The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 159: The magic of baking bread

If you were to ask Anton what impressed him the most about the original Harry Potter series, it was definitely the scene in the Fantastic Beasts movie where Queenie the witch makes an apple and raisin strudel for Muggle Jacob. - This is magic!

At that time, Anton off-screen had the same expression as Jacob on-screen.


Instead of Lao Fu holding a stick and shooting green lasers or plasma.

It's a pity that "Fantastic Beasts" only played to the second part when he traveled.

Now he can only imagine how wonderful the next movie will be. There must be many, many magical and interesting magical animals.

The most unique thing, of course, is the silent mass in Newt's box.

Silence is an unstable, uncontrollable dark force that Newt spun out of a dead Silence host.

This is also a kind of magical animal.

This unique magical creature runs through the entire series, always suppressing the magic power of Credence who dare not let people know that he is a wizard, the witch Queenie and Muggle Jacob who are in love but cannot be together, because the silent sister Dumbledore and Greenwald, who died and broke apart, jointly wrote the notes that belonged to that era in order to change the great interests and realistic resistance of the wizard's existence.

That is the way of survival of the two groups of wizards and muggles.

Of course, Anton has come to a good point in time, Greenwald has completely changed that bad time, and wizards and Muggles are starting to move toward a balance.

In today's era, the emergence of Voldemort can only be said to be the last elegy of the old era.

Come out and make a sound, remind all wizards of the nobility and uniqueness, and then use terror, killing and failure to completely send the old-time diehards to Azkaban or hell, and push the wizarding group to the process of integration with Muggles middle.

Such a process is necessary.

The study of magic in the wizarding world has stalled for far too long.

All the magic rooted in the human soul's desire for war has been researched to the end.

Killing, controlling, and torture, the three unforgivable curses have all reached a very deep level. No matter how powerful black magic is, it is nothing more than that.

Any fairly powerful dark wizard can cast a spell of fiery fire that will burn down the entire city if it is not controlled.

So the management of the wizards focused their attention on how to limit the damage wizards could cause.


"No one has studied how to use magic to make the world a better place." Anton grabbed a raisin milk bun and took a bite, frowning.

The heat was not well controlled, the bread was a little dry, the raisins turned into shortbread, and there was no sweetness.

He asked the house elf named 'Abby' at home to teach him how to make delicious bread. Unfortunately, this thing is a talent for the elf, and it doesn't understand it itself.

They are innately capable of making food that matches human palate.

No way, Anton had to ask Lupin for the contact information of the food training he had signed up for, and went to study in downtown New York alone.

"What the **** are you doing!" Countless black lines emerged from Anton's body, twisting a human face in mid-air.

Voldemort frowned and looked at Anton, "Are you wantonly wasting your talent! Or are you using conspiracy to make me into a Horcrux, so that you start to be arrogant and arrogant enough that you don't need to explore magic anymore, and start living your life. retirement life?"

"Looking for a Muggle to learn to make bread?"

Simply ridiculous!

Lao Fu said that he could not understand.

He is completely numb, this child is a neurotic!

An Dong smiled brightly, "Yes, I'm just living."


Waving his wand and tidying up the kitchen, Anton took off his apron and took out his notebook to record the problem of baking bread just now.

"A life that neither poor Fiennes nor Voldemort have."

He closed the notepad and looked at the time, "My dear professor, the free time is over, it's time for you to go back, I'm going to class."

The black thread rolled and Voldemort was furious. "No one has ever been so rude to me!"

Anton sighed and looked at him lightly, "I still think you are my professor, and I respect you very much."

He got up to pack his things, put them in his bag, and put them on his shoulders.

"But ah, you cut off the love for this world, and you can no longer feel the love for life."

"What can I do." Anton spread his hands, "I just explained it well, but you don't understand it. Why don't you just go back to your body and let everyone be respectful to each other."

Voldemort stared at him for a moment, and the black lines drew back as much as possible.

Anton sighed.

Why are his teachers unable to conduct academic exchanges well?

It was hard to keep the wise Voldemort by his side, but Anton's research direction now runs counter to Voldemort's, and there is no way to get much help.

It's better to talk than nothing and sometimes let it go out for a walk, and it can be regarded as a company.

The teacher of the pastry training is a chubby, bald, bearded middle-aged uncle.

Just looking at his huge beer belly, you can feel that learning cooking skills from such a person is very reliable.

Everyone who came to study brought their own works and let the teacher comment on them one by one.

There are all kinds of classmates. There are spiritual guys who plan to enter the catering business, housewives who use their spare time to improve their skills, and men in suits and glasses who plan to surprise his wife.

Anton is not special in it. There are several children in the class, one of them is because of a dream, and the other three are his good buddies who came to mix it up.

Finally, it was Anton's turn.

The bearded man picked up the bread, smelled it, tapped it, and squeezed it with his hands, "There's too much butter."

Finally, he pinched a corner, pulled it apart gently, and looked at the broken place, "You can put more milk."

After chewing it in his mouth, he frowned and swallowed it uncomfortable, staring at Anton, "I told you very clearly that the temperature and time of the oven need to be strictly controlled!"

Anton spread his hands helplessly, "I use firewood, I like this natural way of making."

The bearded man looked at Anton's clothes and nodded. This is not a person who intends to make a living from pastry. He can indeed choose some more elegant ways.

He took the bread and smelled it, and finally shook his head, "You may be worried that the smoke will affect the taste, but this is wrong. The aroma of the bread that has gone through the flames is very unique, which is also the key to your inability to grasp the heat."

"Bring it closer to the flame to reduce the baking time!"

After finishing his suggestion, the bearded man put down the bread, rinsed his mouth with water, and continued to feel the taste of the next piece of cake.

"Flame?" Anton raised his eyebrows.

He used magic to make bread, and he didn't try to use fire.

In Aunt Molly's book "The Magic of Baking Bread", there are actually steps required to put it in the oven, but he intentionally tried the elegant and clean craftsmanship of Queenie in the But The bearded teacher gave him a reminder - flames.

Yes, fire has played an important role since humans made food.

He seemed to remember seeing a magic trick about cooking flames in another book, The Magic of Smoked Sausage.

In the next class, Beard started to explain how to make pizza, but Anton looked at it and felt that it was very similar to the pancakes he saw in the University Food Student Street, except for more cheese and less chopped green onion. .

Onion is the soul.

I don't know if there is any way to get some shallots to grow in the UK.


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