The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 168 Happy Courage and Love

The music stops.

Millicent was standing by the door, and quickly opened the door.

A middle-aged man covered in snow and wearing a brown coat rushed in outside the door. He was out of breath and his thick face was dripping wet. He looked like a resident of a nearby village.

He looked around with a dazed expression, still gasping for breath, stammering and pointing at the dark woods outside the door, shouting: "Close the door! The wizard is coming! Evil wizard!"

This Muggle was apparently hunted down by a dark wizard, and his brain was in a state of confusion. All the guests present were silent.

"Merry Christmas, welcome to Three Cups Traveling Tavern." Linde asked for a glass of giggling liquor from the counter and handed it to the intruder, "Drink it, this is your first glass here."

He took the glass tremblingly, and after drinking it, he broke out into an uncontrollable laugh, which is what giggles are like.

When the man recovered from his panic, he started to get scared, so he burst into tears.

"Don't cry, you're safe here. What's your name?"

"Fabian, Fabian Bauer, sir."

Linde had a friendly tone, and pulled Bauer to sit on the high stool at the counter, "Still worried about that witch who hunted you down? Fate didn't invite her to the Three Cups Wine House, she can't see here, so don't Worried about her harm."

The Austrian farmer named Fabian was obviously a little confused. He looked around blankly. The guests gathered in this strange barren village shop were either strangely dressed or abnormal in appearance. He saw the dazzling dark elf moon shadow, I saw a strange four-handed woman with blue skin, and a group of strange dwarfs.

All the guests have started to drink lively again, and the cheerful music of toasting is played on the stage.

Fabian looked around, and suddenly saw an old woman wearing a wizard hat standing outside the door, holding a dog leash in her hand, leading a group of German shepherds.

"It's her! Here she comes!"

The guests in the wine room just glanced at the panicked Fabian and ignored him. The old witch outside the door circled around the wine house, but it seemed that she couldn't see the building. The dogs kept sniffing, and Fabian's footprints disappeared here, and the smell was also cut off here, as if disappearing out of thin air.

The old witch issued a seductive call: "Little lamb, where are you? Come out quickly. Hehe. Your friends and your family miss you very much."

She waved her magic wand, and the dogs she led received invisible whips and barked in pain. Among them was a female dog who was very young, whimpering in the chilly winter night.

Fabian clenched his fists and cried bitterly. He turned and begged Linde, "Friend, can you help me? I am willing to trade everything. My house, my car, savings, any part of me you can take if you like Go, please..."

Linde asked for another glass of wine from the counter. "Tequila Flame. This is your second cup."

"I don't want wine, sir, I just beg you to help me."

"Drink it, this is the rule of the Three Cups Wine House." Linde said, "Drinking people's wishes will come true, even if they don't, they can still have a good dream."

Looking at this young man from a foreign country, the farmer suddenly felt that what he said was very reasonable, so he took the glass and drank it down. The tequila rushed into the stomach along the throat and esophagus like a wire of fire, and his stomach was burning hot in an instant. Pain, and then infinite courage suddenly rose in his chest.

His muscles swelled and he became very brave, just like the heroes worshiped by the ancient Greeks. This glass of wine turned the ordinary Fabian into Hercules.

The guests in the tavern are all heroes and heroines who have experienced battles. It should be said that apart from the Finger Witch, Bilbo is not a warrior, but he is also a first-class snitch. They all applaud the Austrian peasants of the moment. This group of legends from different worlds smiled and nodded, or beat their chests, which greatly encouraged the ordinary Fabian.

The Dragonborn nodded to Lydia, his bodyguard, and Daughter of Nord lent Fabian a strange concave shield called "Spellbreaker", a precious magical artifact, erected shield It can form an anti-magic shield, which can be described as a mage killer. She handed over another steel sword, a sharp weapon forged by the famous Sky Furnace in Snowman City.

Fabian held the shield and sword, his hands and feet did not tremble at all, and he stood up and strode out the door.

"Oh, little lamb, where have you been? What are you holding in your hand?" The old witch smirked, and many wizards who lived alone would become unreasonable, and even their appearance would become ugly and weird.

She may be the young witch that Fabian's father saw back then, and she also appeared in Fabian's fantasy. The young Fabian wishfully thought that she was an elf who escaped from the world, but all good things will be defeated by time. Childlike innocence is also killed by money. Fabian's courage not only enables him to face invincible enemies, but also makes him dare to criticize himself.

"Wizard, I'm the one who disturbed you! Just kill me, my family members are innocent! Please let them go, as well as those tourists."

"Little lamb, those stupid Muggles you brought ruined my potion." The old witch's cheeks twitched in distress. "That's Felicity Elixir! Merlin's mother, do you know how much time and energy I have spent?"

Knowing that the negotiations had broken down, the Muggle screamed and charged at the witch with his shield raised.

All the spells that hit Fabian were blocked by the shield in his hand, and then a sword cut off the old witch's arm holding the rope neatly.

The old witch let out a sharp scream, and the apparition disappeared, leaving a huge sound in the snowy night atmosphere, like the crack of a whip.

A pack of whimpering dogs surrounded Fabian, most of them with red eyes, but two young male dogs stood in front of the farmer.

They bit each other, bleeding profusely in a blink of an eye, Fabian recognized that the dog protecting him was transformed from his two sons, so he hurriedly tried to pull the other dogs away, but they all went crazy and couldn't listen understand human language. Fabian yelled sorry and swung his sword to kill these mad dogs.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Fabian burst into tears with courage, "It's all my fault! I'm sorry!"

When he killed the mad dog, the two loyal dogs that protected him had also died.

Fabian was paler than the snow in Austria, but those two glasses of wine were still so powerful, and he was optimistic and courageous now.

"Woo." A puppy came running from the darkness, its soft nose arched Fabian's palm.

"Anna." He held the dog in his arms. "Where's Mom?"

The Austrian farmer looked around and saw only the dead bodies of dogs. Maybe his wife was one of the besiegers, or maybe she had escaped in the chaos.

Fabian smiled sadly, and looked back at the steaming tavern, the green-painted door was still open for him.

In the tavern, the music had stopped, and the guests looked towards the door.

Farmer Ball returns to the bar with his battered bitch in his arms.

"Can I have a third cup?" He returned the sword and shield to Lydia, and asked Linde again, full of hope.

Malika behind the counter looked at this ordinary man sadly, and she was ready to make a drink.

Linde nodded and said to the counter, "A glass of ginger beer." Malika smiled brightly.

Dumbledore stepped forward and sighed softly, "Can you let me see this child?" He took the little collie and healed the whip wound with a spell. Just when Fabian's eyes showed hope, the old wizard Sighing, "Unfortunately, she has been maliciously transformed for too long, even if she transforms back, she will not be able to restore human sanity."

Ginger beer has been wheeled over the counter, full by the pitcher.

Fabian couldn't wait to pick up the wine glass and drink it, as if he was drinking life-saving medicine. The wine overflowing from the corner of his mouth fell on little Anna, like a shower of rain, and the puppy shook his body. Most of the guests did not hesitate to toast with this man.

"A cup of happiness, a cup of courage, and a cup of love. Mr. Bauer, your consumption at the Three Cups Tavern is over, and it's time to pay the bill." Linde smiled.

Fabian, who was drunk, nodded, and took out a pile of banknotes from his body.

"Is that enough? That's all I have."

"No, we don't charge money." Linde took out a cypress wand, and nodded on the man's forehead, "Remember this wine house, and leave your thoughts behind. From now on, I will never see you again. Mr. Bauer, Christmas Good night."

Fabian fell asleep on the counter, and the puppy in his arms gradually regained its human form. The young girl looked up and said to Linde, "Thank you, big brother."

The music sounded again in the tavern, and there was the sound of cheers.

When Fabian Bauer woke up and returned home, he felt that he had had a long dream.

His wife had disappeared and his two sons had not returned. Fabian was in grief when he heard someone calling softly: "Daddy."

It was his daughter, who had been rehabilitated.

"Oh, Anna."

The villagers came to condolences, and the travelers came to the door one after another when they heard that a farmer had encountered a witch.

Fabian will always take the trouble to tell his amazing encounters, and soon a TV station will come to interview him. On this Christmas, a new legend has become popular in Europe and even the whole world.

—By the way, have you ever heard of Three Glasses Traveling Wine House? It was a warm and cozy place, always present in times of despair. It only serves three glasses of wine, but it can grant your three wishes.

--you have heard? That's great, be hopeful, maybe it will appear in front of you one day. Have you figured out which three glasses of wine to drink?

Post it first and then correct it, and check the typo again tomorrow. By the way, I wish everyone happy. Love you pinches.

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