The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 818: Bone Shield

As time passed, Anton and his friends seemed to have become a powerful force in New York City.


Voldemort and Dumbledore had to face a problem, the descendants of their men seemed to be falling out of their ranks.

As long as they want to deal with each other, they have to consider a problem - Anton's strength has reached their level, this **** who doesn't care about anything is really likely to help the other party beat himself because of a disadvantage in a certain matter.

There is an old saying in the East that those who are stubborn are afraid of those who are stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of death.

Anton is the kind of player who is arrogant, stunned and desperate.

What a lunatic!

To be honest, no one dares to provoke easily.

In particular, Anton is in the magic field on the soul side, and what he is playing with is life. This stuff is very likely to make the other party die.

Not to mention Voldemort, even Dumbledore would be secretly afraid.

It is said that death is a great adventure, and Anton is the kind of guy who can pull you back from the world of the dead to play with him when you are about to start an adventure, when you decide to face death bravely.

This is why Dumbledore and Anton maintain a not particularly intimate state.

Ma Dan, don't the other party really care about you so much that you can't even die.

He was already a hundred-year-old man with a very tired heart. He had really lived enough, and he really didn't want to continue to work hard in this world where the Dark Lord kept appearing endlessly. It wasn't fun at all.

I have fulfilled my mission in this life, in this **** world, bye bye, I won't come next time.

Then Anton said, no, you can't die! uiiiin

As soon as Dumbledore thought of this kind of thing, he even had the urge to destroy his magical portrait secretly, worrying that Anton would use that portrait to make some more troubles.

But he still can't think of a way to deal with Anton, this little wizard who is also involved in psychic research and prophetic prophecy, can really sense it.

Pushing him to the opposite side, it is really possible for this guy to go directly to help Voldemort rule the world.

Not for power, not for wizards, not for human social progress, just for fun.

Tom was right when he said that Anton was definitely the scariest Dark Lord.

Dumbledore even sometimes thought, don't when Anton has no more magic to study, he simply doesn't want to live, and drags the whole world to play with him in the world of the dead.

"It's not impossible." Grindelwald nodded with a strange expression.

He imagined that there would be no more life on this planet, and even animals and plants would be completely extinct. He clicked his tongue and couldn't help complaining, "It's all your fault, Dumbledore. You taught him a lot of advanced magic theories."

Lao Deng sighed helplessly, "Don't talk about my guidance.

Ma Dan, don't the other party really care about you so much that you can't even die.

He was already a hundred-year-old man with a very tired heart. He had really lived enough, and he really didn't want to continue to work hard in this world where the Dark Lord kept appearing endlessly. It wasn't fun at all.

I have fulfilled my mission in this life, in this **** world, bye bye, I won't come next time.

Then Anton said, no, you can't die!


As soon as Dumbledore thought of this kind of thing, he even had the urge to destroy his magical portrait secretly, worrying that Anton would use that portrait to make some more troubles.

But he still can't think of a way to deal with Anton, this little wizard who is also involved in psychic research and prophetic prophecy, can really sense it.

Pushing him to the opposite side, it is really possible for this guy to go directly to help Voldemort rule the world.

Not for power, not for wizards, not for human social progress, just for fun.

Tom was right when he said that Anton was definitely the scariest Dark Lord.

Dumbledore even sometimes thought, don't when Anton has no more magic to study, he simply doesn't want to live, and drags the whole world to play with him in the world of the dead.

"It's not impossible." Grindelwald nodded with a strange expression.

He imagined that there would be no more life on this planet, and even animals and plants would be completely extinct. He clicked his tongue and couldn't help complaining, "It's all your fault, Dumbledore. You taught him a lot of advanced magic theories."

Lao Deng sighed helplessly, "Don't talk about my guidance.

Yes, Gellert, you still guide him to study magic. "Everyone, don't talk about anyone!

I feel sorry for you.

This kind of person has already broken away from titles such as the White Demon King and the Black Demon King. He is simply a walking nuclear weapon, the kind who intends to blow himself up at any time for fun.


The hut partners cleaned up the dark magic creatures in the city one by one. The Muggle officials promptly arranged for people to take the residents in the cleared buildings to the "Asylum Tower". The members of the witch hunting organization that may exist are trying to find the list of the other organization.

The effect is remarkable.

There are all sorts of strange witch-hunting organizations in America, and there are even witch-worship organizations. Don't think this is a good thing, there is that kind of inexplicable "Wizards Worship Scientology", who are fanatically eager to catch wizards and tie them to the experimental table.

Then, find a way to become a wizard yourself.

Human desires are endless. When witch hunting organizations do not have a complete program and fight on their own, many terrible things will even be born.

Compared with them, sometimes the so-called Dark Lord Voldemort has to sigh himself.

Of course, none of this has much to do with Anton.

He didn't care whether there were witch hunters in this world, or the unmaintainable balance between Muggles and wizards, he only cared about his own experiments.

Anton's research has achieved preliminary results.

He decided to teach this magic to his friends.

"Call God to protect you!"

With a light wave of the wand, silver-white mist surged out from the tip of the wand.

"Magic is the power of the mind. Among them, the Patronus Charm and the Spirit of Fear are the most special. They are the spells closest to the instinct of the mind." Anton raised his eyebrows. "This principle is still in New York this time." During the trip, I studied the breeding of black magic creatures and the superposition of bloodlines."

"In particular, Muggles spontaneously used their spiritual power without magic power to fight against the black magic creatures they bred, and after they were driven away from this world, they obtained traces of the magical bloodlines produced by the influence of black magic creatures on themselves."

Anton is always used to explaining the principles when teaching spells. Some of them learned from Professor Voldemort. Back then, Old Voldemort taught while casting spells. There is also the influence of Professor Lockhart, who made himself firm in the idea of ​​spreading knowledge.

It's a pity that no one among the friends can understand what he is talking about now.

The few people in the hut listened to many courses of Anton, but they didn't study systematically. They could only listen to the general idea with a little knowledge and think deeply.

And the other friends were in a state of pure confusion.

It was Draco and Hermione who carefully wrote down what Anton said. They knew better than anyone else the value of magical knowledge.

Although there are so many books in the library of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in fact, there are not many really high-end magic.

Some are too dangerous, some are banned by the International Federation of Wizards and the Ministry of Magic, and some are not disseminated at all, and are only collected by certain families or forces.

In the original book, Hannah Abbott has the background of a pure-blood family, and hopes to become a therapist after graduation, so she has special magic skills

Books can be read.

But most of the channels for wizards to obtain knowledge are the bits and pieces of information in bookstores.

Anton waved his wand and made the Patronus spell

Silver mist filled the body.

"The following content will involve the study of the environment that breeds black magic creatures. I won't talk about this aspect for the time being, and you won't understand it. I call this special unconscious spellcasting state of the Muggle group "" Gray Magic'."

With Anton's waving, the silver mist slowly turned dark and thin, exuding a chaotic silver-gray.

"This is not simply changing the color of the Patronus Charm. It is actually the result of an environmental state simulated by me using the Bionic Charm."

"I am an individual, and the mist formed by these magic powers is the environment, so it will breed black magic creatures. Of course, everyone knows that this magic spell can release the Patronus Charm."

"That's when it becomes interesting. The Patronus Charm itself is a unique protective spell. It is a spell that protects one's own soul."

Anton turned his head to look at everyone, "At this time, we will secretly change the concept, completely confuse our body and soul, and regard everything in ourselves as our soul."

"Well, such a statement is wrong, but it was because of this mistake that I was able to float the Black Lake not long after I was exposed to magic."

"Then, we added Dumbledore's compound spellcasting technique, mixed into the 'spider sense' I simulated with the bionic spell.

Anton giggled and shook the wand in his hand slightly.

Immediately, a silver-gray patron saint that was as long as a ballpoint pen and thick at both ends and long in the middle emerged from the mist, floating and spinning around Anton.

Ron stared blankly at the magic, wrinkled his bun face, "Anton, these look like bones."

Anton shrugged, "I guess the appearance may be different after you cast it. It relies heavily on the power of the mind."

"I call my own spell the 'Bone Shield Curse', and the spell is the Bone Shield."

He stretched out his left hand and hooked his fingers at Harry, "Come on, cast an expelling weapon on me."

George and Fred looked at each other, and Qi Qi exclaimed, "Anton, you look very evil now."

"Giggle... Anna nodded with a chuckle, "It's a bit like a necromancer."

Anton ignored them and looked at Harry. Harry took a deep breath, waved his wand vigorously, and aimed at Anton, "Disarm!"

Everyone watched closely, and saw that when Harry started to cast the spell, one of the silver-gray bones floating around Anton had already floated up, and when Harry's spell hit, the silver-gray bone The gray bone was sent flying straight away.

It's like a magic wand out of hand. "Quack quack..."

"It really works!"

Anton laughed, "I think you guys thought I reacted early, I closed my eyes and turned around, Harry, you attack again."

As he spoke, he actually turned his back on Harry. "Disarm you!"

At this moment, George also pulled out his wand, and cast a spell on Anton, "Stop standing still! (Leg Locking Curse

Two more silver-gray bones surrounded Anton's body flew out, blocking Anton's face and enduring the two curses.

One floated behind Anton's back and did not move, and the other flew out after being hit by the disarming spell, and then all of them turned into silver-gray rays of light and disappeared.

"How about it?"

Anton turned his head, "The effect is not bad!"

"However, this spell cannot resist powerful spells. It is more suitable for resisting gun bullets. As for attacks such as missiles, or if buildings collapse and bury them, the effect is not very good."

"Wow~" George exclaimed, "It's already pretty good!"

Fred also exclaimed excitedly, "No spell can handle everything, this is really enough."

It is a completely different experience to research and invent a magic by yourself, and to learn magic from others.

Anton doesn't know how others invent a new spell, but his own research always seems to be

Just figure out why.

The most amazing thing about magic is that even though he invented a new spell, which contains so many magical principles, other people really only need to learn the three elements mentioned by the old wizard Fiennes.

—Spells, spell-casting gestures and mobilizing emotions.

He temporarily stopped his friends' expedition to capture black magic creatures in this city, and taught everyone how to cast this magic bit by bit.

Anton knows how to teach, and he gives advice according to each person's situation, and the effect is very good.

Just kidding, he is now at the same level as several demon kings, and his research on magic and individual wizards has an extremely unique vision.

At this time, they showed their respective standards.

Hermione really deserves to be an all-round academic master, she is the first to learn.

It was really like what Anton said, even though the spell was 'Shield of Bone', when she cast it, a stream of silver water surrounded her body.

Anna is the second one. She listens to Anton's theories the most among this group of people. She can generate a lot of associations and insights from what Anton said. She thinks a lot, so the magic spell she learned is the most effective. strong.

The effect she cast is snowflakes dancing around her.

Compared with Hermione's casting effect, she seems to have turned this passive type of magic into an active type of magic. At least in the experiment, Anton cast some buff magic on her, so she would not be blocked by this "bone shield" of.

Hermione couldn't do it, because Anton hadn't thought about it before.

Then came George and Fred. Then came Ron.

Then there's Draco and Harry.

It's hard for Harry to accept such a thing, obviously he has learned the Patronus Charm a long time ago, Anton also said that this spell is based on the Patronus Charm's high-end application transformation spell, but his learning speed is still about the same as Draco's .

Especially Ron, who studies faster than him! How is this possible!

Although he is also happy for the progress of this good friend, he doesn't want to be left behind at all!

Ron didn't feel complacent, but he forced a smile, "The spell I cast may be a little different, it doesn't seem to be the transformation of the Patronus spell that Anton said, but the 'Spirit of Fear'

deformation. "

It is also a power that extends to the heart, and the power of the spirit of fear is incomparable to that of the Patronus Charm.

Not to mention that he has long been accustomed to the casting of the 'Spirit of Fear', and used it unconsciously.

The effect is particularly powerful. After casting the spell, five huge shield-like silver-gray turtle shells surround him, which looks very cool.

But only Ron knew that since Anton taught him the 'Spirit of Fear', a way to dig out his inner, he might never be able to get rid of the struggle between fear and courage for the rest of his life.

Stupid children always have to pay more and more if they want to gain advantages that others don't have.

He didn't even want to try the effect of this 'bone shield' against the attack of Muggle gun bullets, because he knew that every time the shield helped him resist the attack, it was a torture to the soul.

It's hard.

After that, Goyle also completed the study of this spell. Although he has almost no talent in the Patronus spell, his talent in prophecy seems to be very suitable for the "spider induction" part, and it is not special to learn. difficulty.

It was Dudley and Crabbe who had trouble.

Dudley's talent for magic spells is simply appalling. When he was in school, he excelled in Potions and Quidditch. In other respects, he was really, as others said, a second-rate wizard.

No matter how hard he tried, no matter how vigorously he waved his wand, he could only release a faint layer of silver-gray mist.

With this kind of magic improved by Anton, he couldn't even rely on this layer of mist to expel the dementors like the light of the Patronus Charm.

But at least he was released.

Crabbe looks like there's only one left

Ba Zong also came to the bottom of the list with the wizard from a garbage background, as if feeling humiliated, his face turned red.

He roared the incantation like crazy and waved his wand.

Until Anton glanced at him silently and shook his head, "Like those dark wizards, your mind has been affected by black magic to a certain extent. I guess you can't even cast the Patronus Charm."

This guy is usually stupid, and he is also stupid when he is affected by black magic. If it weren't for this teaching, he wouldn't be aware of this at all.

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