Old Mrs. Longbottom had a tired look on her face, and there was an indescribably faint stench in the air of the ward. St. Mungo's Hospital is hidden in a Muggle department store, which naturally has a humorous metaphor. It seems that these patients can be regarded as commodities on the shelves. Lynd has now been invited to see two of them - Lady Longbottom and Mr Longbottom.

When customers choose products in the supermarket, they always look through the production date on the packaging box and check the production address. If it were a hospital, visitors would inevitably ask about the cause.

If the family members tell the patient that the patient can be cured, then the guests immediately comfort the family members as if they have found a step, saying that as long as the disease can be cured, no matter how much it costs, it is worth it. It's like persuading a person who feels distressed because of the purchase of luxury goods. Although he broke his fortune, it is worth it as long as he is in a happy mood.

Putting consumerism in the special environment of a hospital immediately reveals a black absurd atmosphere.

The reality is that many diseases cannot be cured, and the result is that people and money are often empty. At this time, any words of comfort are very pale.

Muggles have Muggle intractable diseases, and wizards naturally have their problems. For the families of these patients, magic is not enough, and only a miracle can save the family.

Old Mrs. Longbottom whispered the story of the couple, of their valor and integrity. Linde just listened and said nothing.

The sunlight pierced through the green curtains, making the ward as cold as a swampy forest. Neville's father was lying on the bed, like a middle-aged man taking a nap, snoring slightly, as if he could go to work as soon as he opened his eyes. A sleeping patient gave the family members great expectations, just like a dead machine Electronic products may work after restarting.

Neville's mother was awake at the moment, gray-haired and skeletal, as if she was more decayed than old Mrs. Longbottom. She was a little shy, and when she saw Linde, she stared at him suspiciously, and bent over so that she could look harmless.

Old Mrs. Longbottom introduced Lind to her, but she was not interested now. She looked past the visitor and saw Neville crying, so she walked slowly past Mrs. Longbottom's side, and walked briskly to Neville Before, she handed a piece of bubble gum wrapping paper to her son—this is a gift for him, and it is a very precious thing in her eyes.

She probably didn't understand what a son was, didn't remember who Neville was, she was just used to loving him.

"Neville, what should mother say when she gives you something?" The old lady's tone was a bit serious.

"Thank you." Neville took the candy wrapper and smiled cheerfully and shyly, with snot dripping down his front teeth.

Humming briskly, his mother staggered back to the hospital bed.

Old Mrs. Longbottom said softly, "Let's go." Then she raised her voice slightly, "Alice, we're going back."

Neville's mother sat on the edge of the bed and nodded slightly, her upper body shook slightly, without even looking at them. She seemed to be dozing off, and also like a broken loom, working in vain, trying to weave the memories of the past.

Before the old Mrs. Longbottom took Neville away, Linde finally spoke. He really didn't say a word before, "Ma'am, I'm going to visit Professor Dumbledore. The professor will be very happy if I bring Neville with me." See your students."

The stern old lady nodded in agreement.

Neville's tears had run out, and he looked much more optimistic. He followed Linde like a younger brother.

Visiting the old wizard's ward again, it's already empty, and it's deserted when I'm alone, quite like an empty-nest old man.

"Professor, are you feeling better?" Linde brought a handful of candies. The nurses did not allow Dumbledore to eat candy, but the old bee was addicted to sugar, seeing chocolate was like seeing a relative.

"Much better, oh, Mr. Longbottom." Dumbledore saw Neville. "How are Frank and Alice?"

Neville nodded.

"Come here, boy." Dumbledore took Neville's hand and told a lot about his parents' past. The couple are heroic Aurors, members of the first generation of the Order of the Phoenix, who bravely resisted the forces of the Dark Lord in that dark age. Dumbledore always had tears in his eyes when he talked about it.

Neville was indeed encouraged. Dumbledore's status in the minds of Hogwarts children is very high. In the same way, if it were his grandma, it would not have such an effect.

Dumbledore repeatedly encouraged Neville to be a strong man, showing the maturity of an old educator, especially in coaxing children.

"There are many things in life that we can't do anything about. What you can do is to plan yourself. The pain your parents have endured should not become a drag on you. If you care too much about what others think, you will lose yourself. Sometimes you have to learn to be selfish and don't do it for anyone. People are sad, in the end you will find that no one cares about you, and no one can go on for you."

"Mom cares about me." Neville murmured with his head down, "Mom cares."

Dumbledore lowered his eyes sadly, he realized that these words were a little too hasty, no one can grow by others' preaching.

Old Mrs. Longbottom came to the hospital bed, exchanged pleasantries with Dumbledore, and then took Neville away. The boy still hunched his shoulders, looking very unconfident.

Seeing this situation, the old headmaster only sighed, "Good people shouldn't be reduced to such a situation."

"Believe in miracles, Professor."

"I've seen miracles, and that's you." Dumbledore said expectantly.

Linde shook his head, "Neville will heal his parents. I saw that day coming."

The light in the old wizard's eyes went out, and he shook his head sadly, "You did a divination for him? Doesn't that mean there is no hope at all?"

Linde's face darkened, he put on his gloves silently, and gave the old headmaster a physical examination. He was a bit cruel, and the headmaster was tortured so much that he yelled, "De Lin, you are avenging yourself! I want to detain Gryffindor Lots of college points."

"Fuck it, you'll add it back to Harry and the others anyway. Ever since I came to Gryffindor, I haven't had a day to worry about the House Cup."

The old headmaster yelled that he should have let the Sorting Hat put Lind into Ravenclaw or Slytherin in the first place.

"I knew you could influence the Sorting Hat, old man!" Linde scolded with a smile.

Dumbledore's trauma has basically healed, and the spiritual pollution of the demon king Sauron has been dispelled in the library tower, leaving only weak sequelae, such as nervous sensitivity, slight auditory hallucinations, and night blindness.

"What did the doctor say?" Linde checked the headmaster's eyeball, it was clean without any bloodshot eyes.

"You can leave the hospital the day after tomorrow."

"Okay then. Is the expansion and renovation of the castle also in order?"

Dumbledore was very happy, "Yes, the engineering team will arrive at the school one day earlier than the freshmen. In the next school year, everyone will have to be accompanied by some small movements, but I think the final result will satisfy everyone .”

"Hogwarts is already very luxurious. Think about the poor College of Winterhold." Linde teased, "Then let's take a good rest and wait for the good news of your discharge."

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