The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 155: old exciting

The Borgin Bock store has a lot of interesting items.

Such as a magical implement made from a human arm, the 'Hand of Glory', which Mr Borgin calls 'the best friend of a thief and a robber', sticks a candle and holds it in the dark, only the holder to see the light.

This thing is simply an artifact, for twin brothers who like to travel at night.

"This is good, wrap it up." Anton nodded.

For example, a certain Mr. Borgin insisted that it was a bronze armor made by a giant, standing in the corner of the wall, looking up, there was an inexplicable deterrence.

"Just the IQ of a giant, are you talking about making armor with me? Oh, are you kidding me? Look at the thickness of the dust, Boss, you are overwhelmed by this stuff, tsk tsk tsk, just sell it to a bronze collector, it's still worth it A few copper nut." Anton looked disgusted.

"Nonsense!" Mr. Borgin's beard was shaking with anger. "I got it from 15 gold Galleons. They don't know the goods. Let alone three years, I won't sell it as a bronze in three years."

"Oh, is it?" Anton nodded, "15 gold Galleons... Okay, wrap it up for me too!"


For example, the eyeballs that stare at people all the time, it is said that as long as you dig out the eyes and put them on, you can see the magical world.

"Oh, the ghoul in my attic likes to eat eyeballs the most, wrap it up for me, and I'll bring it back as a snack."

Mr. Borgin stared at Anton, "This thing is expensive!"

"Really? I thought you'd give me a wholesale price."


At the end of a happy day of shopping, Anna held the snacks and gifts that Anton bought her, and returned to the castle together with a smile.



Anton rarely gave himself a vacation, and all the potions entered a waiting period, um, for a day.

He came to his home at 11 Grimmauld Place.

Lupin and Ilsa bought both the first and second floors, and the whole building is now theirs.

Not only that, but they also moved the company to London's famous financial high street, where the company will have broader development prospects and make a cut from their lives.

The adults held a barbecue party at Wanhua Castle, and the theme of today's event was "Celebrating the Night of the Full Moon".

Lupin's favorite now is the full moon night.

Anna stayed at the castle. There were not many vacations left, and she hoped to spend more time with her parents.

Anton came back today mainly to plant the successful ramets on the roof of the building. Its vines will climb down along the walls and protect the whole house.

He slept peacefully that night.

The moonlight fills in from the windowsill, making everything quiet, and the breeze blows over the fragrance rose petals in the vase on the table. This is a night suitable for sleeping in.


Anton's eyes snapped open.

His eyes rolled from side to side, and his eyes were full of playfulness and snake-like coldness.

He got up slowly, walked gracefully to the floor-to-ceiling mirror with bare feet, and waved his wand gently.

His height began to grow wildly, and just for a moment, he turned into a middle-aged wizard without a nose, sneering, "Stupid Anthony!"

Then he raised the wand in his hand and stared at it with a frown, "The wand has a smell I hate!"


His body twisted extremely quickly, as if he was caught in a gap in space and disappeared into the air.

But not long after, with a bang, he returned to the place again.

"What's going on?!" He stared coldly at himself in the mirror, and Apparated away again.

Just like that, the sound of bang bang bang sounded in the room, and it was endless.


He screamed, disbelief in his voice.

"Why can't I get out of here!"


The corners of his mouth in the mirror raised slightly, "Because of my will, stupid professor!"


Anton looked at his glasses, waved his wand to restore himself to his original appearance, and raised his eyebrows, "Look, he's much more handsome now."

The magic surges wildly.

Countless black mists filled him.

A terrifying black line stretched in the black mist, and finally condensed into a black line in the shape of a strange face beside him. The black line between the line and Anton was shaking and twisting frantically and hurriedly.

"Anthony!" The face twisted and roared.

"Hey~" An Dong took a deep breath and licked his ears, "Don't scream so loud when you get so close, you'll be deafened!"

Voldemort just stared at him coldly.

"I know, I know." Anton walked barefoot on the wooden floor, walking gracefully, and came to the window, "I know what you have to say."

"Isn't it because I stupidly made your Horcrux deep in my heart, and because of the relationship between the twin souls, you can also use this body."

"I already knew that."

"Professor, did you know? I've always wanted to heal my family, and I've found that Horcrux's theoretical supplement to the 'self' and 'soul body' is simply the best way to crack these transformation curses."

"Although I haven't been able to find a good way yet..."

"But who can resist the temptation to see the Horcrux up close?"

"Ridiculous idea!" Voldemort's voice was low, with unspeakable sarcasm. "For others? Is it worth putting yourself in a dangerous situation?"

"Not worth it." Anton gave the answer.

"!!!" Lao Fu was choked instantly. To be honest, as a nearly 70-year-old man with such rich life experience and such a sharp eye for people, he really shrunk in front of this student.

Who is this?

Are you insane?

I can't understand Anton's brain circuit at all!

"Giggle..." Anton didn't know what he was recalling, and his smile was full of ridicule.

"Haha, the generation gap, you don't understand. We are the most rotten, and at the same time we are the best at rolling. We care about everything, and we don't care about everything at the same time." His eyes blurred, hehe smiled.

"I am the most extreme person in this group. It can be explained. I have already died once, so what is there to dislike?"

"Professor..." An Dong looked at Lao Fu with a smile, "I never think about interests when I do things, I just think doing this..."

"It's meaningful, of course, the important thing is... very exciting!"

"Exciting?" Voldemort looked incredulous.

"Yes, it's very exciting." He smiled and stretched his arms to meet the moonlight, "This feeling makes me feel alive, really alive."

"You're a lunatic!" Lao Fu screamed.

"Thank you for the compliment."


"Besides, there is no danger at all. My professor, your incomplete will, although it looks extreme and looks extremely powerful, but if you want to control my body, I am afraid that it can't compare with my complete will."

"Heh~" Voldemort sneered, "That's fine, just waste it. When you plan to give your soul a knife and go to the peak of magic, remember, I will have a chance."

"Your method is really powerful, and it's really not too easy for someone like me who has a 'soul scalpel'." Anton thought about it seriously, "It's tempting, really."

"But I still want to be a complete me."

"You've found a shortcut to the highest point. It's amazing."

"But please believe me, I prefer to walk on a right path full of sunshine, birds and flowers, oh, although this may not be easy, but this is life, I choose."

Old Fuhei's face twisted and shook, "Stupid persistence."

"Hey, this is the difference between me and you. For me, magic is not everything. I care more about the scenery on the road, I care more about everything in life, and I care more about embracing the beauty of everything."

Anton pursed his lips and looked at the city street outside the window, "You don't understand that kind of loneliness, you are obviously in the crowd, watching others play and laugh, you laugh, scold, and express your attitude, but only you You know, but you can't fit in at all."

"It's lonely..."

"I like my life now." He smiled, smiling brightly.

Lao Fu obviously had a hard time understanding Anton's brain circuit. Countless electric lights surged in the black line between him and Anton, but he couldn't say anything.

"Legionism, it's easier to know what I'm thinking now, right?" An Dong said lightly, "But so what, you can only hide in my body obediently, you don't know anything. can not do this."

"No! I'm out tonight!" Voldemort sneered. "Next time, next time I come out, I'll kill everything you care about!"


"Stupid professor, don't you understand?"

"I deliberately let you out Anton stared at Voldemort with a teasing face," You are very useful, Professor, the 'Apparation' you just released using my body is obviously a far I can feel the skills of super-general wizards. "

"Perfect, immersive teaching experience, great."

"Next time I need you, I'll let you come out and breathe."

Lao Fu stared at Anton coldly, "Be careful playing with fire and setting yourself on fire!"

Anton shrugged, "I think this is very exciting and refreshing."


In the end, I couldn't say it, I couldn't fight, the black line surging and retracting inside the body, Lao Fu looked a little autistic.


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