The Greatest Showman

Chapter 723: Fan rise

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"Anti-Cancer Me" is just an ordinary comedy movie with an investment of only 8 million yuan. The indifferent schedule of the first week of December was chosen to avoid the prosperity of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The festival is turbulent, and it will be released quickly before the award season reaches its peak. Lionsgate does not have much publicity budget at all, just thinking about hitting hot spots, squeezing the wool, and smoothing the wind.

But such a comedy movie has become the focus of much attention. Unintentionally.

Starting at 4 a.m. East Coast Time, this news boom continued in a mighty, uproar and vigorous manner. As of 11 a.m., just seven hours before and after, news reports appeared on the Internet. The three hundred and twenty-three articles are just reports from regular news organizations.

In the Yahoo community, IMDB and other fan forums, there are 8,966 related posts, and it is still growing, with more than 214,000 related replies; as for clicks The rate can’t be counted. For some of the posts with the highest click-through rates, the moment of the highest traffic peak reached 3 million, and the total click-through rate exceeded 12 million. It is easy to create a discussion since September The hottest peak moment, this is almost comparable to the finale of the summer "Harry Potter".

However, this is just a small-cost comedy of 8 million.

From the negative news, to the melee of thousands of troops, and then to the positive force, the news peaks frequently appeared three times within seven hours. The story of the turbulence was simply jaw-dropping, and it also brought into play the characteristics of the Internet age. To the extreme-for most people, they are addicted to their dreams, and even before they have time to participate, the incident has already turned eighteen turns.

After the "Brando Mania" post appeared, it quickly sparked a discussion boom. Not only did he put forward an important point, Renly was also a victim in this accident; he also awakened people's doubts about news reports, especially the "Entertainment Weekly" report written by Cornell.

In just seven hours, this post had a click-through rate of over 5 million, and the reply rate exceeded the limit of 20,000 early, and exceeded 40,000, which directly led to the temporary paralysis of the Yahoo community server; then there were enthusiastic fans. , Copied and pasted the post of "Brando Mania", opened the second post, and then the replies data exceeded 20,000 again, and the post was locked again, and the popularity was always high!

At about ten o’clock, another post appeared in the Yahoo community. The poster was a nurse who was on duty that night. She experienced this chaotic night in person. Most of the injuries suffered during the premiere were delivered directly. The hospital where she works. She not only introduced the basic situation of the injured, but also mentioned Lan Li's visit in the early hours of the morning.

"No reporters, no cameras, no media. Lanly didn't even change his clothes for the premiere, so he showed up in the hospital and personally visited the only hospitalized patient. As never before, I hope a reporter can capture this scene. , I hope that a paparazzi can record the true face of Lan Li in private. When the reporters are deliberately thinking about how to hype the news, the "culprit" that Qianfu refers to is making more changes with his own actions. Hard work. Uncrowned kings, are they really kings now?"

At the end of the post, the nurse attached Lan Li's signature and the message that touched countless people, which once again aroused people's curiosity about "Love Is Crazy". Of course, this is something.

After the nurse’s post was published, someone immediately criticized it. This must have been arranged in advance. If Lan Li really does not want people to know, there will be no nurses showing up. Obviously, Lan Li is deliberately washing herself. , Premeditatedly went to the hospital to visit the patient, which not only proved once again that Lan Li was a "scheming/bitch" of hype news, but also proved that Lan Li was not the innocent victim in this accident.

They even think that this accident may be a trap, a trap for the "anti-cancer me" propaganda arrangement.

However, this kind of remarks came out for less than a while, and instantly became the target of everyone's siege. They encountered a powerful sniper, and one spit on them was enough to drown them.

The supporters of Lanly-Hall stepped onto the stage for the first time in history, and burst out with incredible power.

Whether it is a movie fan or a fan, they have seen a unique shining point in Lan Li; and the more than 5,000 spectators at Lincoln Center have experienced everything personally, their eyes will not lie, they are invariably directed towards Lan. Li expressed support. Many people originally just wanted to express some excitement and excitement after watching the "anti-cancer me" on the Internet, and then called on more audiences to enter the cinema to watch the movie, but they experienced such a turmoil.

William Taylor's words resonated with all fans, "Enough! It's time to stop! Stop splashing dirty water on the young master! He never cared, but he never got attention!"

Almost every supporter copied and pasted, spreading this sentence across the Internet. Whether it was the “questioning about wealth background” last fall or the “questioning about malicious speculation” at the beginning of this year, Lan Li, who was on the cusp of the storm, never seemed to be truly respected.

The weak foundation brought about by the rapid rise is fully reflected in Lan Li. Unlike Justin Bieber and Robert Pattinson, who are fast-popular idols, Lanli, who started as an art film, has no fanatics, no fans who are unreasonable and unconditionally supportive, and no fans who are unreasonable and united. , Along the way, Lan Li's footsteps are extremely solid, but also extremely slow, so he has fallen into controversy time and time again, but no one has defended him.

Now, this situation has finally undergone a fundamental change!

The supporters headed by Hope and William finally no longer want to swallow their words anymore. In the face of such abominable slander and slander, they rolled up their sleeves and put on a tough counterattack posture. The mighty momentum was shocking!

Whether it's the recurrence of the "New York Times" incident, the full-blown eyes led by Brando's fanaticism, or the nurse's remarks, it all proves one thing: those malicious speculations are the most harmful to Lan Li. What is even more ridiculous is that from beginning to end, Lan Li did not speak out, refused to cooperate with the hype of the media, and even did not even call out grievances, but he was still labeled as "scheming deeply."

Undoubtedly, this completely angered the supporters of Lanli, who stood up out of righteous indignation and launched a confrontation. The vast momentum made people look at it with admiration. At this time, people really realized for the first time that the box office success of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", the box office mutation of "Love Crazy", including the enthusiasm of the premiere of "Anti-Cancer Me", this is not In the unexpected event, the supporters standing behind Lan Li were far bigger and stronger than imagined!

This young actor, who has studied his acting skills down-to-earth and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the performance, has dedicated one after another wonderful works. With his own strength, with his own charm, and with his own ability, he has gained a batch of **** support. People. This is not a fan of idols following the trend, or a crowd to join in the excitement, but a sincere hardcore!

In a daze, Lan Li has grown into a new generation of popular actor comparable to Ryan Gosling. Just as everyone thought that Ryan was still the leader, now the pattern has quietly changed.

The development of the event became more and more lively, and the final period was drawn by Lauren!

As the direct parties involved in the incident, the reporters also contained Lauren tightly. During the interview, Lauren gave a complete account of the ins and outs of the incident at the first time, including the Lan Li visit in the middle of the night. In the end, Lauren repeatedly said, "If it weren't for Lanly, things would get worse. I don't even know if I can stand here for interviews."

The truth finally revealed the whole picture.

The most ridiculous thing is that, as a hero of saving lives, Lan Li has not been mentioned in the media in previous news reports, but has been accused of being a chaos maker and has become a target of siege. Is this the sorrow of society or the shame of journalists? So ridiculous, so ridiculous, but so realistic.

Farce, this is another farce, a farce led by "Entertainment Weekly", a farce promoted by netizens. But just like the characteristics of the Internet age, it is like a tornado, roaring violently, and then disappearing violently. In real life, things have calmed down before they even have time to keep up. The speed of the transfer of hot spots is so fast. Quick, it's jaw-dropping.

At noon, the hot spot of the premiere of "Anti-Cancer Me" was back on track, and the reports of TV stations and newspapers and magazines returned to normal. The reports were conducted truthfully and objectively, and it seemed that controversy on the Internet had never appeared before.

This farce seems to have settled down, but its influence has just begun to spread. "Anti-Cancer Me", whether people are interested or not, this work has entered the public's attention, from "Love Crazy" to "Don Quixote" to Grammy nominations, and then the premiere Fanatic, the "anti-cancer me" thrived in the slightly plain schedule at the beginning of December and aroused countless curiosities——

What kind of work is this? Is this work really good-looking? How did the critics say? What is the comment of the audience at the premiere? Is it worth going into the cinema to watch?

After going round and round, I finally returned to the work of "anti-cancer me". All the noise, all the hype, all the publicity, in the final analysis, still have to be borne by the work, a terrible bad film. , Even if the publicity is fierce, the audience will not buy it after all.

So, can the "anti-cancer me" bear the weight of this craze?

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