The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 239: This feeling is exciting!

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Everyone was excited, only Anton was eating a seafood pie in silence.

He has only one idea now.


This is simply the most suitable activity for ghosts and ghosts to travel.


Hehe, what the hell, you won't be scared to death!

Also huge animals, have you seen the basilisk? Ghosts, have you seen Tom Riddle? Have you seen Voldemort?

Tonight, I'm afraid it's all there.

Anton rolled his eyes and wanted to ask Dumbledore, who was hiding behind his back and groping what he was planning to do - is this situation what you want?

Or, who else do you think cannot be sacrificed for the great good?

It's very grassy!


Can't you have a good time?


The little wizards were excited.

But no matter how excited you are, you have to go to class.

It's just that everyone was assigned a detailed plan of the event, with a line of big characters prominently written on it - the following content is not allowed to be discussed, please maintain the festive atmosphere.

Big Brackets - Principal Lockhart would be frightened himself when he was angry.

In fact, it's not a big deal, it's the old way of despising the chain in the wizarding world.

Principal Lockhart said that Muggle-born wizards and their parents will be taken to the school's observation deck with a huge mirror, and the young wizards can take their parents to visit their school after the event.

As for the adult wizards who help them in the activity game, they can draw a certain number before entering the maze, and this number corresponds to an enthusiastic person outside the school.

The same goes for little wizards born to orphans.

At the same time, he also warned those students and parents who hold certain discriminations, this festival will be filled with a large number of reporters, and all the details will be passed on to the entire wizarding world. If they don't want to suffer reputational damage, try to think about what is appropriate to say at a school.

Anton sighed and threw the note into the trash can.

Well, there are off-campus people too.

He really wants to go and take a good look at Lockhart now, if he is also confused by the Confusion Charm, but thinking about it, it seems that this kind of bells and whistles is his method.

No wonder magic schools choose some powerful wizards to be their principals.

Any kind of flower work requires strong strength as a backing to be able to afford it.


The morning class was a potion class, and it was still an unknown teacher who took the class instead. Anton still chose to skip class.

Walking down the hallway of the school, Lupin can be seen carrying a large cage with his senior classmates to the Quidditch pitch, maybe they will have an interesting lesson.

Anton looked at Lupin silently for a long time.

He can tell Dumbledore and Voldemort not to provoke Lupin again, but Lupin, can he choose strong means to interfere with what he can do and can't do?

No wonder those immortal cultivating novels always talk about cutting off cause and effect and destroying emotion and nature. In this state, they are absolutely invincible.

No wonder Voldemort wants to cut off his love, maybe the road to immortality is not so easy, and the complete self is not so easy to embark on this road.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning lingered from time to time.

Anton was in a bad mood.

He was eager to vent.

Is it Voldemort? Death Eaters?

Annoying me, Lao Tzu transformed into Voldemort and started killing me for you to see.

The consequences, you have to clean up yourselves!

The whole world is gloomy, only a ray of sunshine in my heart slowly exudes light.

An Dong stretched out his hand and held it lightly, picked up a ray of sunlight in his palm, and muttered, "What should I do? Didn't you promise to help me strengthen my heart?"


"What is my heart?"

"Looking for excitement? It's exciting now, but I'm not happy at all."

"Don't ask about the world? But that's how I care about everything."


At this time, he somehow remembered Rozier's teaching. Although this uncle taught him very few lessons, he could always speak some philosophical words.

——Whether it is a long time, space changes, or magical mysteries, when we go to explore, the deeper we go, the more confused we will be, and we will find that we don’t know anything, as if we don’t understand anything.

——At this time, only if you clearly understand your position, you will not get lost in this colorful forest.

——Wizards, whether exploring outward or inward, can’t avoid asking a question in the end. That's about the inside of a wizard, our selves.

——Oh~ Anton, I know you might get tired of listening to this kind of thing next, and you can even talk more than me. Don't laugh, look at that smug little look, I know you're snickering. Anna, be serious too.

——Listen to my faithful advice from an old man who has traveled through time but never lost himself: Understanding what you want is more important than exploring more powerful and mysterious magic.


God, it would be strange to have an answer to this ultimate philosophical question!

If Anton was a simple-minded person, he might be able to easily say what he really wants.

But ah, he is really at a loss now.

He could help Lockhart organize information for easy access to Dumbledore's papers and the precious Philosopher's Stone. He could also hand over the more precious resurrection stone lightly for Lupin's sake.

That is the Resurrection Stone, one of the three Deathly Hallows.

Do you really think it's easy?

Think about how hard the top elders like Grindelwald, Dumbledore, and Voldemort put in to have the Elder Wand, one of the three Deathly Hallows.

Before I knew it, I came to the potions professor's office.

It was banned by Dumbledore, and now only Anton can pass.

He looked at Snape silently and sighed.

Some were lying on their backs on the chair opposite the desk, head down, looking at Lupin on the Quidditch pitch from a distance.

Only the Yalong species bounced gently on his belly and pecked gently, as if to comfort him.

Rubbing the round meat ball, Anton pursed his lips, "Fat ball, you said it would be great if Lupin didn't come to school, right? If Lupin didn't come to school, I..."


Anton blinked, rolled over and sat up, staring blankly at Lupin, then looked at Hogwarts Castle from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and turned to look at Snape.

"I can't even care about this."

People are always weak sometimes.

Always try to avoid some responsibilities.

Putting everything on Lupin, as if it became this way because of Lupin.

Pushing everything to others, it seems like we will find many No, it will not find more ways.

We can only find a little false comfort within ourselves.

For example, saving Snape, this is not Anton's responsibility. To be honest, Lao Si has to go to the time, it's none of his business.

But is Anton willing to save him?

I would like to.

But I find it difficult, so what should I do? It's simple, just share the responsibility.

For example, Neville will also have his own petrification techniques, such as Lockhart's mastery of memory manipulation.

But what about Dumbledore's restrictions on this office?

This is destined to be done only by Anton himself!

Anton walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, stared at everything outside the window, and smiled slightly, "Okay, that's it."

What do you long for? There must be some big truth here. If you don't think you should do it, you just do it. There are so many **** truths.

There are things that can and can't be done!

The dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and the sunlight penetrated through the thin clouds, which looked beautiful.

An Dong's mouth twitched, "Okay, you guys have all planned, right? Everyone is included, right? Then I will find you an unplanned strong player to come and see you. Play with feathers!"

He raised his hand and gently scratched the Yalong's chin, "Little guy, do you dare to go and play with me?"


"Hahahaha..." An Dong smiled, "That's fine, just leave!"

Reaching out his hand and gently placing it on the time changer in front of Snape, his vision rolled.


"This feeling, exciting!"

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