In fact, Archin also expected to some extent that this person would be an excellent masseuse.

Although Marchesi had a tendency to exaggerate a little from before, he was not a kid who talked nonsense or boasted. Had it been that way in the first place, the Elephant Group would not have been able to grow to where it is today.

Of course, I thought that coming all the way to Korea to get a massage would be doing things too loudly, but… … .

‘Is this person an incarnation of Vishnu?’

Archin now was just amazing.

It was because he himself was reading through the blurry memories one after another, as if he had seen through them at this very moment.

The incidents that happened at the filming site can be found out by doing a preliminary investigation.

In any case, he was a national actor in India who had a lot of recognition at the time, and not only related articles, but also a documentary made on the theme of Bollywood at that time came out recently.

However, most of the information released through the media in this way is fragmentary, and there are definitely missing parts. Putting them together like this isn’t easy.

And most of all, the back injury he talked about at the end, which made him decide to retire, was a private matter that he had never talked about in public.

If I had to pick someone I knew, would it be the doctor who saw the treatment at the time, my wife, and my nephew’s family?

This is something even Marchesi doesn’t know. To be honest, I guess I just wanted to show Marchesi a cool side of me. That’s why I didn’t have to say anything and passed on moderately.

In other words, it is extremely unlikely that this man heard the story elsewhere. That means… It follows that I have figured out all this just by briefly putting my hand on my back.

‘But does that make sense?’

It’s a situation that can’t be understood by common sense or rationality. It was a thought that came to mind without realizing it, but it really made more sense to say ‘God incarnate’.

“It’s crazy. Anyway, that’s a bit of an overstatement.”

On the other hand, Kang Tae-han, who was watching Arheen’s reaction, shed a smile. Of course, no matter how strong you are, you don’t have that kind of spiritual ability.

He just read the traces left in the bloodstream.

The blood duct is the path through which vital energy and energy flow, and is closely connected to parts of the body, exchanging influences with each other.

So, if there is a problem somewhere, there will be a problem with the blood system. In such a way that the flow of qi becomes cloudy or some of the blood vessels are blocked or cut off.

Of course, these things will naturally recover over time, but… Even if a wound heals, just as a scar settles there, the traces remain vaguely.

In other words, the appearance of being disconnected and reconnected in the past remains, or a part that was formed relatively recently compared to other blood vessels can be seen.

In other words, it is an individual history that remains in the body.

And Kang Tae-han read them and briefly guessed the accidents that Arheen had suffered.

I couldn’t figure out everything, but I was able to figure out when and what kind of accident left these traces.

“then… How did you find out everything?”

“Well, let’s just say you can tell by looking at it.”

However, there is no need to explain all of them, and even if I do, there is no way you will be able to understand them. Kang Tae-han shrugged his shoulders with a smile on his face and said.

“Anyway, it’s a good situation for both of us.”

“What do you mean?”

When Archin asked in a puzzled voice, Kang Tae-han pointed at him and at himself.

“Isn’t that natural? It’s nice that you can run around on your own two legs again, and I’m glad that I can do a favor for an acquaintance.”

Come to think of it, I said that before.

The reason why he was suspicious of Kang Tae-han. Surprised by Kang Tae-han’s enchantment that followed, it was Archin who forgot the most important part.

“… Are you running around?”

In fact, walking itself is still possible.

Although it was a problem that my legs would tremble after a short walk, and if I walked for more than five minutes, my strength would go down below the knees.

You’ll be able to run around in that situation.

Arheen’s confusion was also a natural reaction. I was thinking one step ahead, but suddenly jumped about three steps, and I was talking about it as if it were natural.

“Do I look like someone who will talk empty words?”

Instead of giving a lengthy answer, Kang Tae-han looked into his eyes and spat out a word calmly.

Deep eyes that cannot be easily fathomed.

Even so, the clear and straight look in his eyes gave him more trust than a thousand words.

Archin slowly shook his head from side to side without even realizing it, and Kang Tae-han smiled brightly at that, then put two fingers forward and said.

“But here’s something for you to choose from.”


“Anyway, it’s true that I used to work too hard on my body in the past. Should I say I’m weak? It is not a problem that can be solved with simple measures.”

At that, Archin nodded with a bitter expression. Certainly, I wasn’t wrong. To be honest, even if someone said it was self-employed, I had nothing to say.

He is still proud of the works he has participated in as an actor, but there are definitely parts where he sometimes wonders, ‘Why did he do that?’

“That part… I have nothing to say.”

“I didn’t mean to scold you. just… There is a way to recover step by step over three turns, and there is a way to recover at once.”

Kang Tae-han said as he folded his fingers one by one. Having listened to it this far, the latter was the better option no matter who saw it.

“… I think there are other differences as well.”

However, if that was really the case, there would be no reason to hand over the choice. Archin, who was lost in thought for a moment, asked an insinuating question, and Kang Tae-han answered in a low voice.

“The former is not painful, but takes a little longer, and the latter is inevitably painful. It will probably hurt a lot.”

“Haha, then there is no need to worry.”

After hearing Kang Tae-han’s explanation, Arhin shook his hand and said. It was a voice that said there was no need to worry.

“They say I’ll be able to run my morning jog again, but does it matter what the pain is? Let’s do what we can to finish it in one go today.”

As a national actor, the image Arheen had was that of a real man who could rush into a collapsing building without hesitation. In fact, he also showed action performances that matched that image.

In the meantime, it’s about the pain of a massage.

That much is nothing. I was confident that I could endure anything. Rather, it was to the point of feeling absurd that he was worried about sleeping with such a thing.

“Hmm. nice Then let’s get started right away.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll do anything for you. I promise you, until you take your hands off me, you won’t let out a single groan.”

Kang Tae-han puts his hand on his back immediately after hearing Arhin’s answer. To Kang Tae-han, Arhin asked in a bold voice as if not to worry.

and the next moment.

The very moment Kang Tae-han’s thumb instantly opened and flipped dozens of acupoints along the spine to maximize the sensation, and applied acupressure to both waists in that state.


The roaring screams of India’s real-boy national actors resonated across the hallway of Cheonma Massage.

‘Hmm… … .’

Kang Tae-han, who vividly watched his reaction.

An enormous scream erupted right in front of him, but not even the slightest movement was visible on his face.

‘I didn’t moan, so I guess I kept my promise… … .’

I screamed, but I didn’t groan.

It wasn’t wrong, but at this level, it was enough to harm other guests and masseuses.

“Keep it off… … .”

Kang Tae-han lightly pointed out the blood at the bottom of his neck without saying a word, and at that moment, Arheen’s scream that burst out disappeared like a lie. and.

“… … !”

In a situation where Arheen couldn’t even scream in pain, he had to keenly feel the cost of lightly considering the level of ‘pain’ Kang Tae-han said.

* * *


Archin, who opened his eyes with a scream, got up from his seat and looked around with anxious eyes. After looking around for a while, he finally grasped the situation and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well, I guess I fell asleep… … ?”

What you see in the back is the massage bed you were lying on.

He put on a look of absurdity, then wiped the sweat from his forehead once and sighed.

“Whoa… … .”

The massage is finally over.

Even though it had already been over for a long time, and even though he had slept soundly and woke up, Arheen felt immense relief from that fact. It was such an intense experience.

‘… It felt like being disintegrated alive.’

Archin looked back at the memories that had just happened. Just thinking about it for a moment gave me goosebumps.

It felt as if there were holes all over my body and strong winds were blowing through them. That alone would make my hair go white, but that was the basic condition.

In that state, acupressure comes in, and kneading as if putting together a skeleton… Every time he did that, as if a high-voltage current was flowing through his body, a violent stimulus rode up his nerves and hit his head.

It would be nice if I could scream coolly, but for some reason, suddenly no sound came out, and from the middle, my body stopped having power.

But the part that is a bit disconcerting is… … .

In the meantime, I didn’t feel too bad.

I’m not talking about perverted pleasure, but there was a coolness rushing in behind the pain. And there was comfort that comes after going through a series of processes.

There was pain as if the inside of the body was being disassembled piece by piece, but after that, it felt like it was being reassembled again in the correct form.

It seems that I instinctively sensed that this was not harmful to my body, even though my head went blank due to all kinds of stimuli and I couldn’t think of anything.

“… what.”

Then, all of a sudden, Arheen realized that he had been standing still since right after he woke up.

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Lately, it’s been difficult to stand still without using a cane… Now I just stood there normally. My knees didn’t throb or tremble.

“How is this?”

He stomped his feet in place several times in disbelief. At first, I only moved with my ankle, then I walked lightly, and then I even tried running, but there was no problem.

“Heh, heh heh, ha ha ha!”

A situation that is hard to believe. The next one was Archin, who tried to jump with his knees raised to the height of his waist.


I could barely stop at the sound of silence coming from the door. When I turned my head, it was none other than Kang Tae-han.

“It would be a bit difficult if I overworked it again already.”

“Hahaha, it’s not like that… It’s just something so strange and delightful. So, I was excited without even realizing it.”

Archin was breathing heavily, as if he had been out of breath, but his voice was filled with emotion. It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand his feelings, so Kang Tae-han smiled and said.

“Well, at least walking shouldn’t be a problem right now. A walk would be fine.”

His blood vessels were distorted by the effects of prolonged abuse and were slowly drying up, but the range was wide and the degree was not that severe.

Although it was greatly weakened, it was still unbroken and the stems were connected, albeit weakly.

It was only stagnant in certain sections due to lack of circulation, and it was enough to be alive in the body, so the condition could be greatly improved just by activating the blood vessels and reestablishing the twisted blood vessels of the whole body.

However, as you have to touch the blood vessels throughout the body, not just one or two places, the stimulation applied to the body can be quite large if you do it all at once… … .

Well, it was the method he chose, and no matter what, the results were good. Kang Tae-han shrugged lightly with a smile on his face.

“It’s a walk… … .”

On the other hand, while retracing Kang Tae-han’s word for a walk, Arheen made an expression of feeling new.

To be honest, I still don’t feel it. I didn’t have to go far, because Marchesi pushed me back in a wheelchair on the way here.

I did.

Do you mean we can walk together when we go back?

“I’m glad I didn’t buy an electric wheelchair.”

“A wheelchair?”

“No, I’m just talking to myself.”

Archin recalled the conversation he had with Marchesh on the way here. He shook his head lightly at Kang Tae-han’s question, and let out an involuntary smile.

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