The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 131 Sauron Pounces on the Street

The demon lord Sauron was furious, and a mass of dark smoke descended from the sky, turning into galloping horses, beasts, monsters, and water snakes. Many armies of evil things surrounded the group of mortals, and nine powerful undead were hidden in the black air. Raise your weapon to hide and kill.

Radagast in the brown robe muttered to himself: "It's over, it's really over."

Ms. Moon Shadow stood in front of Dumbledore with a proud expression. The warm and white light floated on her body, just like the flowing water and tide in the morning and evening. This light blocked the black air and burned the undead hiding in it.

She said: "Broken and fallen soul, your destiny is already written, and your failure is doomed."

"Just as the note of rebellion has been allowed to join the movement, this is destiny. If there are no twists and turns and catastrophes, God's grace and favor will also be dim. Therefore, darkness comes from light, and I will never disappear." Sauron's The ghost let out a dull laugh.

"Then you can expect the arrival of the foreign voice?" Yueying held a silver bow, and a light arrow flew out, piercing the demon king's chest.

Sauron was hit by an arrow, because he couldn't stop the arrow, and he didn't feel the pain of being injured, as if it was just a phantom with no lethality.

Ms. Moon Shadow turned to Dumbledore and said, "Take out your stars."

Dumbledore held up the Star of Azura, and a silver light flowed from the wound on Sauron's chest and merged into the gemstone.

The pain of being deprived of his soul made Sauron howl.

In order to satisfy his desire to rule, the demon king Sauron pretended to pass on his profound knowledge to the elves, and instructed the elf craftsmen to forge the ring of power. There are nine rings of mortals, seven rings of dwarves and three rings of elves. Excellent ruler. Sauron also secretly cast the Supreme Lord of the Rings to control the other nineteen Rings of Power.

Since the Supreme Lord of the Rings was lost in the Great War, he was forced to abandon his physical body and flee as a soul, and has since fallen into weakness. Now his soul was taken away by Lady Moon Shadow and infused into the Star of Azura. He couldn't even resist the process.

The demon king was captured, and the nine ring spirits under his command scattered and fled for their lives. The darkness entrenched in Dol Guldur was swept away.

Dumbledore put down the star of Azura, and an orange-red flame pupil appeared at the core of the gem, staring coldly at the outside world. The Specter of Sauron was the vertical pupil of that eye, coiling around the infinite His anger stirs up the dark desires in people's hearts.

A lavender hand stretched out and pressed down on Azura's star, blocking Dumbledore's gaze.

He woke up like a dream, "Oh, I'm sorry. It seems that it is more appropriate to leave this gem to your safekeeping."

Ms. Moon Shadow smiled calmly, "No one can guarantee that they will not indulge in dark emotions, and I am no exception. The fate of Azura Star follows you, make good use of its power. There is also the soul of God hidden here , His power is inexhaustible to mortals."

Dumbledore thoughtfully put away the Azura Star.

Radagast's jaw dropped to the ground. Who am I, where am I, and what the hell did I see.

"Gandalf, is this the reinforcement you were talking about?"

Ms. Moon Shadow laughed, "Oh, confused Radagast, I know you. Yavanna mentioned you."

Yavanna is a God of Vala, and Radagast is Maia under Yavanna's command. Upon hearing this name, two lights shot out of her confused eyes, and she bowed to Ms. Moon Shadow with a smile on her face say hello.

"Where did you meet Lady Yavana? Is she all right?"

Moon Shadow looked at the portal behind him, "I'm a guest in Valinor (the place where the gods live)."

Radagast looked up to the sky at a forty-five degree angle and cried, "How much I miss Valinor, how I miss the towering Pelori Mountains, is the holy green hill of Lady Yavana outside the city of Velma still so beautiful, bathing her Eternal grace?"

The old educator on the side shook his head slightly, secretly thinking that this person was acting like the Minister of Magic.

Ms. Moon Shadow smiled, "If you miss her, you can go back with me."

As a mature Maier, the brown-robed sorcerer Dayi stated awe-inspiringly that he shouldered an important mission in Middle-earth, how could he leave his job because of this little nostalgia?

"Alright then." Ms. Moon Shadow nodded naturally and dismissed the topic.

The awe-inspiring righteousness on Radagast's face immediately collapsed. He was tongue-tied in place, and the thousand words of loyalty were stuck in his throat, and he could only roll his eyes in the end.

Ms. Moon Shadow asked Dumbledore again, "What about you? Are you going to visit Valinor?"

"I worry about the dwarves of the expedition."

"Do they have courage?"


"Then you don't have to worry about them. A man of courage can always find a way for himself."

Dumbledore nodded, "That makes sense, I would also like to see the beauty of Valinor." He turned his head and told the brown-robed mage, "I will trouble you to take care of that poor old dwarf."

The brown-robed mage nodded dully. Seeing the two of them leave through the portal. The door remained in place.

"Who doesn't want to meet Valinor, really. I'm as stupid as I am, so I should just open my mouth. I just went to learn Gandalf's tricks, and I have to run errands for him in the end." Radagast muttered, and he put Ser Rein put the wooden sled, looked back at the portal reluctantly, finally just flicked the reins, and directed the rabbit group to rush towards his residence.

Dumbledore came to Valinor, this blessed holy land, is the land of heaven. The portal opened in the city of Velma, where a hundred bells rang together, and the Valar lived here.

"Such a beautiful land cannot be found in the world." Dumbledore stared deeply at this sacred paradise, his chest was filled with great happiness, and immediately his mortal heart beat again, and he had no nostalgia for this place, Just appreciate.

Moon Shadow called for the giant eagle to descend and took them to the outer ring seashore in the west.

On the pearly white sandy beach, a campfire was raised, and Linde was sitting beside the fire.

"Professor, you are here."

Dumbledore and Moon Shadow came to the bonfire side by side. Some seats were laid out here. Vera, who looked like an elf, came and went, while the great god Iluvita stayed here. He had prowled by the shore, watching the waves of the outer sea, until visitors came, at which point he lit a fire and invited them to sit around.

The incarnation of Iluvita is a glowing white figure with no specific shape. He has a golden harp in his hand and plays the music spontaneously.

Dumbledore did not speak after he took the seat. He listened to the sound of the piano quietly, only feeling that the melody was grand and melodious, and the details were delicate and graceful.

"This is an echo of the great movement." Lady Moon Shadow explained to him, "The fate of this universe and the creatures in it is the movement itself."

"Is fate determined like this?" He asked in a low voice, "Everyone's fate is already doomed?"

Iluvita noticed this outsider's question, and he answered: "Beasts, vegetation, earth and sky, my Kundi (elf) and other notes of existence are all attributed to the music. Only Atani (referring to humans) Your fate is in your own hands, for it is a gift from me, like death."

There's more tonight, to make up for yesterday's

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