The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 231: Old Deng was really stolen.

"You have all the prerequisites for doing this well. After all, I'm too busy." Lockhart said, and finally noticed Anton's eyes. come over.

"Haha, I won't let you pay for nothing!"

Lockhart took out a blank parchment from the table, "In order to compile such a book with such wisdom, how can there be no need for some reference materials? I will use all Hogwarts magic books and materials. Open to you!"

Anton still looked at him coldly.

Old Deng had already made a list for him. Although it did not include black magic, it was already huge enough. Such conditions could not tempt him at all.

But Lockhart still wrote smugly, and finally, twisting his shoulders, he took out an extremely delicate golden signature plate from the pocket of his wizard's robe, and signed it extremely carefully.

This signature seemed to carry the magic of Hogwarts Castle. After writing the last one, Anton only felt his whole heart shake.

Squinting and quietly opening the magic eye, Anton was surprised to find that the parchment actually extended countless colored lines into the air, as if it was integrated with the entire Hogwarts.

Anton's heart moved, and the corner cabinet of the principal's office suddenly opened, and it was full of Dumbledore's manuscripts and magic books that were not suitable for little wizards to read.

"Haha." Lockhart smiled, "I knew that the principal's status is very useful."

He pushed the parchment to the side of the desk, and looked at Anton with a smile, "Since we want to sort out the wisdom of the past, why not take a look at Dumbledore's ideas for revisions again and again, I think every handwriting on it All are precious treasures.”

"Of course, it is also necessary to refer to some other books."

Lockhart tapped the parchment with his finger, "This may be the largest authority signed by the principal to the students since the establishment of the school."


Anton remained silent.

Lockhart leaned back in the high-back chair and looked at him seriously, "I won't let you go to waste, I told you once, I'm going to teach you to write books, and I'm going to help you expand your fame, I say to do it.”

"This book "The Wisdom of Dumbledore" will be signed in both your and my names."

"I'm the Headmaster, this thing is not a necessity for me, yes, I know what I am. But Anton, this reputation built on Dumbledore's shoulders is definitely for you. The benefits are endless.”

"With your talent in magic, you can easily enter the Ministry of Magic and obtain a starting position that others envy by taking advantage of this fame and the implied name of Dumbledore's successor, and then his connections."

"You can also get involved in the International Confederation of Wizards, Wizengamot, various academic circles, various institutions and organizations you never thought of..."

Lockhart spoke hype.

Anton remained calm, staring at Lockhart, "Since this is the case, what is the benefit for you to do this?"


Lockhart's words stopped abruptly, and he fiddled with his own fingers silently, as if thinking of something terrifying, and trembled.

His tone was faint, "Sometimes, under the road of bright flowers, there may be a swamp full of thorns."

"My principal is not as beautiful as you think."

"If you are walking on thin ice, if you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss and you will never be able to get up again."

Lockhart raised his head and looked fixedly at Anton, "I have to do something, I have to do a lot, Anton, I don't have enough time, I can only ask you for help, yes, I don't have much time left. already."

"I'd like to see the first draft before the end of the school year, okay?"

"Even if it's just a first draft."

Finally, in a lamented tone, he said, "Help me."


long silence.

Anton still stared at Lockhart, and finally the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "So, what's the price?"


Lockhart looked in disbelief.

"I thought I'd already told you how good it was for you!"

An Dong shook his head calmly, "Fame? Do you think I really want it? Even if I want it, with my ability, I will naturally have a reputation that matches my strength in the future. I am only twelve years old, and I have never Don't worry about that."

"Principal Lockhart, I think something similar, I've told you before."

"..." Lockhart blinked and looked at Anton.

Anton blinked and looked at Lockhart.

for a long time.

for a long time.

"Okay okay." Lockhart exhaled forcefully, "Greedy boy."

He stood up, thought about it, and finally came to the high platform behind his desk, where there was a small staircase leading up to a small locked tower.

Inside the tower is a pen made of augury feathers, and a book made of black dragon skin—the Pen of Acceptance and the Book of Admission. They have the magical ability to predict the list of students who are about to enter the school, and Hogwarts admission letters are based on this list.

Beneath this little staircase is a quirky, quaint-looking little stone table.

Lockhart was obviously hesitant, and finally gritted his teeth, took out his wand and tapped it, and a silver cuboid box appeared on the small table.

He came over and gently placed the unknown metal box on the table, "You don't know how excited I was when I found it in the school vault, it used to belong to Dumbledore, but now it belongs to Huo Huo. Gwartz, I have the right to arrange it."

Saying that, he sat down, took out another piece of parchment, and began to write in earnest.

Anton leaned over curiously.

I saw that the box was covered with mysterious lines, with a line of words engraved on it.

——[Give a reference to the latecomers, the most precious technical achievements of alchemy should not be easily destroyed. - Dumbledore, 1992]

This year's?


Anton somewhat guessed why Lockhart was arranging Dumbledore's manuscripts. It was nothing more than flattering, to please Dumbledore, and to leave a way out for his own life.

But you give me what Dumbledore donated to Hogwarts...

Old Deng knew that he was afraid that he was going to kill you with anger?

Haven't considered this?

Anton looked at Lockhart, who was writing and writing, and only thought that this was a crazy gambler, sighed slightly, and shook his head.

Or, his goal is not Dumbledore, and let the outside world think that he has done so much for Dumbledore, thus putting the old Deng up?

Forget it, too lazy to think so much.

Anton touched the metal box lightly with his finger, and saw the lines on the box twist, and the box instantly became transparent.


Inside is an irregular looking red gemstone ore.

But if Anton didn't admit his mistake, no, he saw it with his own eyes at the end of last school year, so how could he admit it.

This Nima is Nico Lemay's Philosopher's Stone!


Dumbledore said at the time that this thing had been destroyed!

This old bee really doesn't even know which one of the words in his mouth can be trusted!


Old Deng, your home has really been stolen, do you know that?

Finally, Lockhart once again signed the document in the name of the principal, and he exhaled forcefully, "I can't handle that much!"

After he finished speaking, he stared at Anton, "Before the end of this school year, you must complete the book "The Wisdom of Dumbledore", it will belong to you completely, otherwise you will not only be unable to open the treasure storage spell on it, but also It was found that it was automatically recovered by the castle."


You give too much, I can't refuse.

Anton carefully looked at the contents on the two pieces of parchment, and finally rolled them up and put them in the snuff box together with the metal box containing the magic nodded lightly, indicating that he knew .

Now that the agreement has been reached, Anton simply turned around and left.


Lockhart gave a cry behind his back.

"I don't think we have a conflict of interest, right? I also have a good relationship with Lupin. I have seen your file, the records filled in by Dumbledore himself, and your guardian is him."

"I think, maybe we can have more cooperation, maybe..."

"Is this a good start?"

------off topic-----

In order to show Lockhart's wisdom and set up people, the three chapters are repeatedly revised until their heads explode. After all, the virtue of the original book is difficult to develop. I hope you will like it.


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