The Green Monster: Starting To Be Crazy Since Meeting Ronaldo!

Chapter 30: Swim in the ocean of knowledge!

Heerenveen's mad slaughter of Hercules ended the invincible momentum of two consecutive draws.

After the game, Shen Feng felt that he couldn't raise his head.

The team bombarded 9 opponents. As the main striker, he scored a goal and seemed to be dragging his feet in statistics.

If he can reach the average level of the striker, it is estimated that he should play the opponent in double digits.

After all, Hercules guarded the bottom line.

Soleimani and Bilens made a collective effort, which in turn made Shen Feng feel the pressure of internal competition!

With the coming of the FIFA match day in October, Shen Feng can have more time to attend classes at the University of Groningen.

But what surprised him was that on his way to school, he received a call from Ajax coach Coster.

Ten Carter was sacked for failing to qualify for the Champions League, and Costel took over.

Shen Feng didn't even have time to meet the new coach and left on loan.

Costel praised Shen Feng's performance at Heerenveen on the phone.

Sounds weird.

Then Costel asked Shen Feng if he would like to return to Ajax.

Shen Feng in turn asked if the other party would give him the main position.

Costel failed to make a promise, so Shen Feng said it would be better for him to stay at Heerenveen.

Costel expects him to keep working hard.

It has been nearly two months since the start of the new season, and Ajax's actual test of their summer new aid has come to an end.

The only ones who can play are Suarez and Huntelaar. For example, Luke, who was introduced at 7 million euros, is considered a loss, and others are useless.

Shen Feng, who was on loan, obviously caught the attention of Ajax in terms of statistics.

Costel expects Shen Feng to be recalled to Ajax during the winter break. He is not guaranteed to give him the main position, but from Ajax's point of view, it can enrich the striker lineup and deal with negative emergencies in the second half of the season. occur.

However, Shen Feng was not interested in returning to Amsterdam.

The peaceful Heerenveen made him comfortable in every way.

It is both the main force and the pressure.

Why go to Amsterdam to file and start over?

One of Costel's phone calls was left behind by him.

The sun is shining and there is no cloud.

Although Groningen is a large city, its population is not large. The total population of the Manchurian city is only about 300,000, of which about 50,000 are still students.

Therefore, the university is very lively and full of vigor.

Shen Feng finished the class step by step, probably because the progress was too far behind, so that he can't even understand the class now, because a lot of theoretical knowledge should be learned from the courses he left behind.

This made him even more depressed.

As if he just started running, he fell behind a lot.

When he packed his backpack and was about to leave, two girls came and happily asked him if he was a Heerenveen player. Shen Feng nodded, and then took a group photo and signed an invitation to make an appointment.

Shen Feng smiled and took a photo with them familiarly, then turned down the invitation to the event and walked out.

Coming to the campus fountain, he looked around looking for someone to wait.

He and Kataryn Jensen agreed to meet here.

For some reason, he was still a little nervous.

Obviously, I can chat casually with many girls, but when I think of the scene of entering a home-teaching class, my little heart trembles in disappointment.

A hero who has been rebooting for almost 19 years, his hormones are almost overflowing the screen.

"Hello, are you Shen Feng?"

Shen Feng lost his mind for a moment, then turned around and saw a tall woman.

Visually, he is about 175 cm tall. The jeans are paired with a lady's white shirt, which is very simple, but the undulating peaks and long legs are really visually striking.

A typical European white complexion, with straight facial features should be a very iconic woman, but the big black-rimmed spectacles frame on the bridge of the nose definitely hides her beauty.

The smooth shawl blond hair made Shen Feng feel very ordinary, but he carefully looked at each other's big eyes, ah, the standard blond hair!

Maybe he has never looked into the eyes of European women so seriously before.

After returning to his senses, he smiled and said, "I'm Shen Feng, and you're Kataryn-Jensen, right?"

The other party nodded, and then Shen Feng said, "Okay, come with me."

Katalin was about to say something, but Shen Feng had already turned around and walked towards the parking lot.

Katalin hesitated for a moment, but finally followed.

Shen Feng was actually a little nervous, but he was used to living independently in Europe, and he was never used to handing over the rhythm to others.

Came to the parking lot and got on his little blue BMW, opened the passenger seat and let the other party come up.

Katalin hesitated for a moment, and finally got into his car slightly cramped.

Shen Feng didn't speak, he just played music.

But this didn't ease Catalin's inner tension at all.

Looking at the reversing street scene outside the car window, when the little BMW got on the high-speed and left Groningen, Katalin finally couldn't bear it anymore.

She was suddenly a little scared!

Wouldn't this be a bad guy?

In broad daylight, is there such a blatant crime?

What Shen Feng left behind were all clues!

"Please, please, where are we going?"

Shen Feng turned his head to look at her, and asked back: "Didn't you come to make up for my class? Of course, go to class."

Katalin subconsciously hummed, but then the anxiety in her heart did not subside.

After a while, Katarin asked again.

"Where to go to class?"

"Huh? Didn't you read my job posting? I wrote it clearly, it's in Heerenveen."

Katalin instantly remembered that this was the case, but today she made an appointment to meet at the University of Groningen, which made her think that she could simply do a part-time job on campus.

When Shen Feng drove back to Helenfinjerda Jinxi Hotel, Katarin was horrified.

"You, what are you taking me to the hotel for?"

Shen Feng looked at his senior sister who was obviously older than him, now like a frightened little girl, he explained, "I live here, we can have classes in the garden."

If she was asked to attend classes in Shen Feng's room, even Shen Feng himself would feel inappropriate.

Katalin was still uneasy, but Shen Feng greeted the hotel staff in a familiar way.

I don't know if it's because of his friendly personality, or because he is also used to tipping people. Anyway, he is already familiar with the staff in the hotel, and most of the people here are Heerenveen fans.

The garden outside the first floor of the hotel is usually empty, and the environment is elegant and undisturbed. Shen Feng occasionally studies here, but it must be during the day.

Katalin watched Shen Feng sit on the seat under the shade of a tree, and took out a book and pen, looking like she was really studying.

She sat on Shen Feng's side and took out the same textbook from her handbag.

The waiter took the initiative to pour them drinks, Shen Feng drank water, and Katarin asked for coffee.

Shen Feng directly reported his learning progress to Katarin.

Katalin interrupted him and asked, "Have you decided to hire me?"

Shen Feng said seriously: "Of course, but I may fire you at any time, because I don't know if you are a liar or not. If you are not as good as me, what can you teach me?

On your resume, you majored in evolutionary biology, not economics. "

Katalin is definitely a nerd!

As soon as he heard something related to study, he immediately became energetic, as if he changed his face, and began to teach Shen Feng seriously.

Shen Feng instantly became a good student who was diligent and inquisitive.

Ask if you don't understand.

Katalin answered all questions.

Not to mention, Shen Feng suddenly felt as if he was enlightened, and his learning progress suddenly improved by leaps and bounds.

Maybe the teacher spoke well.

The one-on-one effect is great.

The two also naturally sat closer and closer. Occasionally, they suddenly realized that the distance was too close, their eyes were facing each other, and Shen Feng could almost see his blushing appearance through the other's black-rimmed glasses.

Katalin also immediately moved away.

Time passed, and two hours passed quickly.

Shen Feng is immersed in the ocean of knowledge and cannot extricate himself.

He never thought that one day he would feel that taking a class would be a very cool thing.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Shen Feng suggested that this is the end of the day.

Catalin also suddenly realized that it was very late.

Shen Feng wrote down a timetable in his notebook.

Before the end of the FIFA game day, his time is relatively loose, but he will still arrange for himself a high-intensity training.

He tore off the written timetable and handed it to Catalin.

"In the next ten days, you will come here according to the above time. I will definitely be here. In addition, you will give me an account, and I will transfer the salary to you."

Katalin put away the timetable sheet, and then planned to leave, although he was full of curiosity about the student.

Shen Feng looked at the time. He knew the distance and time from Heerenveen to Groningen, so he asked Katarin, "Can you drive?"

Katalin nodded subconsciously.

Not to mention, when I don't teach this Catalin looks like a good girl.

Shen Feng took out the car key and gave it to her.

"It's a little late. You can drive my car back to Groningen. It's convenient to drive here tomorrow."

Katalin quickly declined.

"I, I'll just take the train."

"Give it, take it."

"Don't you use it yourself?"

"I don't go far."

"Then why do you want to buy a car?"

"When I bought a car in Amsterdam, I never thought that I would come to Heerenveen."

Katalin hadn't had time to think about what Shen Feng's words meant.

Shen Feng urged her to go back early.

Before it's too late, the road is not safe.

When Katalin took Shen Feng's car keys and walked out a little awkwardly, Shen Feng almost gave himself a big mouth.

Alas, at this time, I should stay for dinner!

Still young.

But it's a long time coming to Japan.

Besides, he just thinks that Katarin, a scholar-type senior sister, is a good teacher, which makes it easy to have a good impression.

That's all for now.

Katalin drove away in his car.

Shen Feng slept at night and had a spring dream for the first time in his life.

With tutoring, the effect is different.

It only took less than 10 days for Shen Feng to catch up with all the courses that were left behind.

He and Catalin also get to know each other in their relationship.

Katalin has a dedication to science, and the pioneers who have won scientific awards at the University of Groningen are her role models, which is why she is still studying for a doctorate.

Shen Feng happens to be the kind of person who wants to devote himself to football in her eyes.

The two have other similarities.

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