The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 934: This is my son!

Has Ron grown up? Of course there is!

There is an old saying in Anton's hometown, which goes, "Treat each other with admiration for three days after farewell."

If Ron didn't grow up, wouldn't Anton's hard work be in vain? After all, since he taught Ron to master the 'Spirit of Fear', Ron has been learning from him for almost a year.

Uncle Arthur once told Anton about a magical palace of knowledge hidden deep in the blood of the Weasley pure-blood family in the long river of time. Every Weasley will passively gather the knowledge in his mind into this palace. , and at the same time, the Palace of Knowledge will also nourish every Weasley in an invisible state.

To open this palace, in addition to the Weasley blood, it also needs the recognition of the Weasley family. (chapter 581)

But now when Ron overcomes his fear, the spirit of fear changes from a big fluffy spider to a teddy bear doll that his mother made for himself. ....

In fact, he is already receiving the invisible influence from the palace of knowledge deep in his bloodline. Of course, this is considered a bloodline talent, coupled with Anton's targeted guidance and Ron's own hard work...

Anton was looking forward to what kind of answer Ron would give.

Many people are looking forward to what Ron can do.

As the host Lockhart turned his camera on Ron, many wizards from all over the world focused their attention on Ron.

It's just that many people don't seem to understand what Ron is doing.

I saw him walking slowly under the big tree where the helicopter was hanging, gently hugging the big tree, putting his cheek on it, gently stroking the trunk with one hand, and gently shaking the other hand beside his mouth As if humming a song softly. "!!" Lockhart looked back at Anton with wide eyes, and asked in a low voice, "What is he doing?"

Anton raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Communicate with plants!"

Xiu'er, he didn't expect that what Ron did first was to communicate with this big tree.

"It's right to think about it carefully." Anton rubbed his chin,

"It's in line with what a delicate child like him would do.

"Communicate with plants?" Lockhart screamed, and Anton quickly pulled out his wand to control the transmission of the voice, preventing Lockhart from affecting Ron.

Lockhart obviously didn't notice this. As if he had discovered some important news, he pulled the magic mirror and pointed it at him and Anton, "Can you explain it in detail?" Anton shrugged, "The technique of magical botany .

Now the one who will earnestly spread this knowledge is probably the 'Azkaban Academy' Professor Hannah Abbott of Magical Botany'. Ron seemed to be studying seriously, he was no longer the scumbag in elementary school, and even attended this class that everyone didn't like very much. And actually learned something!

"Magical botany?" Lockhart blinked, indicating that he was a little confused.

"Hmm~" Anton chuckled inexplicably, "There is magic zoology, and of course there will be magic botany, but the modern magic system doesn't seem to attach much importance to this, and only lists herbal medicine separately."

"Raman Bernstein, a witch who was active in Merlin's time, she is a magical botanist, in her

It is written in the first volume 4 of the book "I Can Hear Their Whispers".

Anton looked at Lockhart seriously, "Animism!"

"So..." Lockhart was amazed, "Magic botanists can talk to magical plants? So what's the use?

"They have a magical spirituality, a spirituality that is completely different from intelligent creatures." Anton remembered the few elephant-eating vines he had planted, with a gentle smile on his face, "As long as there is a wizard's help, they can. ..."

Anton hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly saw Ron stepping back slowly, and beckoned them to follow and stay away from the big tree.

The three of them walked a full five meters away, and the big tree suddenly moved.

It stretches its branches, as if stretching its waist, some dead old bark and dead skin on the trees

The branches and leaves of the trees fluttered.

Then, it bent down suddenly, and gently put the huge and heavy helicopter on the ground on the ground. The tree body bounced up, and the branches and leaves shook, as if waving to Ron to express goodwill.

A gust of wind blew through the leaves, and the big tree returned to its original shape again

As if it hadn't moved.

"Wow~" Lockhart exclaimed.

Ron, who was serious, was particularly interesting. He puffed his mouth vigorously, like a little frog, staring at his target vigorously.

I saw him slowly approaching the helicopter, gently waving the magic wand in his hand, "Back to the original!

There were several rustling sounds, a propeller flew out of the bushes, glass shards rolled and gathered from the grass, and the rear wing of the fuselage twisted and corrected back to its original shape.

Everything seems to be reversed in time, and the damaged helicopter is being pieced together little by little.

"My God!" Jim Huck in the stands of the tower was stunned, staring at Arthur with wide eyes, "This is simply a miracle, I...I...I."

He was flailing his arms wildly, too excited to utter a full sentence.

"This is a restoration spell!" Arthur introduced to him proudly, "It's not a difficult spell!"

"Oh, Arthur, stop yelling!" A witch beside him

The master teased him, "Generally, the restoration spells of little wizards can at most repair teacup mirrors or something. A spellcaster like your son has already reached a level of arrogance!

Arthur tried his best to hold back the smile on his face, and frantically told himself, oh, little Ron hasn't finished the game yet, hold it back, it's not the time to be proud.

However, the smile on his face couldn't be hidden, and it was about to bloom.

"Oh my God!" Jim Harker finally gasped, pointing hard at the image in the magic mirror, "You wizards don't know what this magic represents! This magic can completely change the world!

Then, when he saw the disapproval of those wizards, he was going crazy!

Arthur thought that this new friend was excited for him, so he patted Jim Harker on the shoulder, "Hey, the game is not over yet, even if Ron repaired the helicopter, he couldn't fly it... .”

As he said, the smile on his face froze suddenly, "Yes, Ron can't fly a plane!"


He doesn't believe that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry teaches

Fly a helicopter!

Even the Academy of Azkaban run by Anton couldn't possibly have such courses!

How much he wished that when he was studying Muggle planes, he could let this young son watch from the sidelines, maybe then he could learn something?

Arthur didn't know that he just suddenly looked at the magic mirror unwillingly, praying in his heart, praying for a miracle to happen.

Even, he knew it was impossible. "What are you going to do next?"

Lockhart was curious to see this huge Muggle machine. With a wealth of knowledge, he also felt a little headache seeing such a thing. He found that he seemed to have no way to drive it.

Or, how to start this thing?

Ron scratched his head, "I learned a spell in a book, and Hermione taught me it, but I don't know if it's useful, I just want to try it."

"School?" Lockhart looked at the kid in amazement, wow, are you so brave? "What magic?"

"Item Revitalizing Spirit Curse, written in Anton's book."

"?" Lockhart froze for a moment. Isn't that specially used to defend against the Killing Curse?

But he will not continue to ask. As a host, he knows when to lead the topic and when to leave it blank to give the other party a chance to perform.

Ron couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief seeing that Lockhart stopped pestering him to ask questions. He glanced at Anton and saw Anton nodding encouragingly to him.

Feeling much lighter.

No one knows how important Anton is to Ron. He is the friend who understands him the most, the family who cares the most about him, and the most knowledgeable and patient teacher!

Ron glanced gratefully at Anton and nodded.

He walked slowly in front of the helicopter, waving the magic wand in his hand, chanting a spell, "Spiritual awakening!"

The spell that Anton invented at the time had no spells. (446 chapters)

Later, in order to spread it more effectively, he came up with a spell, "spiritual awakening", a simple word

Group, but it represents his understanding of too many things in the magical world.

The spell apparently worked.

A pair of eyes that looked like children's doodles suddenly appeared on the protruding engine compartment at the front of the helicopter, blinking and blinking.

Then, a mouth appeared under the eyes. "Hey, hello!" said the helicopter to Ron.

Ron swallowed, and tried to ask it, "Can you fly me to Hogwarts Castle in the sky?"

"Oh **** ho~~" The helicopter suddenly grew two fluorescent graffiti-like hands, akimbo towards the non-existent waist, "Of course, I'm the best at flying!"

As soon as the words fell, the inner cabin of the helicopter suddenly made a few beeps, and then the whole fuselage shook, making a roar similar to that of a tractor.

Start it yourself!

"Oh, there's enough fuel, little wizard, come on!" the plane's fluorescent graffiti hand greeted.

Ron looked at it excitedly, "Okay...Okay, thank you so much!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Lockhart and Anton, and quickly ran towards the suddenly opened door of the helicopter.

buzz buzz buzz ~ ~ ~

The propellers on the helicopter were spinning rapidly, blowing up the fallen leaves on the ground.

Lockhart watched all this in astonishment.

Not only him, but many people around the world staring at this scene through the magic mirror were stunned.

On the high tower in the middle of the island of Jim Harker pointed at the picture in the magic mirror in disbelief, and unconsciously cried out, "I...Fack. .....I can't believe it okay?"

He had long had great fantasies about what wizards could do, it was magic after all!

But now...

How could a wizard's magic do such a thing? Fly a plane?

Do these wizards know what this magic represents?


No, they don't know at all, they just bluff.

Arthur almost jumped up, hugged Jim Huck beside him, shouted excitedly, and pointed to the slowly rising helicopter outside the window, "Look, this is my son! This is my son!" Smash! Hahahaha..."

"He succeeded!"

"It's mine, Ron Weasley!

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