The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 135 Calling the Dragonborn at the Foot of the Lonely Mountain

Darkness is gathering. The fate of the world is in turmoil. The dark clouds of war piled up in the sky.

The elves roared, the orcs roared, and the dragon was about to move in its slumber.

All disputes and conflicts converge on Mount Erebor, the homeland of the lost kingdom.

At this moment, the dwarves of the expedition team are holding a barbecue party, hunting a deer in the evening, and lighting a campfire to share food at night.

In the wild, food and drink can’t be as particular as palace banquets. The food and condiments brought by the hobbits from home have already bottomed out, so although this barbecue is just raw meat cut into pieces and roasted after simple bloodletting, it is already these The rare delicacy of the day.

However, how can you relieve fatigue by eating meat alone? These days, everyone lives and sleeps in the open, just to be closer to home and far away from those crazy elves—yes, it’s not just half-orcs who are chasing them now.

Anyway, they've got to drink some wine, or a bird will fade out of their mouths.

The wizard Dumbledore took out a silver flagon from nowhere, and there were endless fine wines in the jug, and everyone could drink to their heart's content until the end of time. These dwarves are crazy about having such a thing. Sorin Oakenshield was directly drunk into Thorin Oakbark.

"Drink! Drink again!"

"This Bahrain is drunk after only a few barrels."

After escaping from the Elven Mansion, he was only one step away from the Lonely Mountain. Down the River of the Elves you can reach the Long Lake, and from the Long Lake to the north, you can reach Erebor.

They are now on the shore of Long Lake.

The dwarf sang again, beating the merry beat.

The old boy Sorin drank too much, raised his glass, and made that strange declaration again. He declared that he would contact his cousin, Ironfoot Dyne, who was the king of the Iron Hills, and pass on the hatred he had experienced, so that the descendants of the dwarves would remember the humiliation brought by the half-orcs and elves to the descendants of Durin.

Dumbledore by the campfire was holding the filter in his hand with a complicated expression. He had already discovered that there was a curse in this prank toy, which caused Thorin to speak nonsense.

According to Linde's soul theory, most of the curses work on the outer thought body. The curse in this toy is like this. It represents some collective bad memories of human beings, and it will turn into thinking strings along with the curse. Enter the thought body.

Although the effect of the curse is very weak, after all, it is used for mischief to enhance the atmosphere, but for some individuals with poor mental state, there will be a particularly strong reaction.

Sorin's mental state is very bad. His ancestors held one of the Seven Rings of the Dwarves, and the Seven Rings of the Dwarves were controlled by the Demon King, which would cause the holder to suffer from dragon disease-that is, to be greedy and stingy like a dragon. This kind of madness was passed down through blood, and now the dragon disease lurking in Thorin's soul was caused by a curse, making his temperament paranoid and distorted.

Dumbledore didn't know the reason for the Seven Rings of Dwarves, but he was worried for Thorin, and also worried about the fate of the dwarves. Hatred is a terrible wildfire, just like the wizard's [Fierffire Curse], although it can defeat powerful enemies, it can also engulf yourself and the people around you.

The dwarves were all loyal to Sorin, and they did not object to his words, and they kept applauding, which further contributed to Sorin's prestige.

"Mr. Wizard! Why are you so sad, have a drink." Bilbo on the side filled Dumbledore's glass with wine.

Dumbledore put down the filter, drank the wine in the glass, then pinched the old wand, and said to the snitch beside him: "Baggins, if even you are dazzled by these slanders, support Thorin , then I really don’t know what to do.”

There was silence around the campfire for a while, Thorin's speech was interrupted, and everyone looked at him in amazement.

Dumbledore stood up, took out his wand and pointed at Thorin, "Everyone, with such a madman, how can we recover the Lonely Mountain!"

Thorin was furious, "Wizard, what do you mean by that?"

"You're crazy, Thorin, can't you see?" Dumbledore was calm, he was stating the facts, it's time for a showdown, "Listen to your own crazy words, you call yourself a king in vain Cherish your people and let your anger burn them like firewood. Instigating conflicts with half-orcs and elves, apart from satisfying your selfish desires, can it improve the situation of the dwarves?"

"You don't know anything about the history of the dwarves, wizard! Our descent is directly related to these two types of vermin."

"I do know nothing about the history of dwarves, but I do know the history of hatred." Dumbledore approached Thorin step by step, "I know how hatred spreads in a country, how to provoke people to hate each other and attack each other .Do you want a rich lonely mountain, or a scarred lonely mountain? As a king, it is a virtue to bear humiliation, and you must always abandon angry selfish desires and put the happiness of the people first."

Thorin looked at Dumbledore viciously, the human's sea-blue eyes contained pain and sorrow, like deep sea water, drowning Thorin's anger little by little.

He gradually calmed down, turned his head away, and said in a cold voice: "That's it. Let's not talk about this topic again."

"I will save your soul," replied the old wizard firmly.

The night by the Long Lake was shiveringly cold, and the crackling of the bonfire was ear-piercing.

At this moment, a human man, a member of the Long Lake Town Guard, approached the campfire through the night mist.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here? Sneaking around here."

Du Valin stepped forward to negotiate, "We are businessmen from Blue Mountain. We are going to visit relatives in Iron Hills, that's all."

Sorin interrupted: "We need a boat that can cross the Changhu Lake."

"Are you going to Gushan?" The human man was very keen.

Du Valin quickly prevaricated, "No, it's just an excuse."

Thorin interrupted again: "We are going to Erebor."

"A group of dwarves are going back to the Lonely Mountain." The hostility on the human man's face melted away, "There are still dragons entrenched there. What can you do to solve it?"

Duvalin smiled and said, "We have wizards."

Thorin interrupted still: "We have no way to solve it, but we are ready to die there."

The human man was in awe, "A great decision."

The expedition team looked at Thorin anxiously. Bilbo tugged at Dumbledore's sleeve.

"Don't be afraid." The old wizard looked down at Bilbo. "You will not die by the flames."

The human man said: "Come with me. I will take you to see the mayor. Whether you can get the boat depends on whether he agrees."

"May I have your name?"


"If I take back the throne of the Lonely Mountain," said Thorin, "you will be rewarded."

"The poem about the return of the king of the mountain has always been circulated in Changhu Town. Maybe you are not destined to be the king of the lonely mountain," Bud led them to the town, "but everyone is looking forward to this day coming as soon as possible."

The wealth that leaked from the fingers of the dwarves in the Lonely Mountain once fed the valley city at the foot of the mountain. At that time, the residents of the valley lived a prosperous and happy life. To work for the dwarves. The arrival of Smaug broke this golden dream.

Those who survived the dragon disaster gathered in Changhu Town and passed on the story of the treasure in the lonely mountain from generation to generation. Everyone is looking forward to the return of the King of the Mountain and lead them to live a prosperous life.

In Long Lake Town, the dwarves were warmly welcomed, and then they sailed northward in a large ship to Erebor, where the dragon lay dormant.

Two days later, when the expedition team really arrived at the foot of the mountain, standing on the solid ground, looking at the gloomy lonely mountain and the surrounding scorched earth burned by dragon flames, the heart that was originally full of courage finally rose to the throat.

Bud stood on the boat and said to them, "Good luck."

"how about you?"

"Of course I went home." The big boat turned around and went down the river.

Standing under the miserable sky, Thorin dared not move forward for a moment.

Dumbledore moved on. Proceed towards the Erebor Gate of the Lonely Mountain, towards the dark entrance on the mountain, where black smoke curls up, the breath of a giant dragon, and piles up into black clouds on the mountainside, so that the rocks are red-hot and cracked.

"Hi! Wizard," Thorin called after him.

Dumbledore stopped ahead.

Members of the expedition came to him one by one.

Thorin said with a cold face, "I will prove it to you. In order to regain their homeland, the descendants of Durin are not afraid of death."

The dwarves pounded their fists on their chests and uttered the ancient battle cry, a dirge for those who die generously.

The Snitch Bilbo Baggins pursed his lips and said nothing, but he stood in line with the others.

Dumbledore's eye sockets were moist, and the atmosphere was enhanced here, and the old wizard was also very moved. Afterwards, he made a phone call, "Hello, Dragonborn? Yes, I'm Albus Dumbledore, are you free now? Are you interested in slaying dragons together?"

After hanging up the phone, the old educator showed a well-connected smile, "Alright, I've called for reinforcements."

Has it been a few days since I wished everyone happy? Hmph, how could I forget such an important thing? I just stopped for a few days because I was afraid that everyone would get used to it and feel bored. After all, happiness is something that cannot be forced.

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