The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 177 Wishing you a happy death

The Christmas holiday is over, and since the start of school, Hogwarts students have felt the turbulence of the outside world, and they are even more greedy for the warm sanctuary of the campus. The situation of the world has nothing to do with this place, and the wind and waves cannot come in.

If there must be any impact, it is that those construction companies from Europe have withdrawn from the project, and the construction progress of the new campus has to be delayed.

Since January, Europe has been trembling under the shadow of the expansion of the Dark wizards, and the Muggles have been almost helpless. France once again performed the unique skill of surrendering at the speed of light. On January 23rd, Grindelwald visited Paris in person, and the local Ministry of Magic and the People's Federation branch desperately resisted, but they persisted until February 1st before the entire territory fell.

The rest of the small countries have no temper. The black wizards, werewolves, vampires, giants and other forces of the evil camp have risen up one after another, sweeping away the old party to welcome the king. Dark creatures were seen wandering the streets in many places, and riots occurred frequently. In the end, it was the dark wizards from the German Ministry of Magic who came forward to maintain order.

On March 3rd, Grindelwald formally took over the Ministry of Magic of various European countries and established the European Union of Magic. Thanks to the precise and fatal blows, the bloodshed and shock caused by the war of wizards seizing power were controlled in a small area, and most citizens and rural residents did not feel the direct impact.

Just as the Gulf War changed the concept of modern warfare, this wizard war also broke all the previous illusions of the Ministry of People's Federation.

The modern civilization that the Muggles are proud of is vulnerable. Grindelwald's Legion completed the power change overnight by precisely attacking the upper elite. Before the soldiers had time to raise their weapons to defend the motherland, the general ordered surrender. Disintegrating the organizational structure of the community from the inside is almost bloodless.

Such a methodical conquest shocked the world. The Wizarding Wars can be said to have begun. But at present, only the evil side is on the stage, and the righteous men fighting for the general public are still scattered.

If the means of containment cannot be found, then the global fall is only a matter of time.

At such a critical juncture, Lockhart took the initiative to stand up. He wants to duel with Grindelwald, just like the duel between Dumbledore and Grindelwald back then, the outcome will be decided and history will be decided.

The duel time is scheduled for April 1st at Hogwarts, and they will have a wizard duel under the notarization of Dumbledore.

Lockhart delivered a speech, saying that he would fight the Dark Lord to the death on behalf of ordinary people all over the world, as well as all wizards who did not succumb to evil.

At that time, hundreds of millions of viewers shed tears for this radiant man. Everyone said that they had misunderstood Gilderoy Lockhart before, and it turned out that he was really a good man.

The most high-profile duel at the end of the twentieth century was inevitable. Everyone predicted the result in advance and expressed regret about it. If there is no accident, mankind will soon lose the most famous wizard in history.

May his noble soul rest in peace in the afterlife.

Today is March 22nd.

It is cold spring, and the snow at Hogwarts has not melted yet.

With his hands in his pockets, the great Lockhart, accompanied by Dumbledore, visited the new campus, and his gaze stayed on the White Tower to the north.

"Schools have changed a lot," he said.

"Yes." Dumbledore was a little absent-minded.

"Professor, please accept my belated apology. I know the inside story of that trial. It was your insistence on not accepting Muggle solicitation that made me worthy of living."

Dumbledore didn't expect that when he saw Lockhart again, it would be like a completely changed person.

He talked eloquently, without the exaggeration of the past.

Lockhart had changed into a sleek back, and there was a clear scar at the corner of his eye, which was obviously caused by a Muggle's metal wand. It is a fantasy that such a man who regards his grace as his life allows his face to be scarred.

"You've been through a lot. Can you tell me about it?"

Lockhart sighed viscerally, "I was useless. All heroic things were stolen from others. It wasn't until I became famous that I realized I wasn't ready."

He pointed to the scar at the corner of his eye, "At the end of last year in New York, Brooklyn, a Muggle homeless man pointed a gun at me, he said he was a collector, Italian oil paintings, Chinese poems, Greek sculptures, worth 100 million yuan Wan, all turned into me overnight. He shot me in the head. I thought I was dead, but the Ministry of People's Federation saved me. They always save me, but I never thank them , On the contrary, I am very afraid of them. In just three months, their infiltration into the magical world has reached the point where it is everywhere. The position of Minister of Magic was operated for me by the Ministry of People's Federation, and I must obey them. "

"These people have always harbored malicious intentions." Dumbledore nodded, "Since you chose prosperity and wealth, you have to accept the result, don't you?"

For a time after the trial, Lockhart lived in even greater difficulty.

Once he became famous, everyone shouted and beat him. At that time, everyone regarded him as an unlucky guy, a punching bag, and anyone who saw him would step on his feet. After the trial, he became a model wizard in the eyes of Muggles, and he was once again regarded as a sweet potato.

During that time, Lockhart didn't have to spend money to eat at any restaurant in New York. He could choose whatever he wanted in the mall, and it wasn't a problem to take as much as he wanted. He can hook up with popular actresses in Hollywood with just one look. He lives in the presidential suite and rides in a stretched Lincoln car when he goes out. The story is enough to make a movie.

This is the benefit of being famous, but it also attracts coveted people with malicious intentions.

"Professor, do you know why I changed my hairstyle?" Lockhart's curly hair was very conspicuous, but when he took off the wig, he could see that his entire head was bald and his head was shiny.

Dumbledore wanted to laugh, but held back, he knew why, "Someone made Polyjuice Potion out of your hair."

"That's right, last November, a group of dark wizards captured me. They fed me hair growth spirit, and pulled out my hair ten times a day. My hair follicles are dead." Lockhart looked sad, and pulled back his front hair again. , Covering the bald top of his head, he touched his lower body desolately at the same time, obviously it wasn't just the hair on his head that suffered.

In Knockturn Alley, Lockhart's hair can be sold for a sky-high price of one hundred Galleons, and buyers flock to it because they know that the benefits they will get will far exceed one hundred Galleons.

All over the world, there are wizards who use Polyjuice Potion to pretend to be Lockhart. They are experts in deception. They go to developed countries to deceive capitalists, to primitive tribes to deceive indigenous people, to deceive money and sex, and to steal rare things from others. Lockhart's notoriety is known to everyone from Antarctica to Greenland.

Lockhart, who has low personal strength and almost zero political wisdom, played a good hand of cards to a pulp. As he himself said, he was not ready to be famous, so he flew into the sky, either fell to his death, or was eaten by a god up.

From October last year to March this year, he didn't have a single follower around him, didn't form a faction, didn't form a reliable network of relationships, and spent his precious development time on eating, drinking and having fun.

After several narrow escapes, he fully saw his abilities. Lockhart chooses to cooperate with the Ministry of People's Federation, as a marionette, he can not only get protection, but also maintain a good life.

"They actually asked me to deal with Grindelwald! They also said that there is a way to deal with him. But this clearly wants me to die," Lockhart said in tears, "If Merlin gave me another chance, I must..."

"Must be something?" A young man in black came over, "Mr. Lockhart, how are you doing recently?"

"Oh, De Lin! Long time no see, my best friend." Lockhart smiled through tears, as if seeing a relative, ran over and tried to give a warm hug, but was blocked by Linde.

"Mr. Lockhart, I don't think our relationship is even a nodding acquaintance." Linde smiled, "I'm really flattered to hear that you made a special trip to visit me. I'm just a young student, and How can it be worth the visit of the great Gilderoy Lockhart, the savior of all mankind?"

Is it because you are hiding in Hogwarts and refuse to come out? Lockhart cursed inwardly.

Lockhart squeezed out a sincere smile, "De Lin, you see, I have never offended you, have I?"

Linde: "..."

Lockhart asked expectantly, "Then can I ask you something?"

"what is it then?"

"Please expose my true colors in front of everyone. Please tell the whole world that I made a wish to the Demon God to make myself the most famous person. Let me be ruined and let me stand trial, okay?"

It seems that even if the world ends, some people will still not change, Lockhart is still the same Lockhart. Forced by the People's Federation to fight Grindelwald, he did not hesitate to expose his crimes in order to save his life.

"You know, people won't believe me when I say that, right? People just think I'm trying to discredit a real hero."

"Then I will cooperate with you."

"People will see you as noble and willing to take on the stigma."

Lockhart was whiter than the snow on the Hogwarts tower.

Linde looked at him and nodded, "Well, if nothing else happens, you're dead."

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