The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 206 Chapter 250: The fast food truck reverses the future!

Chapter 206 Chapter 205 The fast food truck reverses the future!

These days, The Amazing Spider-Man lives in the attic of Stan's house, and the spider in the attic sounds very appropriate. The original plan was for Linde to teach him portal magic, and after he learned it, he could travel to and from the parallel universe.

In this way, Peter can take care of two universes, one is work and the other is life. When Linde talked about this with him, Peter was so beautiful that his nose was soaked. But after all, he is the Spider-Man with a strong sense of justice, and he has a heavy responsibility on his heart. He can't let go of the people of the other world, and he can't let go of Gwen from the other world.

Peter wouldn't lie to himself and say: Gwen is Gwen, they're the same.

In fact, the difference exists objectively. Gwen in the extraordinary world is accompanied by Peter, and she is full of bits and pieces of a person in high school, while Gwen in this world does not have Peter Parker in her life.

Even though they are essentially the same person, their different experiences make them never equal. The ship of Theseus can constantly replace parts, but it cannot change the sea area it has sailed. Those wind and waves have truly beat on the ship's side. The tangible planks cannot determine the truth of a ship, but the invisible history can make it unique.

Linde drives the food truck back to Stan's house.

There are many superhero figures on the display shelves on the first floor. On the first day Peter moved in, Linde warned him not to touch these toys easily unless he wanted to travel to other universes.

"Are we going to use those toys now?" Peter rubbed his hands, staring at the figurine representing himself.

"That's useless." Linde explained to Peter. "Usually, when you travel to the past to change history, you will only create a parallel timeline. For yourself, the result is unchanged."


"So we have to use another thing."

Linde took Peter to Stan's workshop. The old man was erasing a draft with an eraser, and Linde leaned over to take a look, okay, this guy Stan is already describing the youthful love story of Amnesia Spider-Man, who transferred to Midtown High, and his fan girl Gwen.

This is what happened after Linde erased Peter's memory, and now it has become a scrap.

Stan pursed his lips, looking disapproving.

"Old man, what are you doing with a sad face? Isn't it just to resurrect the dead, and the "Dragon Ball" next door also resurrects the whole earth every day."

"Lin, don't you understand? Spider-Man has his own destiny. This kid is destined to lose some important people in his life."

Linde recalled the plot of The Amazing Spider-Man, "Well, yes, they were sent away in a very bad way. Peter's uncle Ben Parker, seeing a robbing gangster would do justice, I doubt it How did he live to such an old age in the United States. His father-in-law, Sheriff George, died heroically in fighting against the Lizard Man, but if Peter had not given the key formula, the Lizard Man would not have appeared at all. Speaking of Gwen’s death, if Peter provided With his own blood, maybe Harry Osborn can develop the perfect potion without turning into the Green Goblin and killing Gwen."

Stan's face wrinkled, and he said with some sadness: "Many mistakes that seem to be redeemable are actually doomed. This is a road of no return."

"If it's the point of no return, then go all over again, it's not a big deal." Linde took the paintbrush from the old man, found a new piece of paper and wrote the title: "Spider-Man Back to the Future! ""

Stan sighed angrily, "Back to the Future? Use an old movie from the last century as the title. Compared to me, an old man who doesn't understand fashion, why not call it "Reversal of the Future"."

"You're confused, Stan, there's an X-Men story line called "Days of Future Past," and your title is nothing new."

Lin De moved so fast that the paintbrush was almost rubbing sparks on the manuscript paper.

He sets up his food truck to be hit by a mysterious energy from outer space, gaining the ability to travel through time and space, just in time to take The Amazing Spider-Man back to the night Uncle Ben was killed.

Linde just started, so he finished his work in a short while. He stuffed this piece of paper to Peter, "Take this and don't throw it away."

"What if I lose it?"

"Then hope no one tampers with it. Believe me, you won't like the results."

Peter put away the sketch in a daze, and followed Linde back to the food truck.

"Gary!" Linde greeted by the way, "Peter and I are going on a long trip, do you want to come with us to watch the excitement?"

"Is it an adventure in the universe? Is there any alien food?"

"No. Just go back in time."

"Forget it. I wish you all a good time." Jiali is an orthodox foodie, and she is loyal to food. As for taking risks, she is not in her consideration.

Peter scratched his head and asked, "Food truck hit by energy from outer space? How did that happen?"

"Didn't I finish the painting? You just need to wait a while." Linde looked up at the clear blue sky, and the weather in New York is fine today. "Look, did you see that?"

A starlight lit up in the daytime sky, and the light expanded rapidly, and then a colored laser beam hit the fast food truck parked in the courtyard impartially.

The howling wind blew the fence and the post box away.

When the rainbow pillars dissipated, a huge burning circular circle was left on Stan's lawn. A naked and robust man appeared out of nowhere, lay on the roof of the fast food truck, moved a few times in a daze, and then fell asleep.

Peter was stunned, "What's the situation?"

"Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, have you seen that brawny naked man? That's the god of thunder in Norse mythology."

Linde patted his head. This is the plot of "Thor 1". Thor was exiled to the earth by Odin, and he needs to go through trials to recover the power of Thor.

"It's a bit different from what I imagined, but it doesn't matter. After all, what I drew is only a draft, and the details are all due to coincidence."

Peter helped carry Saul off, "What are we going to do now?"

"Let Stan take care of this guy, go back and save your uncle first."

In this way, Sol, the muscular man who fell from the sky, somehow lived in the house of the creator god OAA. Stan Lee was very unhappy because the rainbow bridge in Asgard destroyed his lawn. The bedrooms on the second floor are full, and the loft already has Spider-Man. Sol can only live in the storage room on the first floor, sleeping with the vacuum cleaner.

"My house is almost turning into a hotel!" the old man complained, and said goodbye to Linde at the gate of the yard, "Have a good trip."

Linde started the fast food truck and slammed on the accelerator. The pointer of the speedometer turned faster than the fifth-speed electric fan. Peter, the co-pilot, saw the scenery outside the window distorted rapidly because the speed of the car exceeded the speed of light. The light was thrown down, it was extremely dark, and the front was extremely bright, as if they had crashed into a white hole.

In the blink of an eye, the fast food truck entered the tunnel of time and space, and the body shook violently, as if it was about to fall apart.

Peter's spider sensor frantically called the police, and his intuition told him that if he fell into the space-time vortex outside the car, he would definitely die ugly.

Spider-Man, who was used to jumping from tall buildings, couldn't help screaming.


Linde on the side held the steering wheel with one hand, enjoying the super-light speed racing experience, he said loudly: "Hey Peter, have you read a novel called "The First Chaos in History", in which there is a car that can travel through time I'm sure you haven't read it, but it's a very interesting novel!"

His voice was drawn out like an eternity. The food truck is shortened in the shadow of space and time, shorter than an atom.

Then, Peter's eyes went dark.

He briefly lost consciousness.

"Hey—Peter...wake up."

Someone patted his cheek. Peter opened his eyes. It was Linde. The young wizard was pale, with cold sweat on his forehead, but he was in a good state of mind. "Peter, we are here, get out of the car."

They jumped out of the food truck and looked around. It was still New York, but it was night instead of day.

"Hey, Peter." A familiar voice sounded from behind.

He turned his head and saw that it was Uncle Ben standing in front of him alive.

"Oh my god—" Peter murmured in disbelief, and then hugged Uncle Ben who had been reunited for a long time.

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