The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 78: Flesh separation

Time passed quietly, and Anton always felt that there was not enough time.

Yesterday Saturday, Snape took him to do an experiment, how to test the medicinal properties, functions, and properties of dragon lungs. The extremely smooth operation technique gave him more insight into the old wizard's previous manuscripts.

The pink and fluffy Yalong species that Anton saw was actually the eighteenth sample sent by Longchang. Snape needed to save it to test the overall reaction, and that's what made it alive.

And before the other seventeen were completely disassembled into countless parts, this was already the third assistant-type practical class.

For the first time, Anton knew that it took so many steps to test the medicinal properties of an unknown potion material.

The first is the magic spell. Since most of the magic spells have anti-curse and recovery spells, the first thing to experiment with the materials is the magic spell.

The dragon lungs of this sub-dragon species have a good adaptability to the spell of body size change.

A drug that can be used to replace the compound decoction, the effect is to prolong the time of the compound decoction.

It has an excellent stabilizing effect on the Traceless Stretching Spell. As long as you add a little bit, in addition to expanding the space, it also has a good effect on the duration of the spell.


In terms of spells alone, Snape made dozens of records.

Afterwards, drug tests, physical tests, etc. are required.

Anton was fascinated by his studies. After returning yesterday, he dug out the old wizard's previous experimental manuscript and read it all night.

Every time I learn a little more and re-read these manuscripts, I will have more insights.

Seeing dawn, he followed Draco and the others to the first floor restaurant for breakfast.

Of course, Draco wouldn't normally eat a few mouthfuls, because he was about to quarrel with Harry Potter.

Anton wasn't in the mood to care about them. His brain became dizzy and uncomfortable after working at high speed all night.

But later, I have to go to Laofu.

For this reason, he had to pour himself a bottle of homemade simple refreshing potion.

Oh, it smelled like smelly socks mixed with perfume overnight. It was so irritating that I almost vomited out my breakfast.

But it's finally coming.

So, let's take a deep breath, take a deep breath, take a deep breath.

Anton hesitated for a long time by the stairs, and finally stepped forward and pushed open the door of Professor Quirrell's office.

"Good morning, Professor." The little wizard smiled brightly.

"Sit!" Professor Quirrell, well, Voldemort.

Professor Voldemort sat gracefully behind the large table, the chair turned to the oriel window beside him, and squinted out the window.

Anton followed his line of sight and looked out. At this moment, the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teams were fighting fiercely on the Quidditch pitch.

"The cute little wizard is always so energetic."

"I didn't like Quidditch before, which obviously made me miss the hottest fun of my age."

Anton doesn't know what condition Lao Fuping is in, but when he is a professor, he always talks a lot.

At this time he will not interrupt.

He also interrupted Lao Fu's words when he was the most confused when he was learning knowledge. At other times, he tried not to speak, but just smiled.

"In 1894, there was a Quidditch team called the Appleby Arrows, and their fans celebrated by unleashing an arrow with a wand."

The professor placed the wand gracefully in his palm and waved it gently. An arrow appeared out of nowhere and shot it on the oak bookshelf at an extremely fast speed. The magic light shook and the arrow disappeared.

"That year, the fan's arrow went through the nose of referee Nugent Potts, so the Department of Magical Sports ordered the old practice to be banned."

"This record is from Chapter 7 of The Magic of Quidditch: The Quidditch Teams of Great Britain and Ireland."

The professor turned his head and stopped looking at some cute boy in Gryffindor.

"Today we will talk about this arrow spell."

"Ancient magic and modern magic are almost completely different systems, and they have advantages and disadvantages in their respective fields."

"Modern magic is more powerful and easier to master, and it will allow us to quickly enter the palace of high-end magic spells."

"Ancient magic is more complex, more mysterious, and requires more complex knowledge, and it is easier to penetrate the essence of magic."

"If an ancient spell like the Arrow Curse is split into a modern magic system, first of all, it is a flying spell, which is a kind of summoning spell, and secondly, it is also a high-end transformation spell, and it is also a branch of the summoning spell."

Anton wondered, "Is the Transformation Charm a Summoning Charm?"

"No, it's not." The professor shook his head with a smile. "It's because some transformation spells have touched the field of summoning spells. It is often difficult for us to clearly distinguish which system a spell belongs to."

He waved his wand again, "Flock of birds!"

A flock of birds flapped their wings and flew out from the tip of the stick, flew around the office, and flew out from the open window.

"This is a high-end transformation spell, and it's also a type of summoning spell."

"Back to the arrow curse, apart from the appeal, it's still a curse."

"There is also an ancient Rune spell that uses the same principle as the arrow spell. In ancient times, the spell was rarely named. The main function of this spell is to separate the flesh of animals."

"When the Ministry of Magic was founded, this ancient spell was forbidden to be used on living creatures, and later on, harsh laws were enacted against this spell."

The corner of the professor's mouth raised a sarcastic smile, "The only authorized use is the slaughterhouse, but most of the slaughterhouses are now enslaved goblin workers, and they don't need this spell."

"Then, let's learn to use this spell and explain the reasoning behind the arrow spell and the flesh-and-bone separation spell."

The light flashed.

An iron cage appeared on the oak table.

There are thousands of mice in it.

An Dong swallowed his saliva, twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled with some difficulty, "Okay...Okay."



Anton came out with a **** smell and nausea.

Blood soaked his wizard robes, even after using the 'clean up' Anton still felt as if his whole body was soaked in rich blood.

Do not!

Not just blood.

There was even a mouse spine that fell into the pocket of his wizard robe, and God knows how much disgust he endured to pull this mouse spine out of it.

There was even a failure to cast the spell, and the whole mouse blew up, and the blood smeared its face with the flesh.

In other words, Anton has tempered his extremely strong toughness, and he just kept his face unchanged in front of Voldemort.

Yes, he couldn't show a cowardly expression in front of this joking Dark Lord.

Is it more elegant?

Is it better than being calm?

You Voldemort dragged his remnant soul to run under Dumbledore's eyes and you're not afraid. Although my experience is relatively low-end, I'm still walking through life and death clearly.

Anton's expression was extremely calm.

He even deliberately weaved a thought in his mind - oh, I love the smell of blood, no, I can't show it in front of the professor!

As a result, Professor Voldemort's attitude was indeed much gentler, turning from watching a play to pointing.

With guidance, it is different. Sometimes the casting of ancient magic spells does not follow the three elements of magic spells at all, and it is strange everywhere.

until late at night.

After returning to the dormitory, Anton lay on the toilet and vomited for half an hour, almost vomited out his stomach, took a bath, and then lay down on the bed in a trance, it was difficult to distinguish whether he was asleep or not. passed out.

The process of studying is too difficult.

It's completely different from what he imagined Hogwarts to be, drinking tea and reading books in a casual and leisurely manner!

But no matter what, as long as you can get a good night's sleep.

Yes, take a nap.

I will be a good man tomorrow!

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