linde made the final conclusion: "This is the story of Utopia."

Rocket was silent for a while, and asked the creator: "Is this the utopia you want?"

"Probably not. But it's an answer. Any answer is great, and you can't deny it by liking."

The raccoon hugged Lind gently, and the otter, rabbit, and walrus came up, their furry, fleshy hugs so warm.

Rocket said softly: "I want to bring my friends to find a new life. Can you bless us?"

The corners of Linde's eyes were slightly moist. Even Rocket knew for the first time that the Creator would shed tears.

"You're going to have a good trip, you understand?"

"Thank you, my lord, and goodbye."

I don’t know if everyone is still satisfied with this ending. The next step is the plot of Silver Guardian 2. After fighting Ego, we will find Thanos, and then end the Marvel chapter.

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