The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 242: Fate, amazing

"Dumbledore, do you think this is what happened in history?" Anton stared curiously at everything in the sky.

Lao Deng was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"Could it be that the battle between Snape and Voldemort caused Voldemort to be injured or to be in poor condition, which led to the retaliation by Lily's protective spell?"

"I know that Lily is an extremely good and powerful wizard, and I also know the power of the spell of love, but if you really master a powerful spell that suits your situation, you can fight against Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Grindelwald. Wizard, that doesn't make sense either."

"Lily's mother's love, so the protective spell of love is suitable for her." Anton looked at Dumbledore, "You can imagine that I have found a powerful spell that suits me, and then I can ignore the abilities of both parties and easily fight against it. Dumbledore you?"

Lao Deng frowned and pondered, and nodded, "Maybe it's true!"

He looked at the demonized Snape who was fighting with Voldemort in the distance, and his eyes were full of amazement.

"That is to say..." Anton squinted his eyes, "Originally in history, not only the Potters would die tonight, but also Harry Potter, and Voldemort would not be weakened in any way. Where we are now The reality is that the time has been changed, Harry Potter survived, and Voldemort turned into a remnant after his death, looking for a chance to resurrect."

"Furthermore, Professor Snape came here to complete the history?"

"What's the point of that, time has quietly appeared, there is no need for such a meaningless repetition!"

"Especially getting me involved?"

Dumbledore smiled slightly. "Maybe you should have been here too?"

Anton shook his head. He used the original book as a reference. In the original book, who knows if Snape had the chance to obtain the time converter. After all, the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic is said to have hidden the large-scale time of the goblin. converter.


But there is no me in the original!

Absolutely what a difference!

"Forget it, forget it!" Anton shook his head, not wanting to worry about things like time, it's better to touch less in the future, "I only need to do one thing now, don't care about Lily, put me and Si Nep back to reality, that's all."

He stared at Lao Si's state, "But his state is not suitable for going back directly. I have to find a place to deal with his situation first."

"Dumbledore, is there a safer place?"

Old Deng shrugged, "Hogwarts School!"

Anton rolled his eyes and landed on the pine tree from the clouds, showing his figure, "It's too far, it's useful for hair."

"It's very simple. The principal has the right to make the door key of Hogwarts Castle. I can make one for you and send it directly to the depths of the school's forbidden forest."


! "



The fierce battle in the clouds continued, Snape and Voldemort were inextricably fighting, and at this moment, a branch fell lightly on Snape's shoulder...


The branch disappeared with Snape.

Voldemort was stunned for a moment, panting heavily, he landed on the ground, and took two staggering steps.

Oh~ the child to be killed is already in sight, and his pride will not allow him to go back and recover.

It's not Dumbledore after all.

Sure enough, Potter rushed out, opened his arms and tried to resist for a while, wanting his wife to Apparate away with the child.

Avada Kedavra.

Too bad, Apparition is banned here, fool.

Voldemort strolled in leisurely, glanced at Lily, he decided to let this woman go, after all, the most loyal subordinate had prayed to him, so let's just kill this child.

Avada Kedavra.

Lao Fu was stunned to see the woman pounced on him and blocked the life-suppressing curse, but in an instant, the familiar green light of the life-suppressing curse filled his own eyes.




Anton and Snape instantly appeared in the depths of the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts Castle.


Anton, who had been prepared for a long time, turned into a dragon skin werewolf when he was traveling through space, and gave this magic-filled Snape a physical version of 'stunned'.

However, it was useless. Snape tilted his head and waved his wand, and a thin sheet of black mist charged towards Anton like a guillotine.

Punctured in the chest, blood splattered.

Well, it's two things.

When the magic power arrived, Anton instantly switched to the color-changing wind bird, and then switched to the werewolf, and passed the trick.

The fog brake knife pierced the runes on the treetops of the forbidden forest behind him, almost splitting the huge animal that Newt had kept in two.

"!" An Dong swallowed his saliva and took back his vision. The snake Nima still exists in reality, but it shouldn't affect reality.

He took a deep breath.


With the force pouring through his back, the huge werewolf head left a ferocious shadow in Snape's eyes, and he slammed it.

A direct punch rammed Snape's head into the ground.

Anton pulled out the werewolf arm from the soil and exclaimed, "Ness!"

This is definitely not my own strength before, and I realized it when I had a black line in my soul.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is a next page ^0^ The bonus of the truth, and the bonus of the divination bird swallowing the colored lines.

A werewolf, in any case, has a 5x danger level, which is on the same level as a fire dragon, a basilisk, a cat leopard, and an eight-eyed giant spider. Now Anton can say that his werewolf body does not need any wolf poison, and it can also be tied.

"Quack quack~~~"

Seeing Snape struggling to lift the wand in his hand, Anton rammed again.



The loud noise alarmed the birds and beasts of the forest.


Returning to human form, Anton waved his wand, "All petrified!"

Completely petrify Snape and Runes.

Anton's high-end version, all petrified, forced to maintain the current state of the target, the effect is extremely powerful, it is simply an excellent means of auxiliary treatment.

Anton pulled Lao Si out, removed his wand and the time converter hanging from his waist, and looked at him with some trouble.

Dumbledore floated beside him, looking up at the sky with interest, "The flow of time is normal, there is no cycle, but how do you treat him?"

The corner of An Dong's mouth twitched, "You don't want to look like you're watching a play, help think about it."

Old Deng spread his hands, "I'm just a Horcrux."


! "

Cow, you cow, okay.

Anton rubbed his chin and stared at Snape for a long time. Under the magical vision, Snape's soul had completely changed its shape.

Various black magic shapes filled his soul, and it looked as if it was a collection of countless spells.

"This is the ultimate version of the 'spell slot'."

"Tsk tsk."

Lao Si is simply integrated with black magic!

"Professor Dumbledore, how is this situation generally handled in history?"

Lao Deng looked at it with a smile, "This is the first time I have met."

Anton's eyes widened and he looked at him in disbelief, "Then you still sound like you're confident."

"It's the wisdom of a centenarian."


Simply ignoring the old man who only speaks one-liners, Anton stared at Snape, only thinking that fate was particularly interesting.

Black magic.

Snape parted ways with Lily because of dark magic.

Snape also parted ways with Lily and could not ask for it. After killing Lily by coincidence, he was completely invaded by the negative emotions of black magic.

It was also because of black magic that Snape protected Lily's son virtually.

Fate, amazing.

"In that case, let's use the stupidest method to trace the fate of black magic and Snape from the very beginning."

The time-turner was thrown high and floated gently in front of him. Anton held the Philosopher's Stone in one hand and pressed his wand against Snape's head in the other, "I know, the Philosopher's Stone can definitely take me to the most suitable place. time, right..."

At such a crucial moment, Dumbledore started beeping again, and he looked at the Philosopher's Stone I'm not mistaken, the Philosopher's Stone..."

Anton just gave him a Mona Lisa-like smile, Hugh, and disappeared with the time switch.

In place, only the Yalong species looked at everything with a dazed expression.

It couldn't figure out what was going on.

what is this?

Forget it, it's used to the owner disappearing from time to time, so it's just right to wait patiently.

Glancing at Snape, uh, this man used to look scared, but now he looks even more terrifying, he can't be bothered.

He glanced at the huge rune snake again, his eyes lit up, it squeaked twice, and rushed towards it.


I don't know what kind of magic power was driving it, and the Yalong species turned into a fire dragon.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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