The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 209: Gee, you're so arrogant

Dusk, the sun slants west.

The sunset glow dyed the sky red, and in the waves of the sea, it was pulled to the front in waves.

Under the umbrellas, Anton and Grindelwald quietly tasted the top-quality black tea from distant lands.

This is a small holiday island close to Denmark. The sea breeze makes people indescribably lazy. Lying on the bench, the whole person becomes lazy.

Grindelwald is very knowledgeable, and in just a few words, he taught Anton how to taste the mellowness and fragrance of black tea.

Listening to the sound of the tides of the sea, Anton fell asleep.

Anton didn't know what kind of person Grindelwald was, but he knew that the other party must be someone who knew how to live.

"It feels so good to be free." Lao Ge's voice was faint.

"I have given up for so many years. I know that even if Dumbledore planned to release me, he couldn't solve the curse that he released when he was in the most violent state of emotional fluctuations during his peak period."

"Tear down Nurmengard and gain freedom..."

Grindelwald chuckled, meaning it was difficult to understand, "Fate is really interesting."

"If it's demolished, let's demolish it. In this world, there is no place for that castle to exist."

"Anyway, you let me out, and I have to pay you. Come on, what do you want?"

Anton was about to fall asleep. Hearing this sentence, he instantly became energized.

"Can you point me to a weather spell?"

Grindelwald was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Anton, "Weather spell?"

That's it?

Anton smiled, with an extraordinarily bright smile, "Yes, the weather spell."

Lao Ge may not know him, Anton has always been a person who acts recklessly, gain or lose? nonexistent. He just wants to learn weather spells now.

He always remembered the handsome scene when Grindelwald escaped from prison and caused the thunder in the sky to kill the Aurors.

Of course, the weather spell has other meanings to him.

Although I don't know why the Sunshine Charm is helping him resist Voldemort's erosion every time, but since it is effective, Anton doesn't mind researching it, and the magic will give him the answer.

Anton took out his wand and first used the Muggle Expelling Charm on this beach. Lao Ge had already wrapped it up, but be careful.

He spread out his palms, gently holding a ray of sunshine, feeling its heart-warming tenderness.

"I call it the Sunshine Mantra, also known as the Life Comprehension Mantra."

The wand fluttered, the snuff box floated open, flour and other materials floated out, and they were constantly rotated and stirred. In a short while, a flash of fire appeared, and a few buns floated on the coffee table between the two lounge chairs.

Grindelwald raised his eyebrows, moved his fingers to pick the one that looked the best, and took a bite.

"Well, not bad!"

"Yeah!" Anton laughed, "I call it the Sunshine Bread Charm. I invented this spell first, and then I got that ray of sunshine."

"one left."

Saying that, he pressed his wand to his throat, "Ooooooo~~~"

The clouds are rolling, the sun is shining, and the weather is full of vitality.

"Hey, this is not bad."

Anton spread his hands and picked up a small piece of bread to eat, "I like this spell, but I don't know what to do next."

"Weather spell..." Grindelwald murmured, "It's really interesting, transformation talent, weather spell, these are Dumbledore's good at, you should ask him."

Anton was stunned for a moment and thought for a while, "It seems so, Professor Dumbledore has told me the theory of man and nature."

"Ha~" Grindelwald was delighted, "I ordered a question, it's not that I didn't teach you, after all, I have told you everything in essence. But I didn't get it through, and the rest is for you to figure out. It seems that he does not I don't particularly like you."

really like?

is it possible?

Consider how Tom Riddle was treated, all the teachers liked him, and among them Slughorn was even willing to pave the way for Riddle's future. The way Dumbledore treats such a student can be described as savage and rude.

Anton clicked his tongue, "I'm thankful that he doesn't hate me."

Grindelwald laughed. He picked up the cup of black tea, raised his finger and nodded at Anton, "Self-knowledge is clear, very good."

"It's the same with me. I'm thankful that he doesn't hate me now." He took a sip of tea.

"If you want to talk about this weather spell, I have to explain to you the history of ancient human beings licking their hair and drinking blood."

He saw Anton sitting up, raising his other hand and waving it, "Oh~ relax, relax, learning magic is a fun thing, don't take it so seriously."

"Get food from the river, get cooked food from the fire, use the river to build a village, use the fire to drive away the wild animals."

"The cotton and linen for food and clothing from the earth."

"By observing the stars, sun, moon, and clouds in the sky, people can record time, climate, and history."

"In those years, human beings have quietly merged with nature. This fusion is more than that of livestock and beasts, because of active consciousness and magic."

"Yes, all people have magic powers."

An Dong was stunned, "Are everyone wizards?"

Grindelwald shook his head with a smile, "Perceiving magic power, releasing magic power, and guiding magic power, this requires a unique talent, and this is how wizards were born."

"But magic is everywhere, in every human being."

"It's just that most people don't have the ability to perceive magic and release magic."

"Magic power is a very interesting thing. When we came to this world from the first day, every thought, every little bit of desire, was quietly releasing magic power."

"It's just that it's too weak, too weak to change nature."

"But this kind of energy training will continue to make the little wizard grow, and grow to be able to attract more magic power, until one day, it will carry it to the extreme. This is magic riot, and some people call it magic awakening."

"Humans have come from ancient times to the present, and newborns have grown from babies to adults. We are releasing magic power to change the world all the time, even if the influence of most people is minimal."

"Perceiving magic power, releasing magic power, and affecting the world, this is the root of the weather spell."

"It's the opposite of the usual way of releasing spells. You should feel the magic of nature at this time, and find a way to let her release it and affect your world." Grindelwald smiled and pinched a small piece of bread again.

"If you perceive your own magic power and want to release such a big magic spell through it, it will cause the entire sky to change..."

"Well~ this tastes really good."

"It's this bread, it's just the rooster crowing, it's the limit."

"You let yourself have more magic power and learn more powerful weather spells. If you don't understand this principle, even if you break the limit again, it will only make the magic spell effect look bigger."

"Only by letting nature unleash its magic can it have unlimited potential."

This is an angle that Anton never thought about.

He has read so many magic books about weather spells, and no one has ever explained weather spells from this angle.

Oh, not even just weather spells, extended to spells, and I haven't read it in any book.

Subvert the previous "Wizards release magic spells to affect the world", but "Wizards guide the world to release magic power and affect themselves".

"Then how exactly?"

Grindelwald turned to look at Anton, "The answer is in your heart."

! ! !

What are you doing?

I can talk about whether this kind of chicken soup is good for three days and three nights, you talk about it with me.

Anton could hardly hold back.

Grindelwald snorted, "Didn't you find it? You released the floating spell to destroy half of Nurmengard Castle. That's the way you used it."

"Do you have other spells that can unleash similar abilities?"

He looked up and down, "Your magic power is not enough to release such power with your own magic power."

Anton frowned and thought for a while, "Wizards shouldn't have a concept about the amount of magic power, right?"

"Of course there is."

It seems that Grindelwald intends to destroy Anton's three views today.

"Magic power comes from the mind. Your will, your emotions, everything you think about, and any fluctuations in your mind will produce different degrees of magic power. This is the amount of magic power."

"This magic power is also divided. The will you can control, the emotions you can control, everything you can control, this is the magic power you can really use."

"That's why many magical animals have so much magic power in their bodies, but they can't release powerful magic spells."

"They are so simple that they can be compared to human sages in everything they think, which makes them powerful. They are so simple, they can't control their abilities, and they are so weak."

"Perceive magic, release magic, and affect the world."

Grindelwald proudly held up the black tea, "Look, I'm back again for you." you.

Anton turned his head and looked at the sea, pondering the feeling of releasing his floating spell.

Grindelwald looked at Anton and smiled lightly, "By the way, if you can release the magic of nature, you can also release the magic of the broken Horcrux."

"!!!" Anton's eyes lit up.

Wow, you are awesome, Lao Ge! Going around, just help me draw a path to solve all the problems?

At this moment, Anton was extremely grateful that he ran to release Grindelwald.

If he thought about it on his own, he wouldn't be able to figure out such a reason.

Thanks for Voldemort's invisible influence, quack~~~


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