The Greatest Showman

Chapter 753: 2 hands ready

Hearing Andy’s words, Lan Li’s eyebrows raised slightly. He thought it would be a new work, but after thinking about it, there are fewer and fewer new creations on Broadway and the West End, and the decline is irreversible. , Classic masterpieces are still the best choice. "Movie or drama?"

Andy's words rushing to his mouth could not help but choke, his smile became brighter, Lan Li is always so keen, everyone hears "Les Miserables", the first reaction will be drama, the last film adaptation is still far away 1998; In addition, in the past few months, Andy has been looking for suitable dramas for Lan Li... However, Lan Li saw through his tricks.

"Movies." Andy said the answer frankly, "This project has been in dust for 23 years. It was first in the hands of Columbia Pictures, but no one dared to challenge this theme, and musical adaptations are always lacking. Some highlights came to Universal Pictures...I know, listen to me to continue."

Universal Pictures, this is really an interesting cycle.

"Although this is a Universal Pictures project, Cameron Mackintosh still has the rights of the first producer, and Universal Pictures does not intend to interfere." Andy explained quickly and simply.

"Cameron?" Lan Li closed his jaw meaningfully.

Cameron Mackintosh, he is the earliest producer of the English version of "Les Miserables" and is known as a gold medal producer. He also produced "The Phantom of the Opera" and "Miss Saigon." Three of the four classic musicals. However, he has never tried to make a movie, and has always stuck to the field of drama. It seems that "Les Miserables" will be his first attempt.

Obviously, Universal Pictures was also worried that the remake of the classic was messed up, so Cameron was brought in. However, success is also poor, and failure is also poor. Cameron's experience can be a weapon, but it can also be a confinement to change and innovation.

"Yes, Cameron is forming the cast of the cast. Tom Hober has been determined as the director, and the main role is now entering the second round of screening. The first round was over a month ago." Andy continued. "However, this is Hollywood, don’t worry too much. I’ve talked to Cameron and he is willing to watch your audition. No, he should be looking forward to seeing your audition."

For unknown people, the first and second rounds of screening are very important; but for top superstars, it is normal to skip the preliminary audition and go directly to the final screening. Lan Li is not yet a top superstar, but he is no longer an unknown person.

Andy put his hands on his chubby belly, the corners of his mouth still habitually smiled, his eyes narrowed because of the smile, through the gap, he carefully looked at Lan Li's expression and added, " I know you have been looking forward to returning to the theatre stage, but now there are fewer and fewer scripts worth challenging in the West End and Broadway. You need to really calm down and choose slowly."

Since Lan Li told Andy that he wanted to challenge the drama again, it has only been three months, and time is still not enough; not to mention, it is still the busiest time of the awards season. Andy used the contacts of an innovative artist agency to conduct a carpet search. He even went to off-Broadway to find suitable works, but this is a needle in a haystack, and it is difficult.

However, Andy did not take the initiative to take credit, nor did he shirk responsibility. He merely expressed his opinions in a realistic manner, "Les Miserables is a good opportunity. Under the supervision of Cameron McIntosh, the film will still To restore the original work to the greatest extent, it can almost be regarded as a theater performance; moreover, the director is Tom Hober, he is also British, and he is from a TV series. I think his understanding of drama should be worthy of recognition."

In these two sentences, Andy is completely exposed as a drama layman.

Movies and dramas are completely different, because the lens and the stage are completely different, and the performance methods, presentation content, and even the understanding of roles are all different. Lan Li wanted to return to the stage, on the one hand to polish his basic skills, and on the other hand, to feel the oppression of close contact with the audience on the stage.

Also, Tom Hopper is a TV director. His understanding of drama is the level of the TV station, which is stable. Whether it is "The King's Speech" or "The Miserable World", his lens feel is too TV, and there is no deconstruction and depth of the big screen at all. Lan Li has always believed that after the 21st century, the most "water" Oscar director is Tom Hopper.

Most importantly, the way the theater is performed is completely different. There are fixed performances every day, and each show has a different audience. This means that every day needs to face a new test, hand over a 100% outstanding performance, and every day needs to deal with different challenges. During the performance, the difficulty and challenge are always there, and they will be updated every day.

But the movie does not. During the shooting, mistakes can be repeated again and again. After shooting a scene, there is no worries about the future, and other things can be left to the post-production. All the tests are only one-off.

But Lan Li did not taunt Andy. He has specializations in the art industry. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. He needs to stick to his actor's position, but he also needs the professional opinions of Andy and Roy. "Which role did he audition for?" "

"Marius." Andy tapped his belly lightly with his fingertips, feeling a little relaxed.

Lan Li closed his jaw to express understanding, "Unsurprising answer."

In the original "Les Miserables", the male protagonist Jean-Ajean is a vicissitudes of life. First he experienced nineteen years of hard labor; then he spent ten years becoming the mayor; after being exposed as a former prisoner, he became a gardener incognito. For five full years; Ran died on the bed at home after the last ordeal.

It can be said that this is a role with a very large age span, from the youth to the old age. In theatrical performances, makeup techniques are often difficult to create such an earth-shaking effect in a short period of time. Therefore, the adaptation of the drama locks the age in Ran's middle age, and condenses the time span as much as possible.

The same is true for Javert, the rival of Jean-Ajean, and the two have experienced the same time span. However, in addition to these two roles, Fantine, Cosette, and Marius are all young roles, aged between eighteen and twenty-five, which is an important opportunity for young actors.

Among them, Marius is one of the important roles in the whole movie.

Handsome and handsome, with superior family background, but full of ambition, he was a revolutionary/fate youth of the 19th century. His father was a colonel of Napoleon and was regarded as a baron. He was raised by his grandfather who was a kingly sect, and he always hated being a Bonapartist father. But after the death of his father who loved him deeply, he gradually understood the revolution/fate and republic, abandoned his grandfather's material comfort, inherited his father's military rank and knighthood, became a firm republican, and joined the uprising. Later, Marius met Cosette and fell in love with her, dragging Cosette and Jean-Hagen into the torrent of the times.

Choosing Renly to audition Marius was an appropriate decision.

"Well, are there any requirements for the audition?" Lan Li closed his jaw without expressing too much opinion, and said cleanly.

However, the affirmative answer was a bit too straightforward, and Andy was surprised, "You have no opinion?"

Lan Li chuckled lightly, "Of course I have an opinion. What I am looking forward to is drama, not film. This is the essential difference. But your words also make sense, Cameron Mackintosh's version of'tragic "The world', even in movies, still retains the characteristics of drama. For the director, the challenge is huge; for the actors, the essence is the same."

In Tom Hopper's version of "Les Miserables", there is really not much innovation, and the performance part is basically copied from the stage version, and many actors are actually from Broadway and the West End. The performance method, performance content and performance intensity are almost the same as stage play.

In fact, this is also the reason why Russell Crowe was so **** criticized by film critics. As a pure film actor, the gap between Russell and other actors is not just singing skills, there is an indelible gap between stage expression and role interpretation. Tom directed the film in the way of a stage play, and all of Russell’s shortcomings were exposed. How could film critics recognize it?

"What I am looking forward to is the polishing of the basic skills, the control of the stage, and the communication of the audience. However, if you can't find a suitable project, the movie version of the'Les Miserables', this is indeed the wisest choice at this stage." Lan Li smiled. Said, "At least, all the trials of the audition stage, it is almost the same as the stage play."

Now Lan Li has already begun to conceive in his mind, which segment of Marius should he perform, or ingeniously performing Shakespeare, these are the homework when he was studying at the Royal Academy of Drama, and he was familiar with it. Even if it hasn't started, Lan Li has once again recalled those years, as well as the experience of standing on the stage to show his own, the blood began to boil.

"...Yes." Andy was a little surprised. "The audition requires a drama performance to be filmed. It can be sent by email, preferably from ninety to one hundred and twenty seconds. Is that the same for the stage play?"

"Yes. The only difference is that we are performing on the stage, not the camera lens." Lan Li's leisurely and contented appearance fell into Andy's eyes, thoughtfully.

Until now Andy really understood the difference between film actors and theater actors. In Lan Li's body, there is a shock and infection after getting rid of the camera, which is really subtle and beyond words. Andy couldn't help but start to imagine: Lanly standing on the stage of London's West End or Broadway, what does it look like?

"What's more, I believe you won't surrender here." Lan Li's voice came again, interrupting Andy's thoughts, and Andy saw the joking expression flashing under Lan Li's eyes. Lan Li knew. Knowing the purpose of my visit to London this time, I also know the information I have concealed.

Andy smiled and patted his belly with his fingertips, and asked curiously, "Are you guessing? Or sure?"

"I'm sure now." Lan Li's answer made Andy chuckle, while Nathan, who was sitting next to him, was confused. Watching the two people play a muzzle, they couldn't understand anything.

Fortunately, Andy did not continue to circle the circle, the next step is to cut to the topic, "This time I came to London, mainly because there is a suitable project here, I want to talk to them in person." A drama that must be rushed back later. For this reason.

"So, whose work is it tonight?" After a circle, I finally returned to the first question after meeting today.

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