The Greatest Showman

Chapter 735: Break 100 million again

During the Christmas season of 2009, the two films "Detective Sherlock Holmes" and "Mouse Laibao 2" chose to be released on the same weekend. As a result, they ran into the "Avatar" of the heaven-defying level. They were both discounted and failed to win the North American weekend box office. The rankings, however, at that time the two works started a bayonet-savvy competition, and the struggle was broken.

During the premiere weekend, "Detective Sherlock Holmes" was slightly better, but "Mouse 2" had the upper hand in terms of stamina. In the final North American box office, "Mouse 2" narrowly won; in overseas markets, Robert Downey Jr. Together with Jude Law, the appeal has gained an advantage, which also makes the world's total box office, "Detective Sherlock Holmes" far ahead.

The North American box office of the two works both exceeded 200 million, and the global box office exceeded 450 million. To some extent, it can be regarded as a win-win situation.

In the third week of December 2011, "Detective Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows" and "Mouse to Treasure 3" were once again on the spot, and they were released simultaneously again. Acupuncture points against the wheat field in a duel, plus one to join in the fun. "Mission: Impossible 4", which also brought the intensity of box office competition to a higher level, which can be called a melee.

As early as before the start of the holiday period and after the completion of the set period, everyone's attention was focused on the third week of December. Except for "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part 1, this is the crater where all the attention is focused. The three works gather in close hand-to-hand combat. Two years ago, the grievances and grievances confronted again, enough to make all the news. The media became excited.

Unfortunately, people are disappointed again. To be more precise, the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Neither of the two works can give full play to the box office advantage of the sequel film. Instead, it continued the bad luck of "the quality of the sequel film is not satisfactory", and both suffered. The blow at the box office can be said to be a difficult brother.

"Game of Shadows" only collected 39 million U.S. dollars in three days at the premiere weekend, which was a drop of more than one-third compared to the 62 million of the previous game. Amidst the disappointing feedback, it was a disadvantage; The word-of-mouth of "Mouse 3" is even more messed up. The box office of the premiere weekend of 23 million yuan is more than half that of the second part of the series two years ago. The 48 million premiere results that year can be described as letting people. It was bright, but now the scenery is no longer.

The downturn of the two works reminds people of the experiences of "New Year's Eve" and "Nanny's Adventures" last week. Could it be that the overall downturn in this year's holiday season is due to the market, not the quality of the works. ? There is no harm if there is no comparison, and there is no gap if there is no comparison. When people see the dotted data of "Mission Impossible 4", they know that, in the final analysis, it is the problem of the work itself, not the market.

A small screen was launched in a mere 425 theaters, but "Mission Impossible 4" collected $12.8 million with a data of 30,000 in a single library, which not only detonated the reputation, but also It detonated the box office. Tom Cruise has been silent for five years since the 2005 World War and 2006 "Mission Impossible 3" box office losses, and once again reappeared the professional New Year with the classic series!

The excellent performance of "Mission Impossible 4" on a small scale not only witnessed Tom’s rejuvenation, but also fired the first shot of Pixar animation director Brad Bird’s live-action film, which also made people think of the same Pixar Andrew Stanton, an animation director, is full of expectations for "Alien Battlefield" which will be released next year.

In addition, the "anti-cancer me" survived in a frantic bombardment, and once again delivered a brilliant performance. The drop in the third week of the screening was only 35%, which was once again under control. It was less than 40%, and the decline of artistic masterpieces based on the category of commercial films, the performance was wonderful, and it received a round of applause.

Especially considering the encirclement and suppression of the new film this Wednesday, the performance of "anti-cancer me" is still so strong, which is even more commendable.

After earning another 13.7 million this weekend, the three-week cumulative box office of this small-cost independent comedy has exceeded 90 million US dollars, which is more than eleven times higher than the production cost. It is still in the process of collecting the box office, and it deserves to be the most popular box office black horse among the 2011 holiday files.

In the third week of December, "Game of Shadows" won the championship, "Mouse 3" runner-up, "Anti-Cancer I" runner-up, "Mission Impossible 4" took the third place with the click-through data, and..." "New Year's Eve" the next week's box office fell forty-five percentage points, harvesting 7 million U.S. dollars, ranking fifth this week.

A 45 percent drop is not excellent for ordinary commercial films, but it can barely be considered qualified. However, the box office for the premiere of "New Year's Eve" is already unsatisfactory, and the box office dropped so much the next week, which is horrible. The cumulative box office in two weeks was only 24 million. Compared with the production cost of 56 million, there is still a long way to catch up.

For "New Year's Eve", for "Nanny Adventure", for "Shadow Game", and for "Mouse 3", this year's holiday file is like a nightmare, disaster, disaster, or disaster. Now, the only thing they can look forward to is that the next Christmas and New Year's Day, the bonus of consecutive holidays, can make the box office pick up again, at least the loss should not be too serious.

The good news is that in the next few weeks, the biggest competitor in commercial films is "Mission Impossible 4". There are really not many choices for the audience. There are only these films on the market. The holiday box office bonus should be very high. The good news; the bad news is that the "anti-cancer me" has suddenly emerged. This unexpectedly became the leader of holiday movies. How many audiences will it attract in the future is unknown.

According to common sense, the audience appeal of the "anti-cancer me" is really limited. At least it cannot be compared with such gimmicky works as "Shadow Game", "Mouse Laibao 3" and "New Year's Eve", but the problem lies in it. Here, the current common sense has been broken. The "anti-cancer me" has broken out an incredible box office curve, and no one can predict the next trend.

As expected, the next week is Christmas. This year’s Christmas coincides with Saturday and Sunday. The bonus effect has been affected to a certain extent, but the box office bonus on Friday and Monday is also worth looking forward to. . In this week, "Mission Impossible 4" topped the North American weekend box office champion without any suspense!

In addition to this, the much-anticipated awards season schedule finally ushered in a blowout, Steven Spielberg teamed up with Peter-Jackson to create "The Adventures of Tintin", Steven Spielberg The war blockbuster "War Horse" that hit the Oscars, the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" that has been highly anticipated since last year, the family comedy "My Family Bought the Zoo" starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson...have come!

Except for "My Family Bought the Zoo", the other three works are regarded as prize-giving works with box office driving force, which firmly attracts the attention of the audience. There are more than 2,500 venues in the theater, and there is no box office giant. Crocodile, but the fierce competition is dazzling. As the deadline for Oscar registration, all works that are determined to compete for this year's Oscar will be released, launching the first wave of sprints in the nomination stage.

The award season is here!

In the fierce competition, "Game of Shadows" dropped 49% the next week, "Mouse 3" dropped 45% the next week, and "The Girl with Dragon Tattoo" premiered at 1,200 box office. Million, the box office of the premiere of "The Adventures of Tintin" was 9.7 million, and the box office of the premiere of "My Family Bought the Zoo" was 9.3 million...

The whole is bleak, wailing, and almost all the works are unsatisfactory. Such a tragic situation makes everyone in the industry dumbfounded, and they can’t believe their eyes. The reputation of good and bad, all are not satisfactory; The performance is far below expectations for the low ones; the ones with more publicity are concerned about the general coldness.

Only "Mission Impossible 4" and "Anti-Cancer Me" have become exceptions. This sounds like a fantasy, but it is actually happening.

Leaving aside the feat of earning 30 million weekend box office after the expansion of "Mission Impossible 4", the box office of "Anti-Cancer Me" was still accurately controlled by 30% in the fourth week of its release. The decline has never been higher than 35 percentage points, amazing, or amazing! It is an absolutely stunning performance for any work. After earning a box office of 9.5 million U.S. dollars over the weekend, it brought the cumulative box office over the 100 million threshold without any suspense, and temporarily settled at 107 million!

Following "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" and "Love Is Crazy", "The Anti-Cancer Me" became the third consecutive North American box office work by Lan Li, and it was within the same natural year, such a feat. , Even Tom Cruise at his peak did not do it, only Harrison Ford, the unique Harrison Ford.

Interestingly, Harrison and Renly’s agent are the same person.

This is not the What’s more gratifying is that this week is a four-day holiday weekend, thanks to the Christmas bonus, December 26th, Monday, this day’s order The box office broke out with incredible energy again on the day!

On this day, "Mission Impossible 4" undoubtedly became the biggest winner, with a single-day box office of 14 million yuan. The single-day box office data of the eleventh day of the release was comparable to the day of the premiere of "I am Against Cancer". The results of this performance received a lot of applause, especially in the case of the general sluggish performance in this year's holiday season.

And the "anti-cancer me" did not disappoint. The single-day box office on the 26th was 9 million, which is almost the same as the 11 million of "Game of Shadows". Considering the "anti-cancer" "I" has been in theaters for two more weeks, and this box office data is even more commendable! Undoubtedly, the "anti-cancer me" has become the biggest winner in the 2011 holiday season, and has become the number one choice for family fun watching movies-the previous market research has now been verified.

With the blessing of Christmas, the "anti-cancer me" was released for four weeks, and the cumulative box office was 116 million. What is certain is that it exceeds the cumulative box office of "Crazy Love" in North America. This is already a certainty. . The question is: Can this comedy skit of the sword go slanting forward can replicate the miracles of "Juneo" and "Little Sunshine Beauty"? After the box office victory, all the way to Oscar?

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