The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 121 A War, Probably

North Sea Ghost.

The dragonborn handed over the Elder Wand, the guardian spirit of the dragons slowly dissipated, and the dragons who had awakened their sense of freedom uttered cheerful chirps.

On the artillery deck at this time, the battle between Nellos and Mirak was coming to an end.

The brass punch was thrown out again, but without the original decisive courage, the pumping steam had also exhausted, this punch missed Mirak. It was blocked by the palm wrapped in the dragon soul armor. Immediately afterwards, Milak fell over his shoulder, lifted the thick brass armor, smashed through the steel plate, and fell into the engine room on the lower floor.

Mirak jumped down from the hole in the deck, landed on the struggling Nellos, and tore off his helmet.

The dark elf mage was panting.

"You lost. Do you think you can become a warrior by wearing a suit of armor?" Mirak sneered. If he hadn't agreed with Mora to capture these people, Nellos would have been annihilated the moment he lost.

"Huh, huh... I'm old."

Mirak laughed even more, "I am much older than you. Don't be convinced, the one who defeats you is the first dragonborn, the destiny master of Tamriel!"

Before he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning fell from above, hitting Mirak trembling all over.

He raised his head, and all the mages were standing on the hole in the artillery deck and looking down, all of them had condensed destructive magic elements in their hands.

"Hmph, stubbornness."

Before he could open his mouth again, Dumbledore raised his wand, [Lock tongue seals throat].

Mirak froze. For Dragonborn, roar is the most powerful weapon. This small curse undoubtedly abolished his martial arts. Then he realized his odds had hit rock bottom.

The dragons no longer answered his call, and Mirak resisted, casting spells and summoning Mora's family.

Two deep-sea creatures appeared in the cabin. Before they understood the situation, Ms. Moon Shadow drew her bow and shot an arrow again, and the torrential rain fell, killing the two monsters.

Mirak took advantage of the situation to cast a spell, hiding himself in the shadows.

The dragonborn snorted coldly: "Want to escape? Voss, Luoda!"

The shock wave swept across, knocking the invisible Mirak into the air, and he smashed through the side of the ship and jumped into the sea.

Dragonborn do not hesitate to plunge into the water. The lightless sea of ​​the otherworldly plane is poisonous to mortals, and the shadow energy contained in it will take away the life force of people.

Under the deep water, the Dragonborn only felt a bone-chilling chill. He couldn't see anything. When he opened his eyes, the sea water corroded his eyes and caused severe pain. His seven orifices began to bleed, and his skin slowly peeled off.

But completely different from him, Mirak is like a fish in water, his human form is slowly detached, like a torn cocoon, the new creature born inside is freed from the shackles.

Eyeballs pop, fangs grow, bones dissolve, muscles lengthen.

The indescribable strangeness, like a combination of a snail and an octopus, waved fourteen tentacles, silently attacking the dragonborn.

Under the deep water, the battle between the dragon boy and the tentacle senior is imminent.

Lady Moon Shadow stood on the deck, looking up at the splendid sky.

Everyone bent down and looked at the sea, burning with anxiety.

Mortals return to mortals, and gods return to gods.

"Ms. Moon Shadow, what should we do?"

Lydia, a silly girl, has already started to remove her armor, but was stopped by Brelina, "Don't be impulsive, you can't help the dragonborn, if you continue like this, you will only sacrifice yourself for nothing!"

Lydia sat down slumped, closed her eyes, and prayed to the Nine Holy Spirits, asking them to bless the Dragonborn to return victorious.

Ms. Moon Shadow said loudly: "Don't worry about the challenge that the hero encountered. Fate has predicted his victory. The original dragonborn abandoned the mortal body, polluted the dragon soul, and degenerated into a lowly Daedra. The battle between dragons and snakes, It has been decided. I will watch this scene, we will witness this scene."

She raised her hands high, and the gentle morning light gathered in her palms, turning into a dazzling star, illuminating the ancient dark sea.

The shadow energy in the sea water is driven away, and in the bright silver light, the sea area looks like the shallow water of a clear harbor in midsummer.

Everyone on the deck didn't have time to exclaim for Ms. Moon Shadow's spell, and they immediately noticed the person and beast fighting underwater.

The original Mirak is gone, replaced by a multi-legged sea beast that makes people have nightmares and wet the bed.

The blood of the dragonborn spread in the sea water, dyeing him into a red shadow, and the man was strangled by the tentacle, struggling more and more weakly.

"No! Dragonborn is dying! Help him!" Lydia screamed, his voice dry like a cracked flute.

Professor Dumbledore was the first to strike. He is always unafraid to stand up when justice is in danger.


The sea water turned into a school of fish, and the swiftly swimming sailfish was like a sharp underwater arrow, piercing Milak's body with its sharp long mouth.

The monster's tentacles twitched in pain, and the dragonborn was able to break free, but he didn't rise up, but rushed towards Mirak.

Under the deep water, with the last breath of his lungs, he let out a thunderous dragon roar.

"Voss, Rhoda!"

Seawater explosion. The cavity of the water body oscillates repeatedly, and the shock wave sweeps across, which can easily shatter internal organs.

Mirak's body was torn apart, blasted into countless pieces in the sea, and his twisted dragon soul was absorbed by the unconscious dragonborn.

The school of fish created by Transfiguration carried the Nord hero back to the surface of the sea, and everyone rushed him to the deck for treatment.

On the sky, the elemental tide has subsided, and after the wind calmed down, Mora's wailing also became clear.

Linde's voice reached the surface of the sea, "Ms. Moon Shadow, please send everyone out. The code is about to collapse."

Brelina said hurriedly: "Linde! Are you okay?!"

"Don't worry about me. I'll see you later."

Ms. Moon Shadow finally looked at the majestic blue doors with countless holes in the dome of the sky. The terrifying thing that divided the infinite deep space was so magnificent that it made people intoxicated.

"It's scary. Linde, do you know what kind of power you are carrying?" She shook her head and smiled, "No, it's not important, fate has its own arrangements."

She summoned the Gate of Oblivion, teleporting the battle-scarred North Sea Ghost to Raven Rock's harbor.

Linde looked back in the deep sky, and the floating island under his feet began to rise.

The numerous doors are like stairs, leading Linde to the highest point of the different scriptures.

The domain of each demon god is infinitely vast like the real universe, but distance is meaningless, and all physical dimensions are meaningless.

Although the library tower is small, it can infiltrate and devour different classics. It is not size that determines victory or defeat, but personality.

As Linde said, he just brought forward the ending of Mora's doomed demise.

He slowly crossed the boundary of time and space, leaving the alien plane. In the annihilation of chaos, overlooking the alien plane.

In the field of vision where Linde was standing, only the washbasin was wide.

A pale green star with bluish flecks of light within.

He took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera. In the annihilation, all physical principles were invalidated. This mobile phone should not have taken effect, but it was functioning normally. Lin De took a bird's-eye view of the alien plane and shared it on Moments, with a postscript: "My favorite bookstore, it didn't even survive this summer."

Linde put away his phone, it's time to clean up the different scriptures and clean up those twisted servants of Mora.

In the deep space of the alien plane, a cone popped out of the door of the library tower, and the surface was painted with the words CCCP in red paint, and there was also a radiation sign representing danger.

Linde waved his wand.

[alahoo hole open]

Nuclear warhead password program unlocked.

[Copy Curse]

[Copy·Copy Curse]

[Copy · Copy · Copy spell]


He superimposed the effect of a duplication spell seventeen times. After the first duplication, there were eight in total. After each duplication, he superimposed a power operation on the base of eight, and finally got a number that needed to be counted with scientific notation. numbers. In terms of weight, the replicated nuclear warhead is more than three times the total mass of the solar system.

Quantities are meaningless.

Energy is meaningless.

The nuclear warheads that fill the sky are just there to clean up. Nothing to do with Mora's ending.

Linde waved his wand again and released [Firework Charm], a small spell used to release magical fireworks.

The sun fell.

The green star in front of him gradually glowed a warm orange. The blue door frame pierced the barrier of the plane, and it began to crack, like a broken drop of water, and the contents scattered.

A chaotic eyeball flew out from the alien plane, inconspicuous in the scene of the collapse of the plane. But before it could escape, it fell into Linde's hands.

"Mola, my good brother, are you safe?" Linde poked the eyeball in his hand, "We are so destined, I am reluctant to kill you. How about this, I lack a serious magic book, you Well, if you are so passionate about God, you will definitely volunteer, right?”

Amidst Mora's unwilling cursing, Linde performed the transfiguration technique, turning his last body into an inconspicuous black notebook. Except for the chaotic eyeballs that popped out from time to time on the cover, it was equivalent to a dozen yuan from a small shop. The hardcover faux leather notebooks are no different.

"Okay, now I don't have to tear my pajamas anymore." Linde heaved a sigh of relief, opened the gate of annihilation, and returned to Raven Rock Town.

The local dark elves commented around the North Sea Ghost, and everyone was curious about the iron ship that suddenly disappeared.

"What has it been through?" Someone looked at the bumpy and scarred hull and asked sincerely.

"A war, probably." The person next to him shrugged.

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