The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 142: through the trapdoor

The wand waved lightly, and the wooden door creaked.

Behind the wooden door, a low bark sounded in their ears immediately. Although the big dog couldn't see them, all three of its noses twitched and sniffed wildly toward them.

Anton turned to look at Quirrell.

Quirrell twisted his face and stretched his hand into the wizard's robe, where a 'Straightless Stretching Charm' was temporarily extended, and a harp was placed.

But well.


Quirrell put his hand down, chuckled, and said with a playful, "Master told you to take me to the mirror!"

Oh, please allow him to watch the joke for a while.

Or, maybe Anton will be torn apart by that big dog!

No one but Hagrid knew how to get past the big dog and into the trapdoor from under his ass.

Don't say it's me, even Snape, who is so powerful, can't do anything about it.

Hey hey hey~

Anton pursed his lips, turned his head and walked in.

A warm, stinky breath came over his face, and the huge three-headed dog was bigger than before.

Anton stood up straight, but not under the chin of the big dog.

A huge head comparable to a washing machine, enough to swallow the little wizard in one bite.

Or torn to shreds by those thick, sharp canine teeth.


The big dog's three heads stared fiercely at Anton. It remembered that the little wizard once kicked his stomach.

It lowered its body slowly, its thick dog-leg muscles stretched, and swooped up.

"Haha." Quirrell didn't know what to think, he laughed happily.

Anton looked back at the goods helplessly.

When Voldemort found such a product, he was forced to fall to the bottom of the abyss.


He turned his body slowly, and quickly grew larger, countless wolf hairs quickly grew out, and his thick, muscular left arm was very quickly and gently lapped on the dog's head.


A huge roar.

The big dog was savagely pressed to the ground, its left and right heads madly biting the werewolf's arms, but it couldn't even bite the wolf's fur.

The werewolf raised his right hand again, raised it high, and stretched out the huge werewolf palm.



Two slaps down, completely quiet.

"Gollum." Quirrell swallowed, staring blankly at the three-headed dog, and then at the place where the 'Straightless Stretching Charm' was set in his wizard robe.


In order to deal with this dog, I spent all my savings to buy the dragon egg, and tried every means to get Hagrid into the trap.

Do you know how drinkable Hagrid is? Do you know how much I paid to get Hagrid drunk?

His big mouth, every sip he drank, was my life savings!

I haven't had time to get the harp out yet!

I haven't taken it out yet~~~

That's it!

Is this the end?


Everything became boring.

He hated it and nodded the three-headed dog, his lips trembling, and he almost cried.


so aggrieved~~

"You idiot, why don't you go in quickly?" Anton looked at Quirrell coldly, and suddenly raised the three-headed dog.

He slid in front of Quirrell.


With a slap, the head in the middle was also stunned and threw it into the corner.

Returning to human form, he snapped his fingers, a rope pulled up the trapdoor, glanced at Quirrell sneeringly, and jumped into the opening under the trapdoor.

Quirrell swallowed and touched his cheek.

I don't know why, just now Anton slapped the dog in front of him, but he felt a burning pain on his face.

It's very sad!

Seeing the three-headed dog shaking its head and trying to get up again, Quirrell hurried to the trapdoor and jumped down.

He didn't notice.

An old and mischievous chuckle echoed through the chamber, and soon the trapdoor was gently closed again.



Quirrell jumped handsomely.

Then I was stimulated by the terrifying bright light and burst into tears.



He let out a shrill scream.

"My hand! My hand is broken!"

The only thing that answered him was the hard slate floor, pressed coldly and lifelessly against his forehead.

"Idiot!" In mid-air, Anton waved his wand to make the bright light disappear. After a while, the devil vine moved again, weaving a huge net in mid-air.

The second level of the Chamber of Secrets is the Devil's Vine prepared by Professor Sprout.

This terrifying plant has the power to easily crush any wizard or magical creature that dares to approach it.

There is a record in the original book that a staff member of the Ministry of Magic was smashed into **** by devil vines.

This kind of plant is even stronger than the three-headed dog, and no animal dares to approach near the huge devil's vine in the Forbidden Forest Col.

Of course, human beings will always find a way to deal with these powerful and weird animals and plants, and the devil vines will wilt as long as they are given some sunlight.

This is a class for first grade kids.

Plants that have harmed countless humans and wizards in ancient times can only exist as a cushion today.

Anton fell slowly, looking down at Quirrell coldly, a little disbelieving, "You've been here before, know how high you are, and you just jumped down like this?"

"Without any protection?"

If Quirrell hadn't twitched in pain now, he'd have to give Anton a whole sentence.

Is this his problem?

Who pulled the cushion off, don't you have any self-awareness?


Just mock it!

What do you think the master asked you to do?

That is, after getting the magic stone, it will be resurrected directly on you!


"Stupid!" An Dong sneered, turned and walked towards a stone corridor not far away.

Quirrell's eyes were so wide that they almost popped out, I... you... I...

He laboriously pulled out his wand and cast a 'heal as ever' spell on himself, and his arm instantly became normal.

But this is only the appearance. He can feel the pain of the broken bones. He can feel the itching that washes away the broken opening after the blood vessels are violently connected. It is so itchy that he wants to break his arm again immediately.


He took a deep breath, held his left hand, and followed with a staggering footstep.


Anthony, you wait for me!

The stone corridor slanted downwards, and water droplets slowly dripped along the walls and flowed down the ground. After rolling for a long time, they penetrated into the gaps in the stones.

Dark, damp, and cold.

The rustling sound of wings flapping, and the clinking of metal slamming, strange sounds echoed in the stone corridor.

Anton stopped at the end of the stone corridor, frowning and staring at the countless keys flying in the stone hall, the keys with wings.

And this kind of wings is the same as the Golden Snitch.

"Why don't you go?" Quirrell urged, "This level is very simple, if you see it, there are many broomsticks in the corner, grab one, fly into the sky, grab the exact one, open the door, and that's it. "

"Silver, bigger than normal keys, easy to identify."

Anton ignored his insistent babble and tapped a stone on the ground with his wand.

The stone deformed rapidly, quickly changing into an Anton-like doll.

The puppet walked through the countless keys and gently grabbed a broom.

"Heh, you're so afraid of death that you don't come." Quirrell continued mocking.

The broom takes off.


The keys were flying like, very fast, as fast as the Golden Snitch.

It was like a huge swarm of bees in mid-air, circling quickly and hitting the puppet in an instant.


Countless stone dust flew.

The broom fluttered gently back into the corner unscathed.

"Ten thousand bounces!" Anton said the name of the curse softly, with a solemn expression on his face.


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