The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 946: Lao Ge: Calm down and drink black tea

"I used to think that Anton was the person I should be most vigilant about. The harm he could cause was too great." Dumbledore stared at the clouds outside the French windows of the office. "I had to think of ways to curb it."

"Anton is indeed the most dangerous." Grindelwald shrugged with a smile, picked up the black tea on the table and took a sip, his eyes lit up, and he took another sip.

"In the original trajectory of fate, Voldemort should be becoming more and more mentally retarded."

"Obviously, Anton's appearance brought him an opportunity to complete his soul."

Dumbledore pursed his lips and shook his head slowly, "This is the end of the matter, and it doesn't make any sense to tell who caused this result. Fate is unpredictable, maybe I didn't use such a strong method to make him admit his mistake, and in the future If he gives more guidance during his studies, there won't be so many things."

He breathed out lightly, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "Those who play with people's hearts are always eaten back by people's hearts..."

"Tom is Tom, for the greater good?"

"Heh~ just depend on him?"

Dumbledore knew this student too well. Whether his soul became more complete or he became a monster, it was impossible to change Tom's selfish indifference.

Such a person may use 'for the greater good' to accomplish something, but people will eventually find that this person is called the Dark Lord for a reason.

The wind howled, rolling up clouds and rushing towards Hogwarts, and the water vapor diffused in through the open windows, making people's faces a little cold.

The office became very quiet for a while.

I don't know how long it took, Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore, "What are you going to do?"

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes. "What he is doing now is obviously beneficial to the development of the wizarding world. I hope to observe more about the consequences of his attempts in the future."

"When necessary, stand up and stop him, keep the good results, and let the bad results perish with Tom's failure."

"Ha~" Grindelwald chuckled, "This sounds familiar!"

Dumbledore was silent for a while, sighed a little darkly, turned to look at Grindelwald, he opened his mouth, but didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Oh~" Grindelwald raised his glass, "There is no need to say sorry, maybe we should pay more attention to Tom."

Old Deng stared at Grindelwald for a while, "Of course you will pay attention to Tom, you should have paid attention to Tom a long time ago, after analyzing Anton's feelings for Tom, you will definitely make some plans based on it, I know you Definitely will."

He curled his lips, "So many old saints ran to help Tom, Tom, a silly boy, doesn't understand how loyal the saints are to your beliefs, I'm afraid at this time he thinks these people have given up on you, oh, he It might not even be considered."

Lao Ge blinked with an innocent look on his face.

Old Deng sneered, walked behind the table and sat down, crossed his hands and fingers on the table, his sharp eyes shined from the half-moon-shaped eyes.

"He doesn't know you. Seeing that you didn't move after leaving Nurmengard, he probably thought you were old and weak, lost your sharpness, and had no more ambitions."

"People like him think that staying in a dark corner and waiting for resurrection is patience. Heh, he doesn't know what patience is at all."

"Otherwise I wouldn't have fished him out with a Philosopher's Stone."

"Let me guess..."

"Lucius Malfoy has gradually lost his decisive role to Tom, and that's why he was kicked into the magic school as the headmaster. Nowadays, there are more pure-blood families and forces that can provide Tom with more resources. Will soon take Malfoy's place."

"Severus Snape killed him, and now he is completely on the opposite side."

"Bella and Batty Jr. only know how to kill. Not to mention the ability to govern, I'm afraid it's difficult to maintain normal rationality at the most basic level."

"As for the other Death Eaters or the newly joined subordinates, I'm afraid he won't be able to catch his eye either."

"On the contrary, those saints of yours were already the elites of the wizarding world in the past. After so long of fighting and development, and the big waves washed away the sand, most of them have either become experts in various fields or masters of certain powerful forces who have the right to speak. people."

"I am afraid…"

"Tom doesn't even know. In fact, almost all of the people he can rely on now are saints?"

"Then, when Tom puts all his effort into developing everything in order to practice 'for the greater good', and when I finally can't stand Tom killing him, then the wizards in America will probably be impatient to embrace you, right? "

"Even if many of them have already shaken their faith, at that moment, you are the only one who can give them a sense of security, provide them with shelter and lead them, right?"

"Don't even pay too much for your conspiracy to occupy the magpie's nest. Just drink your black tea leisurely and wait for those last people to beg you to sit on the throne."

"Oh~ oh~ oh~" Grindelwald waved his hand, "Don't say that, I'm just a little old man enjoying the dull time of retirement."

For some reason, Dumbledore suddenly thought of a sentence that was read in Anton's mind earlier - I believe in you, you old man is very bad.

He took off his glasses tiredly, pinched the bridge of his nose, and muttered, "Tom, Anton, and you...all of them are not worried."

Lao Deng is so tired.

Sometimes he even wants to say, forget it, or you can play it however you like, I won't get involved in this game anymore!

But such emotions were quickly suppressed.

He, Albus Dumbledore, was probably the only person in the wizarding world who had the potential to put the brakes on these three bad guys.

Even if there is a little trustworthy person, Dumbledore will not feel so tired.

"Sometimes before I fall asleep, I drink a glass of wine, lie gently on the soft bed, put my hands on my stomach, and prepare to fall asleep..."

"I will have that expectation. If I can't wake up, it will be great."

"Hey~" Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore with a smile, "You think you understand me, and I understand you, Albus, your heart is more restless than mine, Tom, and Anton .”

"There is a demon in everyone's heart, and you are fighting against that demon. It's a terrible practice. You don't know how to use the power of this demon, guide it, and tame it like we do."

"Forget it!" Dumbledore rolled his eyes, "I'm already over a hundred years old. Listening to you tell me these things now, my heart is not disturbed. You should save it to confuse others."

"How can this be called deception?" Grindelwald looked unhappy, "You must have heard Aberforth say too many bad things about me to think so!"

"I'm not Tom!" Dumbledore glared at him, "I have an IQ!"

"Oh~ that would be great!"

Grindelwald obviously can't stay here for too He and Dumbledore are both the kind of people who have enough patience to wait for all changes, and Anton is the kind of person who doesn't care about anything and only has magic in his head Magic fanatics, but people like them are a minority in the wizarding world after all.

Countless people have heard the news, and now they are trying to contact them through various channels.

"I told you I'm retired, but they still don't believe it, it's really..." Grindelwald drank the last sip of black tea helplessly, and asked if Dumbledore could call those skilled house elves at Hogwarts They refill their glasses.

"Go, go~" Old Deng urged him to leave impatiently, "The Order of the Phoenix, the school, the Ministry of Magic, the International Federation of Wizards, there are too many people looking for me, I'm going to get busy!"

"It's more than a hundred years old, and I still don't know how to enjoy life. I'm so tired, tsk tsk tsk~" Lao Ge stood up slowly with a look of disgust, and walked into the fireplace in the principal's office with his hands behind his back. , disappeared.

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