The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 185: Full Body Binding Spell Master

The owls of students and parents fly to Hogwarts Castle from all over the world.


An owl brings Anton the latest issue of the Daily Prophet.

Today's headlines - Hogwarts is in the biggest crisis in history, is Dumbledore old?

After reading the whole article, the words are beaded, and the writing is brilliant, almost making Anton think that Dumbledore is lying on the hospital bed waiting to take his last breath.


Anton pouted, what made these people think Dumbledore was a bully? Feel free to run some malicious speculation in the newspapers.

Just because he honestly huddled at Hogwarts and didn't go to the Ministry of Magic to be Minister?

But Lao Deng doesn't want to go to the Ministry of Magic because he doesn't like it. Isn't that the chairmanship of the International Confederation of Wizards? Or is the chief wizard of Wizengamore not up to the grade? Or is it that the only magic school principal who cultivates talents and believers in the entire country is not qualified?

In fact, the only problem is that these three things are too far away from the life of an ordinary adult wizard.

It is so far that many people think that Dumbledore is an old man huddled on crutches in the corner of Hogwarts Castle drinking tea and reading newspapers and waiting to die.

During breakfast time in the auditorium, all the students were whispering.

A senior Slytherin sister almost cried when she saw the letter from home. Her mother asked her to drop out of school and go home, stop studying, there is nothing more important than a small life. It is said that the wording in the letter is very bad, let the senior think about whether the family is more important or the school is more important.

pick one of two.

In comparison, the letter sent by Lupin was much simpler, with only one sentence in it.

- You can always trust Dumbledore.

tsk tsk.

This fanatical uncle.

But in any case, the class was as usual, except that the potions class was replaced by a teacher, and there was almost no turbulence.

Well, there is still a little difference.

The students began to play guessing games, all kinds of free brains, guessing who opened the secret room and who was the successor of Slytherin.

However, there is really no way to debate this topic for too long.

With such a cute and handsome little wizard, it really doesn't fit the temperament of a Slytherin descendant.

And that wonderful petrification spell made everyone shout--who else could be.

Anthony Weasley.

It is said that Draco and two of his followers did not deal with Anton at the beginning of the first year, and as a result, one was fed poison and two were petrified.

It is said that Professor Snape frantically used a tickling spell on Anton, so Anthony, a young man who did not speak of martial arts, even attacked.

Not to mention Harry, who often told people that Anton was an evil wizard, and told Neville in his circle of friends to stay away from Anton.

And Filch...

Oh Filch no one cares, that's straight up.

have a look.

have a look!

These people who offended Anton were all petrified! Even the professor and the janitor are not spared!

Anyway, Anthony has become a terrifying big devil.

Everyone could not avoid it. Only when a first-year Slytherin freshman passed by, he made a yin and yang "tsk", and that night, the wall lamps in the common room were no longer lonely.

But because of this, it can be said that no one came close to Anton.

Sometimes during the hut party, Hannah was very angry to speak for Anton, saying that his friend Ernie spoke ill of Anton and threatened to break up.

"Oh, there's no need for that. You can see that Neville didn't break up with Harry. Everyone has their own prejudices, which is normal." Anton looked indifferent.

"Yes, not everyone is right. We must stick to our beliefs, but don't think about changing other people's beliefs." Neville raised his head from the pile of materials, thought about it, and said.


Everyone looked at him in surprise.

This little boy with a round head and a round brain instantly turned red, "What are your eyes, I...everyone will grow up! Don't underestimate me!"

Anton laughed and grabbed Neville's shoulders, "Hannah, don't you like to write words, write down this sentence, just say..."

"The Growth History of Neville, the God of War, Volume 1: The Youthful Youth."

"Hahaha..." Everyone was happy.

"It should be named someone who has the taste of a wizard. Neville is better at full-body restraint spells, or what about the petrified king?" Fred happily posted the written label on the page of the book.

George shook his finger, "No, no, the name of petrochemical is still for Anton. Neville, you should continue to learn what you are good at. Then we will give you a more handsome name."

Neville was so shy that he wanted to crawl into the crack of the floor, and suddenly saw Hannah looking at him admiringly, and suddenly puffed out his chest proudly.

"No! The name Petrochemical Dharma King is good, and it will belong to me in the future!"

"Anton said that my talent in this area is very good. I believe in him and I will definitely surpass him."

That momentum, it was just straight into the sky.

Anton nodded earnestly, earnestly and solemnly, "Yes, Neville has great potential."

"Wow~" Everyone exclaimed.


Anton was suddenly stunned.

Neville is better than himself in the talent of the Whole Body Binding Charm?


Is there a possibility that the petrification on Professor Snape's body was created by Neville using the method he taught?

It's really possible.

Anton is better at using that mysterious and useless spell, and his talent for the whole body restraint spell is really only average.

He is just a little bit better than the average person, which makes the magical effect of this whole-body restraint spell, a spell without talent, look a little bit better than others.

But if you think about it carefully.

The old wizard Fiennes, the wisdom in Pedro's mind, Professor Snape, Professor Voldemort, Professor Dumbledore...

So many high-level people teach, if this can't have such a little achievement, Anton can really punish himself and apologize.

Anton looked at Neville with bright eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.


Anton smiled, and the hand that held Neville's shoulder slammed hard, "This year, this year, I will train you to become a full-body restraint spell master! I promise!"

Neville looked grateful, "Anton...I don't know how to thank you..."

His eyes turned red, "When I came home from vacation, my grandma rarely praised me, and my uncle was amazed at my change. I know, I This is what you brought!"

"Hmm!" An Dong pursed his lips and leaned back, "I don't like hearing sensational words."

"You brought us a lot of good influence, Neville, you just didn't notice it."

George nodded, "Last year, you memorized all the magic books about anti-curses, which really shocked me. So I think that I have to work hard this year, and I have to give up many opportunities for night tours."

"Yes." Fred patted the books about 'Weather Spells' that were piled high beside him, "We decided to learn from you and memorize them all."

Hannah nodded with a smile, "I've always behaved badly, and you've always been like that. But you showed me the way with your perseverance and gave me courage."


Neville was really excited this time. He looked at the crowd, then turned to Anton, "I like the cottage, I like each of you!"


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