The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 161: Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets

In the Sorcerer's Stone Chamber of Secrets at the end of the first year, Lao Fu was wrong.

If the world is destroyed, Anton will care. Or rather, slowly cared about it.

Everyone has a process of development.

After crossing a bridge, eating a bowl of rice, and meeting some people, my thoughts will change.

Anton finally has a family and so many friends, everything has changed.

call out!

Fireworks shot from the tip of his wand, meandering up into the sky, banging, and bursting into a giant firework.

Everyone is laughing.

Ilsa smiled happily, and Lupin's face no longer had that lingering haze, replaced by a shy and happy smile, which was so bright.

Some people set off fireworks, some people scattered petals, some people applauded vigorously, and the air seemed to be filled with a romantic atmosphere.

Ilsa's parents were here, and they liked Lupin very much.

Especially Ilsa's father, he has been running around for a long time for the two children's werewolf home, and after a long time of contact, he can feel the warmth of Lupin's heart.

Lupin's parents also liked Ilsa very much, especially Lupin's mother, watching the birth of this new family and the happy two, tears could not stop flowing.

She was the happiest laugh.

"Well~ I actually tasted happiness?" Dumbledore looked at the bun in his hand in surprise.

Anton raised his head proudly, akimbo, "I did it!"

Dumbledore smiled slightly, "Maybe Tom and I both misunderstood, you are a person who loves life."

"Hey, I have been searching for the meaning of life."

Oh, when he was so happy, Anton had no interest in accompanying such a bad old man. After a few chats, he got together with the twins.

The focus of today's children, in addition to countless sweets and snacks, is the pink feathered Yalong species that Professor Snape gave to Anton.

Ginny was carefully feeding it a small piece of bread, and Ron stood behind her with a serious look on his wand.

As an older brother, he had to protect little Ginny.

This is a fire dragon!

He remembered the scene where Anton rode the flying dragon into the black lake of the school and his bones were broken. At that time, this cousin lay in the school infirmary for several days!


"Anton, is this really a fire dragon?" Ginny was very curious. "Ron said it was going to be huge!"

"Yes, although I don't know why all dragons in the wizarding world are called fire dragons, they actually spray water." Anton reached out and grabbed the Yalong species, his eyes widened, "Damn, you are so fat. !"

Although it still looks like a round pink furball, it used to feel like a quail.

now what?

When you pinch off the fat, it's all meat!

Feels good!

"It can not only spit out water jets, but also collect a large amount of rainwater around it. I have been studying this unique phenomenon." He looked at Ginny's expectant look and shook his head, "It is not suitable for riding right now. ."

"After turning into a dragon, there is a lot of water vapor all over the body."

Anton rubbed his chin, "Very strange phenomenon?"

The Yalong species gave Anton a frightened look, swallowed the bread in his mouth quickly, and shrank into Ginny's arms.

The fire dragon's intelligence is not low. It was in Snape's office, but he saw with his own eyes how two evil wizards, one big and one small, used the corpses of other wurm species to do various experiments.

fresh in memory.

"Charlie knows he'll be jealous." George laughed.

Fred spread his hands, "How much he hopes to raise a dragon, but unfortunately the Ministry of Magic prohibits private raising of fire dragons, so he has to work in a dragon farm in Romania."

Harry's little face was full of seriousness, "Hermione said that it is illegal to keep dragons privately."

Anton looked at the serious little guy with a smile, "This is not a dragon, it's a Yalong species, and the dragon farm has now reported to the Ministry of Magic to name it Pink Feather Dragon Bird Beast. Since there is no danger, the Ministry of Magic will temporarily Set as xx, which means 'harmless, tameable.'."

He spread his hands, "Mr. Alpa from the Ministry of Magic thinks that this cute animal is suitable for pets, but the dragon farm thinks that the cost of breeding this kind of creature is too high, so I will not consider it for the time being."

"No danger?" Harry's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes." Anton laughed.


In two days, the school will start, and the time is approaching, and everyone starts to imagine the magic school life in the next year.

Especially Harry Potter, apart from going to Weasley's shabby residence for a month this holiday, maybe the only good memory in life is about Hogwarts.

George magically took out a notebook, and under the influence of Anton, they began to accept this Muggle thing.

Binding sub-paper is much better than parchment!

What used to be a large stack of parchment paper now only takes up less than half of a notebook.

Especially when Aunt Molly is trying to stop them from working on silly tricks, "I hope you guys have a bright future, you're so smart, you should be used for something better, like getting into the Ministry of Magic than being a toy dealer. !"

Look how it sounds like Aunt Ilsa.

Such a notepad is much easier to hide than parchment.

"We have mapped out all the places we can explore, including every secret passage and secret room." George flipped the notebook, hesitant.

"However, we are a little hesitant to draw the secret passage and the secret room. This may let a certain administrator know our secret, and it is not good for too many students to know." Fred shrugged.

"Secret passage?" Harry Potter asked curiously.

George nodded. "We know a lot."

He casually handed the notebook to Harry, and Ron hurried over to look at it.

"My suggestion is not to put it." Anton shook his head. "In fact, I prefer a map of Erchuang based on the actual structure of Hogwarts."

"Especially the secret passage. This is not a problem to let other students know, but to let outsiders know that there is such a problem that can sneak into Hogwarts."

"If we say that, we can use our imagination..." George's eyes lit up.

"We can make a huge castle, bigger than Hogwarts!" Fred laughed.

The two heroes saw the same high-five.

Anton smiled and said, "Maybe we can make a guardian beast's lair for each college."

"Gryffindor is Dumbledore's phoenix or a lion, Slytherin can be a giant boa constrictor..."

The three of them were chatting happily, and Ron interjected.

"Hey, George, do you guys write here that there's a room full of thunder and lightning under the castle?"

"???" Anton took the and found that there was a hand-painted drawing in the secret room of the underground tunnel.

"Yes, in a stone corridor at the bottom of the castle, the sky is full of dark clouds, and lightning is surging." Fred was a little longing. "We looked through the gap of lightning and we could see a huge stone gate."

"Unfortunately..." George spread his hands helplessly, "The power of thunder and lightning is too powerful, the iron armor spell is useless at all, and we have no way to explore that place."

Anton raised his eyebrows and flipped the notepad.

"Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets? And how many?"

He smiled slightly, "It seems that this year's school life will be very interesting."


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