The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 128 Dumbledore, take me away

The brown-robed Radagast is insane. When he was talking, a stick insect crawled out of his throat. Everyone suspected that his brain was emptied by insects. Otherwise, why couldn’t he even remember what his old friend looked like? clear.


"Don't call me Gandalf."


"You'd better call me Gandalf."

Therefore, people like to compromise. If Dumbledore is directly called Gandalf, he will definitely object, but if he is called Adolf, then he agrees to be called Gandalf.

"Sauron is back, Gandalf, you have to be careful. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, when I was patrolling in Dol Guldur, I saw the necromancer descending from the dark shadows."

Dumbledore was a little puzzled, "Sauron?"

"Yes, you know." The brown robe trembled. "The demon king, who grew up under the command of the dark enemy, was fierce and fierce, and caused many disasters and wars in the world. It is Sauron, the master of the Supreme Lord of the Rings."

"The Lord of the Rings?"

"That's right, the Lord of the Rings. Sauron poured most of his power into it to control the other rings. If the Supreme Lord of the Rings is not destroyed, he can always come back."

Dumbledore felt a subtle sense of déjà vu.

"In that case, I will accompany you to Dol Guldur to find out."

Bilbo and others were reluctant to leave, and a fat dwarf warrior, Bombur, burst into tears: Dumbledore, don't go, how can we live without you?

Dumbledore shoved the bag of luggage into Bilbo's hand, took out another bag, and whispered in the hobbit's ear, "This bag contains some giggle potion, and it's from an old friend of mine. My favorite prank prop, he is a student of Durmstrang, and it is said that it is very popular there... This potion evaporates quickly in a closed space, and people who inhale the gas will become very happy and laugh endlessly, Laugh until you can't move. When you're in trouble, you use this to get out."

"Then what if we accidentally inhale it?"

"A matching filter is included in the bag."

Bilbo took out a small black square from his pocket, it was very simple in shape, with two short tubes on the top, "How do you use this?"

"Put two short tubes at the nostrils and stuff them in. This small black square is the filter." Dumbledore demonstrated himself. After wearing the nasal plugs, the small black square stayed in his middle, which looked like a A pinch of mustache, "It's simple, right?"

"Okay, I see. Dumbledore, do you really want to go?"

"Don't worry, it's not just a foreign wizard who can help you overcome difficulties, but also the courage in your hearts! Bilbo, you are a snitch, and you are destined to bring good luck to the team."

In this way, Dumbledore temporarily bid farewell to the team. With a wave of his wand, the brown-robed rabbit-pulled wooden sled flew into the air. He also rode on the broom and flew eastward.

"Oh, that's all right. Our wizard is gone." The dwarf warrior was frustrated.

"Who's going to light the soggy firewood for us?"

"Who's going to cook a camping meal with magic?"

"Who can play joyful music without using a qin or a flute, just by waving a wooden stick?"

"Dumbledore, you take me away, Dumbledore..."

Sorin made a serious face, "Don't cry, even if there is no wizard, I can still take back the Lonely Mountain. As long as you are by my side, no matter how dangerous the devil's den is, I will dare to break into it!"

As soon as the words fell, the whistle of the orcs sounded in the woods, and the hurried footsteps of the wolf were running. This group of dark accomplices, the hunters of the wilderness, came to capture the expedition team at the order of their master.

"Damn half-orc, it's such a coincidence." Thorin's face changed, "Get on the horse, let's go."

The team marched eastward. In the woods, the horses were not as agile as the wargs. They stumbled and nearly sprained their feet in the roots of the trees. The hooves ran.

Bilbo's heart was pounding, and the orc archer's arrows brushed past his ears several times, whistling, like the whisper of the wind, but if he was hit by an unfortunate arrow... Well, don't say it, damned crow mouth, Warrior Bahrain was hit by an arrow.

"Bahrain! Are you all right?"

"It's just a mosquito bite on the butt!"

The howls of the half-orc wolf cavalry became louder and louder. Looking back, they were like a dark wall of fire on the midsummer plain, and they were going to burn the world of flowers and flowers to nothing.

Their arrows were like showers, blowing with the wind, and people were hit by arrows one after another. Although most of them were not serious, the horses under them were injured, and soon fell to the ground from exhaustion.

"Hurry up!" The dwarf who fell to the ground drew out his weapon and carried his comrades on his back to escape.

On the north and south sides, more wolf cavalry appeared, forming a loose encirclement, trying to keep the dwarves in this wilderness.

Thorin sighed, maybe this is the end of the road.

"Get off the horse, let's fight to the death."

All the thirteen dwarves and a hobbit were gathered together in a circle, some with a tinker's hammer, some with a fowler's sling, and some with a wine-cask lid for a shield. No matter the weapon, there wasn't a single coward among them.

"Your Highness Sorin, it is an honor for Bahrain to fight with you."

"So is Duvalin."

"So are Fili and Kili."...

"Bee, Bilbo too. It's an honor to die with all of you."

Bilbo did not cry, he even calmly drew his short sword to join them, but he was bound by Thorin and another dwarf warrior, and thrown onto the back of the only sound horse left.

"Now, we all believe you to be a brave snitch. Run, Bilbo, mount your horse, and run for your life."

"No, no, you can't do this..." Bilbo really wanted to cry at this moment.


The loud horn blew the pace of cavalry charge, and the banner of elves was slowly raised behind the low hills in the east.

The elves, the firstborn children of the great god Iluvita, have eternal life, a beautiful face, extraordinary strength, quick thinking, and are blessed the most in this world.

They rode white horses, coming from Rivendell in the east, like the white belly of a fish before the sun rises in the sky, vigorously, dispelling the rampant darkness on the earth.

The leading elf lord held a long spear and shot straight into the middle army.

Sorin laughed: "It seems that we don't have to die here today! Everyone, charge with me!"

Bilbo, unable to move on his horse, laughed and cried as he witnessed the short and furious battle.

Soon, the half-orcs were defeated and fled.

Thorin inspected his subordinates, and no one was killed. "Excellent, you see, we don't need that wizard, and we can overcome obstacles by ourselves. It just needs a little bit of luck sometimes."

The elf lord stepped forward, "Aren't we too late? Dumbledore sent us a letter too hastily, for fear of not being able to save in time. Fortunately, the cavalry is patrolling the border nearby today."

Dwarves and elves have always had grievances. The lord of Elrond in Rivendell is justified. Thorin is grateful for his life-saving grace, but he still has a long face, like someone who has been pierced by a big truck Like a persimmon, he reluctantly bowed to the elves to thank them.

"We're going to continue on our way now, so we'll send you off without further ado."

He led the wounded, limping dwarven warriors through the cavalry, no taller than a horse's back, like a pack of fat squirrels burrowing into a bush.

"Wait, Dumbledore asked me to take care of you." Elrond stretched out Erkon's hand to stay, "Go to Rivendell to recuperate. You are very tired and not fit to continue your journey."

"Then that's what you said, we'll leave immediately after the injury is healed, and we will never stay with you any longer."

There may be more later, if not, I will make up tomorrow.

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