The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 101: Drain the black lake for you

The lake is rippling, and the waves are dyed red by the sunset.

Neville stared blankly at Anton's back. For some reason, he thought of what Anton said just now, "We are wizards, noble wizards."

Those words seemed to be full of firm beliefs, as if full of wildness and freedom, even with the arrogance of a **** looking down.


The corners of An Dong's mouth twitched slightly, in an aria tone, "I...I'm a god!"


The water of the lake boiled, and this large lake, which covers an area many times the size of Hogwarts Castle, boiled wildly.

It's like opening the lid of a boiling soup pot.

"I declare..."

An Dong's eyes were calm, and he looked at everything in front of him lightly, "The lake is floating!"

His voice was low and unmistakably heavy, and he swung the wand forcefully in his hand.


A five-meter-diameter water column shot up from the lake, with countless splashes, rushing toward the sky.

"No!" Anton murmured, "It's not enough! It's all the lake water!"

"Certainly possible!"

"Wizards are not magicians. The effect of magic does not look at the amount or value. There is only the power of the mind and true belief!"

His hands waved gently and gracefully, like a conductor.

One after another water column rose into the sky, and then, more and more lake water rose up in whole piece.

"Wizards are gods!"

"Follow my will!"


Neville stared blankly at everything in front of him, watching the whole big lake float up!

In the lake, the water plants were rippling, and the murlocs looked around in horror, horse-shaped water monsters, giant octopuses, water basilisks...

There were even countless magical creatures that Neville didn't know appeared in the lake.

The huge lake floats in mid-air, hiding the sky and the sun.

Flying higher and higher, it blocked the sunset, and the Hogwarts Castle next to it was blocked from the light, and instantly fell into darkness.

The castle windows were crowded with heads, and everyone was screaming and looking at the big lake floating in the air.

In the lake water, a crystal clear memory ball floated out.

Gently fell into Neville's arms.


The lake water fell, causing countless splashes.

Anton turned around and looked at Neville with a smile, "Then, I got the memory ball for you, and you should pay the price."

Neville swallowed, "For... the price?"

"Of course." Anton shrugged, "Everything has a price, but I found it after draining the black lake for you!"


Neville really wanted to cry, he thought, or else give the memory ball to Anton and treat it like nothing happened?

Anton's expression was terrifying.

Neville took a half step back timidly, "What do you need me to do?"

"I need an experimental assistant to help me prepare those troublesome and time-consuming herbs." Anton patted Neville's shoulder with a smile, "Every night after class and before lights out, Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, you Come help me."

Neville was stunned for a moment, feeling a little dejected, "I can't do anything well, I'm always so bad, I'll help you do experiments, and I'll just screw everything up."

Anton ignored him, patted him on the shoulder, and walked straight away.

"Then we've agreed."

Smiling, he walked to Weasley's cottage.

Open the door, go in, slap, lie down on the ground, and fall into a deep sleep in an instant.

High-speed recovery of magical sleep - the spell of 'Mama Tom's Embrace'.

Anton carefully felt the changes at every moment.

Meimei had a good night's sleep, and when she woke up, the magic power exhausted by draining the lake was miraculously restored again.

The time required is two hours.

In other words, the effect of the previous hour was probably the combined effect of the magic spell and Madam Pomfrey's potion.


"Floating Charm?" Professor Snape stared at Anton.

Anton nodded with a smile and looked at the other professors in his dean's office.

Headmaster Dumbledore, Vice Headmaster McGonagall, Professor Quirrell of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Professor Flitwick of Charms.

There is one more professor than the last trial.

Snape still didn't believe it, staring at Anton closely, "The Levitation Charm doesn't have that effect, I remember clearly, Anthony, we ask you not to use black magic anymore."

Anton pulled out his wand with a smile and put it on his desk, "You can use the flashback spell to see that Dumbledore limits my use of magic, and it is impossible for me to release any black magic now."

His expression was strange, "Dean Snape, you are doubting the power of Dumbledore's spell, which is too bad."


Snape's face darkened instantly.

His empty eyes stared at Anton, "You have disturbed all the creatures in Black Lake, and you must be responsible for this. They are all sheltered by us at Hogwarts."

"It's really a floating spell. It seems that Anthony has an unparalleled talent in this area." Professor Flitwick looked at Anton in amazement, "You are making too much fuss, this kind of thing should be praised, not stared at like a prisoner. with this student."

Professor McGonagall also nodded, apparently thinking that this was a bit of a fuss.

Dumbledore smiled slightly, "Congratulations, obviously you have taken another step on the path of magic."

Anton looked at them inexplicably, and finally picked up his wand and left.

Soon after, Professors Flitwick, McGonagall, and Quirrell all left.

The office fell silent.

"They are very similar, Severus." Dumbledore's eyes were dim, looking at the water of Black Lake outside the window.

"The facial features are exquisite, very handsome, with a charming smile, and there is no arrogance or aggression on the outside." Dumbledore turned the strange ring on his As an orphan with extraordinary qualifications and very handsome , he attracted the attention and sympathy of the faculty almost as soon as he arrived. He seemed polite, quiet, and hungry for knowledge. Almost everyone has a good impression of him. "

"Severus." Dumbledore turned to look at Snape, "you know who I'm talking about."

Snape, clearly agitated, got up and walked around the office.

But Dumbledore's words were still whispering in his ears, "I'm tired, Severus, I'm not as tough as everyone thinks, I've been fighting all my life, and I haven't won Grindelwald. , he has grown up step by step under my eyes."

"I'm over a hundred years old, and my life has quietly come to an end."

Dumbledore stared closely at Snape, "I can't stare at Anthony anymore, just as I couldn't focus on him when I was dealing with Grindelwald, now I can only focus on him, I'm the same There's no way to stare at Anton."

"Severus, Anton is your student, it's your responsibility."

Snape turned his head and stared at Dumbledore coldly, "You should have said that to Quirrell at the same time."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, "That's what worries me the most, Severus, be careful Quirrell."

Snape sat back in his chair in disgust, "You only say you want me to do this, and you want me to do that!"

"You are much luckier than me. Anthony is not bad by nature. I like him."

"Ha." Snape laughed angrily, "Oh, the great Dumbledore likes this little boy, and told me this evil Snape to keep an eye on him and be a bad guy."

Dumbledore just gave a quirky honeyed smile.

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