The Greatest Showman

Chapter 760: Not a private vengeance

Nina-Gold (Nina-Gold) bent over and stood up, with light steps and light movements to avoid making noise and destroying the silence in the theater. [Excellent Quanben Novel Network] If it is not necessary, she does not want to get up. As the sub-director of "Les Miserables", she does not want to leave at will; but her stomach is really uncomfortable, she needs to go to the bathroom to solve it.

Leaving her seat, Nina took a quick step towards the bathroom on the right. Although today’s audition is held in the theater, and the process completely follows the audition mode of the theater; but the lights inside the theater are not all turned off, and the actors seated in the back half of the seats on the first floor can still be clearly seen. Waiting for the next audition.

Nina glanced at the past casually, without any pause in her footsteps, and headed straight towards her destination. But the next second, her rushed footsteps suddenly stopped. The deep red carpet absorbed all the trivial noises, Nina He turned his head again, looked in the direction in the memory just now, and then saw an unexpected and familiar face in the crowd.

"Len Li?"

Shocked shouts came out, almost unable to conceal Nina's inner shock.

Nina was surprised that it was not Renly herself, but that Renly appeared in such a calm and low-key manner. In the London audition for Les Misérables, the most eye-catching candidate among the alternate actors is undoubtedly Renly Hall.

In the past two years, he has been shining continuously in North America. This new generation of actor can be said to have attracted much attention. The arduous appearance of Shiling, artistic skills and box office appeal are parallel; what is more commendable is that he has always been down-to-earth, not arrogant or impetuous. I have an innocent heart that polishes his acting skills, which is admirable.

This time, challenging the audition of "Les Miserables" and returning to the basics of drama has undoubtedly attracted a lot of attention.

Even the "Les Miserables" crew is no exception. Some are curious, some are picky, and some are expectation. Nina is one of them. What Nina cares most about is, what is the absolute strength of this newcomer actor from the legendary orthodox academy?

The stage is not a movie, there is no filter bonus of the lens, no editing control of the director, and no repeated thinking on the set. The basic skills and absolute strength of the actor will be fully revealed on the stage. So, the torrent of praise in the past two years, is it real materials or embroidered pillows?

Almost everyone is looking forward to the answer to the question.

However, before this morning’s audition, Renly and the "Edge of Tomorrow" crew were shooting in Trafalgar. Therefore, Renly could only attend the afternoon audition. It may even be a little bit due to the filming schedule. Delayed than expected. Andy communicated in detail with the crew of "Les Miserables" early and obtained an understanding.

Nina originally thought that Lan Li's outings would inevitably be crowded and lively. When auditioning in New York before, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and others were like that, and even the main creative staff of the crew would circle around Lan Li. However, Lan Li appeared silently like this. There was no movement, no sound, no cheers, or even being late. He appeared in the theater exactly as scheduled, and then sat as an ordinary actor. In the auditorium, patiently waited with other actors.

If it wasn't for Nina who accidentally needed to go to the bathroom, then no one would have noticed Lan Li's appearance. This...this was so unexpected that Nina lost her attitude.

After blurting out, Nina also realized her mistake, turned her head and said hello to the direction of the stage, "Sorry, my fault. You continue." Turning her head, she looked at Lan Li in front of her again, marveling. It surged-down to the ground. This is Nina's only thoughts at the brain monkey right now. She has received the blue gifts sought after by countless media and loved by countless fans. She is so low-key and so young!

Unconsciously, the smile on his face rose.

There was not much noise in the theater, just a momentary pause, but for Eddie on the stage, it was really uncomfortable.

Ready, ready to go; interrupted suddenly, trance. In an instant, he got stuck in his chest and couldn't spit it out, but he couldn't swallow it. The nervousness suddenly surged, so that the muscles began to stiffen involuntarily, and the performance state was stuck in a strange place.

Eddie sat in a chair, the emotions brewing, but he couldn't find a landing spot. He was irritated and panicked. He quickly turned his head, and then found that all the crew members sitting in the front row area had shifted. I turned my head in different postures, and looked to the rear. It was like a spotlight in the performance process. It moved from the stage to the auditorium without warning, sweeping the floor, and the whole scale line followed. Transfer.

But for Eddie, who is standing in the center of the stage, this is a difficult one: all the focus of attention has been lost before the performance has started.

Damn guy) The guy who loves the crowd!

Renly-Hall, Renly-Hall, Renly-Hall. It's Renly Hall again.

In the same upper-class circles, even if there is no intersection in the life circle, they are also born in Eton College, also born in Cambridge University, and even in the West End of London. The name "Er" is no stranger to Eddie.

But for a long time, Eddie has no emotions about this name, neither joy nor sadness, dislike or dislike. Two people are two parallel lines. During the school, the two people were seven years old and completely missed it. During the West End, the two people entered at different times, participated in different plays, and never met. It can be said that they are different. There is no intersection between them, and naturally there is no feeling.

Even if two people are both actors, but in London, the elites like Eddie have gradually broken the barriers, and there are not many, but not many, actors who are among the ranks of actors. It is just that Lan Li’s "noble" status is slightly special. That's it. Both parties are just strangers to each other.

This situation changed three years ago. First "Buried alive", then "Love Crazy", and then "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", the name Lanly-Hall gradually spread back to London, causing ripples in the theater circle, especially Last summer, there was a turbulent sea, which can even be said to have attracted much attention.

Everyone is discussing Lanli, and everyone is paying attention to Lanli. It seems that, overnight, Lan Li has become "a representative of an actor of a certain class", which is simply ridiculous. Haven't spent enough time in the West End of London, haven't experienced enough experience in the drama, or even acted in an official West End drama, so just throw their heads into Hollywood? For traditional academic actors, this is simply a shame-the shame of lowering the noble head and bowing to Hollywood.

See you, after Keira Knightley became famous with the "Pirates of the Caribbean", the first thing she did was to return to the West End, to return to the stage, and to polish her acting skills down-to-earth. And Lan Li? It's just a clown who is sensational, lost tradition, lost dignity, lost pride, a clown that equates actors with actors.

Eddie doesn't just talk about others behind his back, but others will give pointers behind his back.

The same high-class background, the same educational background, the same working hard in Hollywood, and the same young actors born in the same generation, in the sight of the coming and going, more or less, Eddie and Lan Li are on the same level, and there are even people. Rudely and rudely asked Eddie to his face, "How do you feel watching Lanly achieve such a success?" This annoyed Eddie.

Eddie doesn’t like Lan Li” because the two people have some private feuds, they just don’t like this idol actor who hasn’t been polished and tempered-the entire London Academy dislikes actors, and those old scholars dislike it even more. ; It's just that he doesn't like his efforts and struggles are ignored, and put them together in a simple and rude manner-every actor who is down-to-earth and able to break into the sky will not like it.

However, he has his pride and will never speak ill of others behind his back, even if it is an irrelevant stranger. But today, it is Lan Li again. His audition hadn't started yet, was actually interrupted by Lan Li? This is irritating!

The anger was so sudden Burning under the tension, so that the muscles tightened uncontrollably, but Eddie knew that he could not be distracted at this time, and the audition must continue. . This is a time of severe test, and it is also a time to prove his strength. In the theater, anything can happen, and he shouldn't lose his sense of measure because of a little noise.

However, a "blue gift" is more than just noise.

Take a deep breath, exhale deeply, and exhale long. Years of experience on the stage made Eddie quickly calm down and re-enter the state. Then he raised his eyes, focused on the stage, and looked at the surroundings with his gaze. The lights, waiting for the signal to start the audition. But obviously, the situation at the theater scene is still a bit chaotic.

The crew members sitting in the front area turned their heads reluctantly and looked to the rear, as if Lan Li had three heads and six arms. Under the constant praise and bombardment of the media, perhaps Lan Li did have three heads and six arms; even more exaggerated. Yes, Cameron McIntosh stood up directly, and strode towards the audience seats at the rear. The actors who were waiting for the audition made a muffled commotion.

It is not a loud noise, but a sound of low syllable fragments gathered together, which is always the case before the official performance of the theater begins. For the actors in the West End, Cameruan means legend and superstar. It is difficult for everyone to conceal their excitement.

Even if Cameron didn't say anything, even if there was no noise at the scene, the spotlight still shrouded the stage, but his attention was silently and irresistibly shifted.

Eddie couldn't help clenching his fist, and clenched it again, and his bald nails fell deeply into the palm of his palm, making it aching.

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