The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

: end of paper summary

Then this volume of "Top 100 Contest" is over.

I have considered whether to put the content of Snape's battle against Voldemort in the finals as a climax of this volume.

That should be better for the reading senses for many readers.

But in the end, I put this part in the middle of the volume. Because Snape was not the only one influenced by Anton.

As a time traveler, what is the proudest thing? In the Harry Potter fan fiction, he killed Voldemort instead of Harry? I think the answer is no. For me, what I hope to see is the opening of a new era.

The new era opened by the time traveler Anton will satisfy me even more.

This volume mainly wants to tell about the sailing of the big ship of the new era, and each character walks into their respective positions.

Of course, the main line that runs through the whole book is still continued, that is, "very magical magic, very magical story", I hope I can write that taste.

What do you think?

The content of this volume is not easy to write, Dumbledore and Voldemort's mentality changes, people like Neville have a bright future, and people like Harry and Hermione are starting to catch up with professors...

All of the above are different from the original content, which needs to reverse everyone's inherent impression of these people.

So it is necessary to write with reason and evidence to convince everyone.

The angle I choose is magic, to describe the transformation of these people from the perspective of magic.

Why Dumbledore, who has been the headmaster for more than a hundred years, resigned, why Tom became tolerant instead of killing, why Snape could faintly touch the level of a top wizard, and why Harry could reach the level of Fu With the level of Professor Levy, how can Ron be able to come and go with Hermione in terms of spells, even faintly surpassing one...

It is not so easy to get everyone to agree with these things.

I think I should have done it.

Although it has degenerated into a "two more beasts" because of this, the mental energy spent on this volume is definitely far more than the previous volumes. A lot of thinking every day almost makes my whole head dizzy when I am going to sleep.

But finally finished writing, and I have written to my own satisfaction.

I wonder if everyone will like it?

The title of the next volume is "Brilliant Sea of ​​Stars", please look forward to it.

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I love you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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