“Hmm… … .”

Chairman’s office located at Daechung Group’s headquarters.

Chairman Jang Tae-hyun, who was sitting there, sighed softly as he looked over the documents that Secretary Choi had just handed over.

“As far as the sudden recognition and offers coming in in India… I guess I can understand it.”

The data he was reading was about the overseas demand for The Meister, a new product of the group’s subsidiary body care. However, there were some things he couldn’t understand.

“Why are orders suddenly coming in from England? Haven’t you ever done marketing before?”

The domestic massage chair market is growing steadily, and in recent years, it has surpassed cash to the extent that it has risen to the top of ‘filial piety gift that parents want to receive’.

However, if you ask ‘Is the market active in other countries as well?’, it wasn’t at all.

East Asia has its own demand, and places like China and Japan have a much larger market than Korea, but in other regions, especially in the West, the product itself is unfamiliar.

… I did.

Recently, there have been countries that have suddenly been actively requesting goods, especially The Meister’s for sale. It is none other than India and the United Kingdom.

As for India… Still, it was well within the expected range.

Because Marchesi, the chairman of Elephant Industries, himself took it after boasting that ‘this can hit the jackpot’.

Judging from the contents of the data, it seems that he naturally built up awareness and created a trend by actively utilizing his upper-class connections.

“But on the British side, what have we done?”

However, there is really nothing to point out here.

He looked over the contents of the document once again and spoke in a cryptic voice. The data showed a level of sales that could not be ignored, and a list of local companies that had formally offered imports was listed.

“What’s especially strange is that the companies that put in the proposal are not electronics-related companies, but sports-related companies.”

The part that I have no choice but to doubt in many ways.

Then, secretary Choi, who was standing next to him, opened his mouth insinuatingly while manipulating the tablet PC.

“It’s not clear yet, but… Isn’t Everton FC among the English football teams?”

“… you know that.”

Isn’t it the team that Kang Ju-wan, the most popular soccer player in Korea, is playing for? I’m not particularly interested in football, but that much is common sense. Jang Tae-hyun nodded slowly.

“But why?”

“The owner of Everton FC is Mr. Marchesi. and… Mr. Marchesi is known for his passion for football among the owners.”

“… Hmm.”

“Perhaps Mr. Marchesi brought The Meister into his club… When Everton FC achieved explosive results, I guess that the trend started from there.”

After Secretary Choi finished talking, he thought of Marchesi for a moment. That cool and pleasant look I saw in a private place. If so, that’s good enough.

“… Oh, I guess I should ask what you’re talking about.”

Under normal circumstances, this makes no sense.

However, it is understandable whether it is because the situation itself is so unique and unprecedented, or because it is not possible to analyze it. Jang Tae-hyun opened his mouth shyly scratching his head.

“If that’s true… Wouldn’t it be bad to conduct marketing in conjunction with Everton?”

“Sure, sounds like a good idea.”

Secretary Choi nodded at Jang Tae-hyeon’s words.

The Premier League is one of the most popular sports leagues in the world, and Everton are currently the most watched team in the Premier League.

If, as Secretary Choi speculates, Body Care’s massage chair is actually being used at Everton, and if an official sponsor enters it… … .

The publicity effect may not stop at the level of simply building awareness in the UK, but may be able to affect the world.

“Since the season is in progress, it will be difficult to become an official sponsor, but… Still, we can proceed in various ways in the external aspect.”

“Of course, getting cooperation from Everton FC above all else is important.”

Taehyung Jang said in a voice full of prudence.

In the meantime, he came up with a strange idea.

‘Not long ago, I was contemplating whether to keep the massage chair business going or to withdraw quickly… … .’

Should I invest a little more and wait, or should I get out of here quickly. It seems like just yesterday that I was seriously thinking about this.

Now, I was contemplating how to market to the UK and how far I could take advantage of its influence. It was literally the difference between heaven and earth.

In addition, based on the body care performance, the group’s stock price rises as a whole, and the favorable news of winning orders from Elephant Industries overlaps… … .

“… I thought I wasn’t very lucky, but it doesn’t seem like it.”

If you analyze and climb a series of good news recently, Kang Tae-han is at the center.

Not only The Meister, who directly helped develop core technologies, but Kang Tae-han’s indirect help was great in terms of the large-scale construction contract won this time.

“… Sooner or later, I will have to bring a small gift and visit Director Kang.”

Of course, it wouldn’t be all thanks to Kang Tae-han. However, there are not one or two companies that collapsed because they did not get an opportunity even though they had everything prepared.

In that sense, Kang Tae-han’s help and contributions, which provided the opportunity for all of this, cannot be said to be small.

Taehyung Jang said in a low voice of gratitude, as if muttering.

“In the meantime, get a massage and come.”

“… Secretary Choi knows me too well.”

In the meantime, when Secretary Choi, who was next to him, pointed out the selfishness he had stored in his heart, Jang Tae-hyun crossed his arms and smiled.

* * *

“Hey, Sae-ya, do you have any schedules today?”

“… Well? what?”

Yoo Se-ah, who was sitting on the sofa, absent-mindedly.

Responding belatedly to her mother’s words, she asked again. It wasn’t just a habitual question, it was a response that I really didn’t hear.

“Is there any schedule for today?”

“No. I can’t be at home like this if I have a schedule.”

“Then, what is it?”

Only then did her mother, Han Joo-ah, who heard the answer, turn around and sit on the sofa as a backrest, and began to cut the fruit she had brought earlier. Was it like that?


Yoo Se-ah, who had been sitting blankly, let out a laugh to herself.

I looked back to see if I was watching something interesting, and I was just sitting there, not really looking at my smartphone.

The TV in the living room is also turned off.

Still, I was a juah who wanted to do that until here.


After a while, Yoo Se-ah hugged a cushion and started tossing and turning from side to side. Han Joo-ah, who couldn’t see it, opened her mouth.

“hey! Did you eat something wrong?”

“… huh? no? You only ate home-cooked meals yesterday and today.”

“But why are you acting like a madman!”

At Joo-ah Han’s words, Se-ah Yoo put on an unfair expression.

“No, did I just sit on the couch and laugh?”

“It’s because I’m laughing alone even though nothing happened!”

“… okay. Can I eat an apple?”


Even in the midst of this, my daughter reached out her hand, and I saw a mother dipping a piece of fruit and handing her a fork.

Then Seah Yoo began to chew on the apple as if she had never done it before. Han Joo-ah looked at Yoo Se-ah for a moment, then swallowed a sigh that leaked out.

‘Ehh. Because I’m still a kid… … .’

In the world, she is now a famous actress with dignity, but in her mother’s eyes, she is seen as a daughter who is still immature. Or is it just because it’s home, so I’m comfortable?

‘I know how to do it, but… … .’

Still, she is a proud daughter who has taken care of her work from before, and that’s why I don’t worry too much about those things… It’s not that there aren’t any concerns at all.

Han Joo-ah, who was cutting fruit while thinking for a while, opened her mouth alludedly.

“Come to think of it, are things going well with you and Taehan?”

“… uh, what? Taehan, why?”

I was just casually asking.

Seah Yoo’s reaction is strange. Do you think it sounds like you’re embarrassed? Han Joo-ah turned her head backwards with a puzzled expression.

“No, you’re dating Taehan.”


“So, how are you doing?”

An implicit question.

The question itself was at a level that even a friend I hadn’t met in a few years could ask. However, Yoo Se-ah’s reaction was not like that at all.

“Anything? no? Did nothing happen?”

I had been looking at Han Joo-ah’s face until just now, but as I was answering, my eyes glanced back toward the veranda. Because Hana’s head was turned to the side, her slightly reddish auricles were exposed.

‘… Aha.’

Something special happened.

And it wasn’t too difficult to guess what it was. That embarrassed and trying to hide it made her guess even more certain.

“Looks like you’re doing well, then that’s fine.”

Han Joo-ah did not hesitate to ask, but answered in a sullen voice and brought a piece of apple to her mouth. Before long, Yoo Se-ah turned on the TV, as if the needless silence was burdensome.

The program that comes out as soon as you turn it on is Blind Mission.

It wasn’t because there was a program I really wanted to watch, and both of them were staring at the TV screen. Has it been that long?

“It’s a good time.”

“Ah, what!”

“No, it’s a good time.”

Joo-ah Han couldn’t stand it and said a word. The voice was as sullen as before, but the corners of the mouth twitched as if they couldn’t stand it.

* * *

“It’s been a while, Mr. Young-sang.”

“Ah, Director Kang!”

The central elevator of the liner building.

Kang Tae-han, who arrived in front of the elevator on the second basement floor, greeted Kwak Sang-young, who was waiting for him.

Then, Kwak Sang-young, who was staring at something, received a belated greeting.

“Iknow, right. Long time no see.”

“Hmm… … .”

Kwak Sang-young’s voice is slightly tired.

Her dark circles, which were noticeably thicker than before, and her tiredness in various ways were visibly revealed. Kang Tae-han, who was looking at him, hinted.

“You seem to be a bit busy these days.”

“Yes. Well, I have some work.”

Kwak Sang-young scratches his head with an embarrassed expression.

“You know the Michelin Guide, right?”

“Yeah, of course I know.”

The Michelin Guide is a guidebook that carefully selects restaurants around the world and gives them up to three stars.

It is also the most well-known restaurant industry guidebook in the world, so even if it gets a one-star rating, I know that putting my name on it is a big deal.

“But why?”

“There is something like the Michelin Guide in the lodging industry. It’s called Fermo Trip Guide, and it’s a tourist guide book that is periodically updated by a French magazine.”

Fermo Trip Guide.

I’ve never heard of it, but since it’s like Michelin, I think I have a rough idea of what it feels like. Taehan Kang nodded slowly.

“I guess there was talk of a visit from there, right?”

“Oh, it would have been great if you had said that.”

Kwak Sang-young shook his head with a puzzled expression.

Read at readwn. com

Like Michelin’s judges, Fermo’s judges also travel anonymously. It is because that side is helpful for a fair evaluation.

Hana yo Recently, rumors have begun to circulate in the domestic hotel industry that it seems that Fermo’s evaluator has moved to Korea. From what I’ve heard, it seems to be reliable information.

And that was the problem.

If I had just gone anonymously, I would have thought it was unavoidable and moved on, but thinking that it might come sooner or later makes me work day by day.

“I think I’ll be fine today… … .”

“I guess there is some standard?”

“Yes. It is known that Fermo evaluators usually stay for 2 nights and 3 days. Maybe one night is not enough to evaluate it.”

Kwak Sang-young’s voice was full of tiredness. Kang Tae-han, who was listening to his story, asked a hint.

“Hmm. Can I look over your shoulder for a second?”

“… Yeah? Joe, great!”

Kwak Sang-young was embarrassed at the moment, but he soon showed a welcome reaction at a level close to pleasure. The thought of going to a massage parlor was desperate.

“by the way… Weren’t you on your way to work?”

Around that time, the elevator we had been waiting for arrived. Kwak Sang-young asks a question while getting on the elevator. I felt sorry for taking up the time of a busy person.

“So we have to finish it quickly.”

However, Kang Tae-han had no intention of taking time for himself.

The time he looked after his shoulder was while riding the elevator. As if time was running out, Kang Tae-han immediately put his hands on Kwak Sang-young’s shoulders.

“I-for a moment… … .”

For a moment, an idea popped into Kwak Sang-young’s head.

To finish faster than usual… Wouldn’t it have to be stronger and more painful?

Kwak Sang-young, who slightly raised his hand and tried to ask for a moment.

However, Kang Tae-han’s fingers were faster than his words.


and the next moment.

In the empty space where the elevator was moving, a man’s screams of pain resounded.

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