The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 179: Shocked McGonagall and Snape

late at night.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape had just come out of Dumbledore's office.

"Obviously, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class has been unable to find a suitable professor." Snape looked at McGonagall with empty eyes, and dragged a long tone, "I found such a thing!"

Mag looked serious, pursed his lips, and did not refute immediately.

Lockhart was different from Quirrell.

Quirrell was a bad character, but he was a professor everyone agreed with. After graduating from Ravenclaw with excellent grades, he served as a teacher at Hogwarts after staying at the school, and was promoted to professor after a few years.

Even McGonagall in Gryffindor thought the kid was a good one.

Snape also had a good relationship with Quirrell.

So at that time, Snape complained that Quirrell's ability was not enough to set a level for the Philosopher's Stone, and McGonagall maintained Quirrell.

Lockhart now...

Everyone didn't like him very much at first, and just a few days after school started, this flower peacock even pointed fingers everywhere.

Run to show Professor Sprout how to heal Punch Liu, and make him look like he's a better herbalist than he is.

Recommend Snape his own series of hair care water, which is said to be optimized according to the formula of the Potter family.

He went to Hagrid's hut specially, taught him how to prevent the water monster from getting into the well, and taught him how to keep his pet dog shiny.


Of course, the most intolerable thing is that in front of the great vice-principal McGonagall, he was pointing fingers at how to educate students and how to manage a magic school more efficiently.

He also said that he had learned a lot from the Muggle school and planned to share it with McGonagall.

Nobody knows!

How did Mag use great perseverance to control his hand that was about to move.

She almost pulled out her wand on the spot, turned the proud flower peacock into a mouse, and gave the scumbag a lesson with books, chairs, feet, and nails.

Well, this is just a mental activity, and Mag still showed a rare smile, "I have something to do, maybe..."

Then Lockhart could only leave with regret, as if Mag missed a hundred million.

What kind of person is he who can successfully make everyone hate him within a few days of entering the school!

"Even so!" Snape was a little angry, his tone became cold, "Dumbledore still rejected my application, and would rather choose such a person! Although we all know that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is cursed, no People can serve for two years, but even if they only teach for one year!"

"Even if you only teach for a year!"

ps: The curse didn't say that the professor would die. In the years of Harry Potter, the ones who died were purely made by themselves.

"Well, maybe Professor Dumbledore has his own considerations." McGonagall said seriously, she turned her head and looked out of the castle window.

God, can't let Snape see his eyes.

She was about to laugh.

Maybe in the wizarding world, Dumbledore has enough prestige, and people have enough mysterious and serious stereotypes about him. But she had worked with the professor at a very young age, and knew all too well of Dumbledore's character.

That is a small child.

Oh~ Forgive her for describing Dumbledore like that, but it was the truth, she knew that Snape couldn't be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Dumbledore definitely did it on purpose.

Just play.

Of course, if McGonagall asked him, Dumbledore would definitely have a lot of philosophical and profound words to deal with.

Poor Snape, hehe.

Just then, they suddenly heard a panicked cry, "Ouch!"

Snape's expression changed, if he heard correctly, this is...

"Ha ~ Rui ~ Pott!" Lao Si looked down at Harry who fell on the ground at his feet coldly, his eyes moved, and Ron, Hermione, and...

Draco Malfoy!

And it's still petrified Draco!

"The petrification is lifted!" Mag waved his wand quickly, but there was no movement, she frowned, "The petrification is over!"

Still no movement.

Come again!

"All curses end!"

Still...not lifted!

Snape's eyes narrowed slightly, he knew Mag's ability, this situation is definitely not normal.

He looked down at the three little ones coldly, "Maybe some people have forgotten, how did Gryffindor deduct a percentage last year?"

"Tell me, what happened to Draco?"

Hermione looked at all of this in horror. If they deducted 150 points from Gryffindor again, then this year's Academy Cup will definitely be at the bottom, and it's only a few days before school starts!

She didn't dare to see Professor McGonagall. She really didn't know how her dean would look at her.

Ron was the first to say, "Malfoy hit us all of a sudden!"

"Bumping you..." Snape stared at Draco, suddenly reached out and pulled him, turning him over, only to see a magical bright pattern of pink feathers appearing on his back. "Anthony threw it over?"

Mag waved his wand violently, and countless golden stars sprinkled forward like mist, and a fast-moving trajectory appeared in front of him.

She took a big step forward, her figure changed, and finally she turned into a tabby cat.

The tabby cat ran in the direction of the track with a string of afterimages at a very fast speed.

You know, Animagus can only turn a wizard into an ordinary animal without magic power!

However, this old witch, who may be surpassed by Dumbledore in the field of Transfiguration, turned into a tabby cat, but the speed has far exceeded the speed of normal creatures!

"Harry Potter took Draco to the school infirmary and Hermione to Dumbledore's office."

Before the three little animals could react, Snape raised his wizard robe, and the whole person flew up.

The sorcerer's robe was tumbling, like a big bat.

Bats are also extremely fast.

In an instant, the figures of the two professors disappeared, and the three little ones looked at each other.

"Fortunately, they didn't deduct our points!" Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

Harry touched Malfoy with a trembling touch. "He... he's not dead, is he?"

"!!!" Ron's eyes widened.

Hermione was already running quickly, "I'll go find Dumbledore quickly, you guys hurry up and take him to the school infirmary."

McGonagall's Advanced Transfiguration,

Snape's flying spell,

The two of them came to the bathroom of the Slytherin dormitory very quickly along the trail of the golden light flickering.

A transparent bubble stood in front of them.

Looking in from a distance, I saw Anton let out a shrill cry and fell to the ground.

Not far away, a translucent figure smiled and saluted them from a distance.

"Tom Riddle..." McGonagall's eyes widened in disbelief.

Snape swallowed, his eyes becoming extremely cold.


There was a lot of mist from the bubbles, and the basilisk rolled up Tom's body.


Bubble burst.

Basilisk and Tom Riddle disappeared without a trace.

The two were about to rush in when they saw a figure suddenly floating above An Dong's body, a figure that was so familiar that it could no longer be familiar.


Voldemort with dazed eyes and a twisted face.

"!!!" Mag.

"!!!" Snape.

I saw Voldemort emerging from Anton's body, floating up quickly, cracks appeared on the translucent body, and countless black rays of light shot out from his cracks, and the whole person seemed to explode.

At this moment, Anton waved his wand and aimed it at his eye socket, "Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

In an instant, countless black lines emerged from Anton's body, rushed towards Voldemort floating above his body, and pierced through the cracks.

More and more black lines.

One after another.

In the end, the black line suddenly closed and turned into a weird twisted chain full of weird patterns. It floated out from the back of Anton's head, and the other end was connected to Voldemort, turning into a black line that filled the cracks in Voldemort's body. .

Anton raised his wand The phantom of Voldemort floating on him also raised his wand.

"Restore as usual!"

"Back to normal!" (Silent, mouth opens and closes.)

Stone fragments, wall lamp fragments, picture frames, faucets...

All the objects flew, and the bathroom quickly returned to its original state.

"Quack..." Anton smiled strangely and evilly.

McGonagall and Snape looked at each other.


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