The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 173 The Difference Between Warm Colors

The banquet in the tavern didn't last long. On the fourth day of the Christmas holiday, basically all the guests were gone.

All gatherings are for parting, just as all partings are for reunion. Between two encounters is life.

Dragonborn was the first one to leave, and his hometown was still in war, so he wanted to go back to help people in distress. Lind had hinted to him that if the Dragonborn wanted to rule the skies, Winterhold would provide him with a level of support that would allow him to build his own military power, but the Dragonborn refused.

"I was not born to be an emperor," he said, "just an adventurer."

Dragonborn said that the vampire activities in Skyrim Province are rampant recently, and he plans to join the organization of vampire hunters to fight against evil together.

It was Dumbledore who left after Dragonborn, and the old professor had to go to Hogwarts to preside over the overall situation. There was no way, who would let a monster return this Christmas.

The other guests had a good time drinking and chatting, and they also left one after another.

The tavern quickly became deserted, and Ms. Yueying applied for another world exploration, intending to visit the godman Lani at the junction. She just likes to see the scenery of different worlds. Linde estimated that she would only be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for one year, after all, she was a traveling frog.

Now only Linde and the three girls are left in the tavern.

Linde felt empty, but they seemed happy.

The lobby on the first floor of the tavern has a bar, stage and dining area. The spiral staircase in the northeast corner connects the second floor and the cellar, and a narrow door next to the stairs leads to the kitchen. On the second floor are eight single rooms opposite each other for travelers to rest. After the guests left, Lin De and the others moved to the second floor. Carrie went back to the library tower, because now the banquet was over and he was not busy anymore.

Linde added a TV to the tavern. When the tavern was closed, the four of them sat on the sofa to watch the news, eat snacks, and drink beer.

On December 31st, it was reported on TV that Grindelwald appeared in Berlin. The first thing this guy did was to force the Minister of Magic to resign in public.

When he dominated the European magic world, the team left behind was not completely liquidated. Many loyal followers have been waiting for the return of King Grindelwald. Coupled with the turmoil in the current situation and panic, the Dark Lord's ascension to the throne was expected by all, and the transfer of power went smoothly this time, with basically no disturbances.

But the external turmoil caused by this incident is not small.

The name Grindelwald is unfamiliar to many Muggles, but when they heard that he was active during World War II and was a German, everyone immediately became vigilant. In addition, Grindelwald's public speeches after he came to power were to establish a new order of wizard rule. Muggles are inferior races and should be controlled. If Muggles want to be slaves, there are too many elements. .

The expansion of the Dark Lord is unstoppable. With such a powerful enemy, the People's Federation also anxiously appeals to all countries to unite, stop all disputes, and must focus on dealing with wizard wars.

Just one year after the end of the Cold War, the world situation is tense again.

During the Christmas holiday, Three Cups Wine House received many tourists, all of whom were in danger of life, including wizards and Muggles, adults and children.

Air crashers living on a deserted island ate a full meal in the wine house, slept again, and woke up the next day and returned to the civilized world. Lost in a blizzard, a frozen scientist saw a warm tavern when he was dying. He thought he was hallucinating, drank to his heart's content, and returned to the scientific research station when he went out. A child suffering from cancer wishes to become a bird living in the clouds. After drinking butter beer, he dreams that he becomes a chivalrous knight. When he wakes up, the cancer is cured and he has grown a head of hair...

Wine houses always appear in unexpected ways, full of mystery. Some believers claim that this is a place favored by God, and Linde and the others are here to rescue those in distress. Those who drank those three glasses of wine all had a dream come true.

With the media reports, more and more people know about this magical tavern that appeared on Christmas. Some people believe it and think it is a magical fairy tale, while others don't believe it and think it is a scam organized by the official organization.

In any case, Three Cups Wine House has become a rare warm color in the current tense situation. Many desperate people have regained their confidence in life because of the Three Cups of Wine House. They look forward to walking into the pub one day and getting drunk to their heart's content.

The thoughts gathered in the wine house became more and more intense. Linde could feel the free thinking strings from brick to tile, reciprocating like a sea tide, but the loose thinking strings failed to gather together to form the shell of the soul as he imagined. What critical element is missing.

After trying to rule out various possibilities, Linde still couldn't find the reason. The study of the soul is very esoteric and obscure, and the mind body is even more related to the road to becoming a god. It can be regarded as the ultimate mystery in the multiverse, so there are very few relevant materials, and he can only explore it alone.

In the experiment designed by Linde, after the thought body of the Three Cups Traveling Wine House is formed, it will form a ghost-like structure, and then you can try to give this ghost magical power. Since the souls of dead things were not fundamentally different from the souls of living things, once the experiment was successful, he could create wizards, or convert Muggles into wizards.

It would be interesting if all the people on earth became wizards. With magic, no one will go hungry by then.

It's just that things are going on for a long time, and the nostalgic body of the wine house has been unable to form for a long time.

Thoughts are also stored in many ordinary objects in life, such as old houses that have lived in for many years, antiques that have experienced vicissitudes of life, painstakingly painstaking paintings, etc., but they have no soul.

Linde believes that his theory is not wrong, that the soul can be formed by thoughts. He also made a prophecy, saw a glimmer of hope for success, but it was too vague, too remote.

Seeing the time passing day by day, still no progress, Linde finally sentenced to death for this experiment, he is not disappointed, but a little regretful. In the process of learning and growing up, Linde has experienced a lot of failed magic experiments like this, and it will hurt his confidence at first, but gradually he doesn't take it to heart.

The Christmas holidays are coming to an end, and the tavern has teleported to London. Lynd was going to hide it on a street corner in Lower London and seal it under a spell.

Let this magical magic tavern stay in people's memory forever.

The last day the tavern is open. It was near evening when Lin De came down from the second floor.

The TV in the lobby was still broadcasting the news about Three Cups Wine House. Similar reports were common, but the three women never got tired of watching them. They each have their own reasons for liking the news, but Linde can't figure it out.

He went to the stage to check the Book of Mora, but couldn't find the right tune. Looking at the weather outside, counting the time, he began to tidy up the tables and chairs and clean up.

"Are you ready to close?" Malika knew that the wine shop was going to be closed, and she stood behind the counter a little at a loss.

"Well. The tavern is closed." Linde cleaned the corners of the hall without using magic. This thing is very convenient, but sometimes it is because it is so convenient that people get out of life and forget the simple joy of labor.

He wiped a small round table of thick mahogany with a rag. Three meals a day are eaten at this table, and the four of them often chat about each other's past and preferences. Even the most taciturn Melina smiled at the table several times.

This Christmas holiday, they play their respective roles in the tavern, receive the customers selected by the Book of Mora, travel around the world with the tavern, see different scenery, and deal with different people. The step-by-step days are gone in the blink of an eye up.

"It's so short, it's like a dream." Millicent murmured, "I will never forget this wine house." She showed a reluctant face, "Linde, I really want to be by your side forever."

"I don't deserve the company of any of you." Linde always said truthfully, "I am a cold person in the final analysis, and you should not waste your life trying to influence me, but create your own splendor."

They didn't refute Linde's words. This man did what he said. As keen as Brelina, she has realized it a long time ago, so she has always called Linde the sun. He can shine on the world, but he is cold and far away.

Linde came to the kitchen to prepare the farewell dinner.

After eating this meal, they had to go their separate ways. Linde went back to Hogwarts, Malika went back to her bakery, Millicent continued her practice journey, and Melina continued to wander in the borderlands.

The character image of the protagonist is too thin. I am trying to add a little flesh and blood to him. In this process, it is inevitable to "kill the gods", that is, to give Linde more human emotions. I hope you like it.

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