The Heavens: Civilization Cultivator

Chapter 161 Mythical Creature

The knowledge of bloodline inheritance has been secretly spread in various worlds, hoping that the creatures in all worlds can perfect it.

Among them is the crystal wall world.

The appearance of the orcs is the head of a beast, no, more precisely, they are still the body of a beast, with hair or scales on their bodies.

However, the orcs can walk upright (refer to the animal images of various cartoons), can use various tools with their hands, and most importantly, they have wisdom.

It seems that the animal-eared girl whose appearance is biased towards human beings, leaving only a small part of animal characteristics, does not exist in the current crystal wall world.

But the future is not certain... because Wen Dao has already set the rules of the world, and there is no reproductive isolation in all the worlds under the World Tree...

Because of this, the body structure of orcs and "same family" animals and monsters are very similar (kobolds and dogs, tauren and cows, etc.).

Therefore, the wise men of the orcs began to study the similarities between animals, monsters and various orcs from the beginning of civilization.

Because the orc race is not a complete race like the human race, the elf race, and the feather race, there is no difference between the race.

The orc race contains too many types, long before the tide of elements rises and the age of magic arrives—in the language of the orc race, it should be called the age of witchcraft.

There are already many conflicts among the orc clans.

After all, they have different appearances and customs, and some of them are more like hunters and preys.

Therefore, in the Tath plane of the orc race, war has been the main theme from ancient times to the present.

In order to better understand the enemy, it is necessary to study other orc-like animals.

Until the arrival of the magic age in the last few hundred years, not only has this situation not changed, but it has intensified.

The Elephants, who were given the artifact of the Philosopher's Stone by the God of War and Storm, ushered in the era of witchcraft and became powerful wizards.

The Elephant Human race has become the strongest ethnic group in the continent. At the beginning, the Elephant Human Race conquered many surrounding orc groups and tribes with their powerful force.

It's a pity that after the other orc tribes planned secretly, or groveled and prayed, and obtained meditation ideas from them, and wizards were born in the tribe, the war started again.

Just like the vest that Wen Dao turned into in the orc plane, this world is destined to be indissoluble with war.

In this context, the research of various orc groups on Warcraft and other groups has not stopped.

This type of research is perfected with the help of witchcraft/magic.

Among them, the elephant-human 'high priest' who owns the Philosopher's Stone is the most authoritative research in this field because he has obtained countless relevant knowledge and information from the Philosopher's Stone, such as genetic inheritance, bloodline inheritance, etc. The presence.

The high priest dissected animals, monsters, and even dissected his own other orcs for research, failed in experiments again and again, and then summed up the experience.

At the same time, the high priest cultivated generations of monsters through witchcraft, so that their extraordinary genes can be passed on to their offspring, so that the offspring will be born as extraordinary creatures.

After more than 100 years of research in this way, he did not expect that he would actually produce some results.

Hundreds of thousands of years of breeding have failed to form a monster with stable genetic inheritance. With the efforts of the high priest of the orc clan, a monster that can stably inherit the extraordinary power has been successfully bred! !

It was this research that shocked the eyes of Wen Dao who was patrolling the six worlds.

Wen Dao originally thought that the first to achieve success in bloodline inheritance should be the demon civilization of the Piaomiao Realm.

After all, bloodline inheritance has always been the expectation of demon civilization, which can greatly enhance their strength.

Ever since they established the city of demons, they have devoted all their energy to the study of blood inheritance.

But the orcs in Crystal Wall World gave Wen Dao a surprise.

Wen Dao shook his head and said with a smile: "There is a big difference in the time flow between the two. The orcs have more time for research, and it is only natural to research results before the demon civilization."

The misty world and the crystal wall world are both median dust worlds, but the time flow of the former is ten times slower than that of the latter.

The reason is that the space debris they are in is different.

"However, it is also a good thing to have research results in the field of blood inheritance."

Wen Dao's eyes flashed, "It's just a matter of applying this achievement to create some mythical creatures."

Since it is a magical world, the classic element of dragon is naturally indispensable.

There are also dinosaurs in the crystal wall world.

But like other worlds, with the advent of the extraordinary age, dinosaurs are no longer the top predators.

The probability that they can become ferocious beasts and monsters is no higher than other animals.

But now, Wen Dao is going to transform them and create a dragon clan from them that can stably inherit extraordinary power!

Hearing that he is familiar with the road, he selected some dinosaurs and transformed their bodies.

A pair of strong and broad flesh wings grew out from both sides of the back, and the ferocious sharp horns pierced through the scales of the skull.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon most familiar to the ancestors was born.

Moreover, it was heard that extraordinary genes and extraordinary organs were implanted in their bodies, so they were born extraordinary creatures and could use extraordinary powers.

After these giant dragons were created by Wendao, they were randomly thrown into the desolate areas in the six material planes that had not been discovered by intelligent races for the time being.

Similarly, in the Misty Realm, mythical creatures such as dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns were also created by Wen Dao, and placed randomly on the continents of the Misty Realm

This time they are not flashy, but powerful.

As soon as these mythical creatures were born, they had at least the strength of the first level, and some even had the strength of the second or third level.

And as they grow older, even if they don't take the initiative to cultivate, they can passively absorb the vitality/elements of the world, and their strength will gradually increase.

When they reach adulthood, these mythical creatures can basically have power comparable to that of the sixth level! !

The most important thing is that these mythical creatures are blessed by Wen Dao, and they are naturally in line with the laws of heaven and earth. Compared with intelligent races such as humans and elves, it is easier to perceive the artistic conception of martial arts/magic profound meaning/true meaning of Taoism.

It is extremely possible for them to break through to the seventh level.

Of course, mythical creatures are the same as other creatures, and they can reach the ninth level at most.

—— Now I heard that the world under Dao’s command is just a world of dust after all, the world level is not enough, and it is suppressed by the main universe.

Therefore, the height that mythical creatures can reach is also limited.

However, as the world is promoted, the level cap increases.

The heights that mythical creatures can reach will also increase accordingly.

"The appearance of these mythical creatures can also increase the pressure on humans and various races, making them feel threatened."

As the saying goes, there is pressure to be motivated.

Driven by the pressure, the powerhouses of all races will continue to climb up and increase their strength in order to fight against these naturally powerful mythical creatures.

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