The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 210 Chapter 29: The Lost Creation Brush

Chapter 210 Chapter 209: The Lost Creation Brush

A month after Lynd left the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Brooklyn, New York.

Lightning and thunder suddenly struck the dark street, and an orange-painted fast food truck appeared out of thin air. The tires rubbed against the ground and made screeching brakes. He stopped in front of the side entrance of a 711 convenience store.

Linde gently opened the door handle, but the entire door fell off. As the driver's side door fell, other fragile parts of the car body began to rain. The hood and the rearview mirror hung crookedly, and a puff of pungent white smoke spewed out from the hood, as if with a sigh, the car was completely shut down and could not be started.

He jumped out of the car to check the situation. On the way back this time, the energy of the Rainbow Bridge was exhausted, and the huge pressure brought by the faster-than-light travel was mostly offset by the shield supported by Linde, but the aftermath still made this ordinary van The bus was beaten up.

The surface of the car body is covered with subtle deep scratches, some high-energy particles pass through the magic barrier, and the radiation after decay remains on the car body, just like the side of an old sailing ship. track. People who don't know see this fast food truck and think it's the kind of junk that has been driving for more than ten years.

But its mission should indeed be over, whether as a fast food truck or a space-time shuttle.

"Goodbye, man."

Linde patted the car body, and with a bang, the front bumper also fell to the ground.

He originally thought about using this good car that saved people from water and fire to go back to Stan's house by himself, and then store it in the garage as a souvenir, but now it depends on the situation and can only be scrapped.

Lind called the towing company and commissioned them to take the car to the scrap yard, then walked the two blocks back to Stan's villa.

Standing in front of the villa, Linde frowned. He was very inspired and could detect the thoughts attached to dead objects, and this house told him that his empty and warm body had been empty for several mornings and evenings. . As for the specific number of days, don't embarrass the soul of a house. It is a bit stupid and doesn't understand the concept of time invented by the hairless apes.

Anyway, Stan isn't home, and neither are Galli and new tenant Saul.

Linde turned the doorknob and opened it smoothly. It seemed that the owner of the house left in a hurry.

The living room was a bit messy, but there was no burglar, and the open windows let the wind mess up the contents of the house, and it was covered with a thin layer of floating dust.

There was a lot of glass shards from soda bottles in the trash can, and on the floor next to the refrigerator, as well as a large pool of solidified dark green sugar, where someone had smashed a soda bottle.

Linde unfolded the Book of Mora.

"Ah, lord, are you ready to start a magnificent and beautiful movement?" Hermaeus's deep, lazy and flattering tone floated from the pages of the book.

"Catch some echoes of history for me. It's not difficult for you." Linde gently pressed the page of the book, and an ice-green magical aura spread like a wave, covering the living room.

Text emerges from the Book of Mora.

——Sol lived in Stan Lee's house. The Nordic god of thunder annoyed the god king Odin because of his reckless behavior, so he was expelled by his father, and he was deprived of the right to use divine power and Thor's hammer. Sol, who had become a mortal, didn't realize that he was in an embarrassing situation. When he woke up, he immediately recruited Stan Lee, asking this old Midgard (the human world in Nordic mythology) mortal to be his entourage, help He embarked on a journey to find the hammer.

Stan Lee refused Saul's rude request, and he also asked Saul to obey his command because it was his house. He is the owner of the house and the speaker here.

Sol was frank and open-minded, and since the old human didn't know how to praise, he stopped pestering him, but went out alone, was knocked down by a car while crossing the road, and nearly died. He finally found that he had lost all his powers and had nowhere to go for a while, so he stayed in the storage room on the first floor of Stan's house.

There, he got a mattress, a set of bedding, a vacuum cleaner and cardboard boxes as companions. Thor felt that Midgard's mortal habitat was too simple, and he was unaware of his family status as a pet.

Sol's greatest pleasure every day is to drink soda, and then throw the empty bottle on the ground and smash it to pieces, shouting for another bottle. Stan Lee felt that this guy was noisy and noisy, very useless, and he was so stupid that he was easy to deceive. Seeing how big he was, he sold him to the construction site to be ashes. Sol became the most handsome construction worker in Brooklyn for a while, and quite a few housewives asked him to expand into the plumbing business.

The upright Saul refuses to be exploited by women for labor, and buys soda and fried chicken burgers when he earns money. He spends a leisurely time on earth here. Until fourteen days ago, the accident happened. Stan drank a bottle of poisoned soda, and the first sip made him sick. He had a severe poisoning reaction and his life was hanging by a thread. Saul immediately sent him to the doctor—

The records on the Book of Mora stopped, and the echoes of this area have been collected.

Linde frowned. He wasn't worried about Stan's safety at all. The old man's poisoning was nothing more than a cameo in another movie.

It seems to be the plot of "Invincible Hulk"?

In order to control the Hulk in his body, the Hulk Banner hid in Brazil to cultivate his mind. During this period, he worked in a soda filling factory and cut his finger accidentally. The blood dripped into several soda bottles. Can recycle all the contaminated soda bottles that lead to the flow of poisoned beverages into the United States.

This bottle of soda happened to be drunk by Stan Lee, and he definitely did it on purpose. The old man entered the hospital, and a strange mutation occurred in his body. The military got the news, and as soon as they heard the clues of Hulk, they immediately went to Brazil to arrest him. In a few days, the battle between the Hulk and the abominable monster will start in Manhattan, which is evident in the disasters and disasters in this place in New York.

What Linde is curious about now is the whereabouts of Gali. The little girl must be very hungry at home alone, and she is probably wandering outside looking for food at the moment.

As he walked upstairs, there were signs of a struggle between the corridor and the bedroom, the floor and walls were full of radiating cracks, and the trajectory stretched from Galley's bedroom to Stan's workshop, and finally disappeared outside the window.

The aura of the Book of Mora shrouded again.

——Three days after Stan Lee and Thor left, the hungry Janata (Gali's name) decided to find food on her own, but her appetite was so great that even if she swallowed the earth, it would only be enough for one meal full meal.

After a few unsuccessful foraging campaigns, Ganata had an idea and decided to tackle the root cause of her problem. So she used Stan Lee's paintbrush to take out the source of her hunger.

It turned out that the culprit behind Ganata's chronic starvation was a cosmic tapeworm in her body, which had inherited the powers of Galactus and was in fact Ganata's child.

Ganata named the bug Yemengard, which was undoubtedly influenced by Sol. Yemengard, a self-proclaimed worldly serpent, decided to devour the earth. Ganata resolutely refused, so there was a dispute with it, Yemengard swallowed Stan's pen, and then flew into space, Ganata followed closely, and disappeared into the depths of the sky together——

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