The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

: Listing testimonials, and my story with Harry Potter.

to be launched.

Tomorrow (Friday) at 12 noon. (It may take a few minutes to update if you haven't done it.)

It seems that it is indeed relatively late, seeing that others are all on the shelves in their early 90s.

There is a very interesting situation. From the beginning of writing the book to the present, people have been asking questions, why are they exaggerating, and they are full of plastic smell, saying, is it brushed?

Hahaha, actually it was super cool when I saw it. Thanks for the compliments, everyone, and let me akimbo for a while.

It is said that there will be more updates after it is on the shelves. I don't have a lot of manuscripts, so I will release them all. On the first day of the shelves, there will be 9 updates, the second day will be 6 updates, and then continue to be 3 updates per day.

Eh, I can write as much as I can. In order to satisfy myself with the plot, I often write a chapter and then delete it directly. The speed really can't be improved.

After that, we will see if there will be a bigger improvement, it will be a little more a day, 4 more, or 5 more.

By the way, there is not much left in the second volume. The name of the third volume is "A Ray of Sunshine", and many book lovers are curious. The first volume is so powerful, what do you write next. In fact, I want to say that magic is not the whole of life. When we carefully observe life, taste it, and feel it, we will naturally get more moving and harvesting. And this kind of harvest will naturally push Anton to continue on the road of magic in the context of idealistic magic. I hope you will like it.


Thanks to all the book lovers who watched.

Thank you to all book lovers who donated.

Thank you to all book lovers who voted.

Thanks to all the book lovers who commented.

I would like to thank Xiaobian for your continuous support and silently helping me prepare a lot of recommendations.

It's you who gave me the motivation to go all the way here.




By the way, I apologize to the readers who read this novel on other platforms except the starting point. I have almost no way to reply to your enthusiastic comments. Most of them have written a bunch of replies, and clicking submit is a reminder that I do not have permission.


Uh, I don't seem to know what to write.

Otherwise, let me talk about my fate with "Harry Potter", if you are interested in watching it.

The first time I saw Harry Potter was in junior high school.

The junior high school I attended was a high school affiliated to a university, and the campus was inside the university.

There are only junior high schools in the school, and there are two classes in each year, with more than 40 students in each class. So our school has fewer students than Hogwarts. Haha, that's less than 300 people.

Most of the school's teachers are university professors who come to work part-time.

The professors are very interesting. The biology teacher always brings a lot of strange things to scare the children. Sometimes, he will bring a big bag of bullfrogs and give each student one to do experiments.

There are also courses for dissecting rabbits, and courses for cultivating paramecia...

Haha, many of the experimental materials were bought by the teacher himself. After he finished the experiment, he would bring it home to cook.

Physics and chemistry classes are also all kinds of weird experiments.

A history teacher will usually finish a whole class in 20 minutes, and then ask everyone to put away their textbooks and listen to him talk about other things.

Such as ancient Greece and Rome, such as Romans, Celts, Angles, Saxons, interesting stories...

Sometimes I also brag about how awesome my book is. (It is said that there are many inappropriate plots in it, and it is forbidden to circulate in junior high schools.)

Because it is a boarding school, I have a lot of time every day after school and on weekends. I will go to the school library for a part-time job, and sometimes I will go to the university library to read books.

Of course, my favorite is the book section in the university supermarket, where the books are less serious. On weekends, I like to eat a full breakfast, then huddle in the corner of the library area to read some novels until the evening, and then stroll through one of the university's nine dining halls, eat dinner, and go back to the dormitory to sleep.

Sometimes I also hang out with my He is a powerful person with a good tutor and an open vision, and he especially likes animals.

I followed him to dig a nest of ants in the grove behind the university and caught a queen.

He dared to grab anything in his hands, grasshoppers, leeches, big snails, green worms, sparrows, frogs...

Our dormitory has a small forest away from the campus snack street. We need to climb a steep slope, but most people dare not walk there.

The monitor and I like it very much. There are countless four-legged snakes living there. They are golden and look like dragon cubs. They are scary and mysterious.

I gave that place a name—Dragon Cave.

So on such an afternoon, a batch of "Harry Potter" came to the book section of the supermarket.

Can you imagine that magical sense of substitution?


It's the kind of story that seems to be right around you, just shrouded in a veil of magic.

The monitor and I both liked "Harry Potter" together. We went to the woods behind the school to find suitable firewood, and made our own wand bit by bit with a pencil sharpening knife.

A distant and romantic memory.

I rarely mention this memory, mainly because I am a scumbag, I feel ashamed of my alma mater, and I didn’t do well in high school or university. This shame also made me cut off contact with the extremely smart monitor.

Every time I think about it, I regret it.

Well, that's about it, Harry Potter has a different meaning to me.

a good time.

what about you?

Where did you come into contact with Harry Potter?

If you are interested, you can leave a message.

Finally, it's on the shelves, thank you for your support, I love you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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