The Greatest Showman

Chapter 708: Mini premiere

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Tessa Breden's footsteps couldn't help stopping for a while, and he looked around and was quite sure that this is Lincoln Center, and this is the world-famous Juilliard School. How could she find such a landmark building wrong? However, after determining the location, not only did the question marks not be answered, but they became even more confused. He walked two steps forward again and looked at the bustling crowds on the square, and suddenly there was an illusion that he was walking in the wrong place.

Every corner of the line of sight is filled with people. Even the crowds are not enough to describe the visual shock. It seems that there are not only two thousand people, three thousand people here, even if it is said that there are tens of thousands of people, Tessa is willing to believe , The whole square was shoulder to shoulder, and people gathered in twos and threes, and they talked with joy and excitement. The excitement in their expressions could not be concealed, so that the air began to boil.

It's December, and the cold weather in New York has begun to show off. Standing on the square without towering buildings on all sides, the freezing cold wind, hazy sky and sub-zero temperature can't stop even the down coat. The intrusion of the cold wave seems to be tormented by staying outdoors for an extra second.

However, on the plaza at the entrance of Lincoln Center, the cold seems to have lost its meaning. The heat from the mouth, the excitement between the eyebrows, and the excitement hidden in the dancing movements made the low temperature tolerable, even floating in the sky. The sprinkled rice and snowflakes add a little romance to this afternoon.

Tessa's eyes widened, and she was in it, still unable to believe that all this was really happening.

Today is the premiere of "The Anti-Cancer Me". Lionsgate did not plan to plan a grand premiere, but arranged an ingenious small premiere based on the style of the city of New York.

The premiere was arranged in the Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center. Lincoln Center is one of the most important art coordinates in New York. There are more than 70 art museums here, as well as the most important classical music performance hall in New York. This is the largest art venue in the world, and it is even used by industry insiders. Called "the world center of classical music".

At the same time, the Juilliard School is also located here, and the Alice Tully Hall is the internal performance hall of the academy. This is not only the official venue for the indoor concert at Lincoln Center, but also the venue for the annual New York Film Festival. Students from the college also perform here all year round.

The Alice Tully Hall is a small concert space with only 1,095 seats. It is the smallest concert hall in the entire Lincoln Center. However, for the New York Film Festival, this is the main venue every year, and fans from all over the world are welcome to come here to join the film festival.

On the whole, the artistic atmosphere, classic atmosphere and academic quality of Alice Tully Hall are unique. Compared with Hollywood's famous Chinese Theater, Kodak Theater and other popular premiere venues, the audience seats here do not have any advantages, and the commercial attention is far less; coupled with the strict control of the premiere by Lincoln Center—— For example, large booths are not allowed; for example, media access requires multiple controls, all of which make the Alice Tully Hall a very special premiere venue.

First of all, films with premiere are all commercial works, which is the premise; secondly, the works chosen for premiere here are often more literary and more critical.

Although there is no definite news, it is rumored that Lionsgate has only released 500 tickets for the premiere. This also sends a message again: this is a small premiere.

But the picture in front of Tessa was not like that. Her footsteps walked through the crowd, looking for a gathering place for fans. The premiere officially started at 5 pm. They arranged to meet at 12 noon. Tessa arrived at the scene at 11:20, but she was a little confused when she saw such a scene.

After wandering in the crowd and getting lost for nearly thirty minutes, Tessa was almost dizzy—there are really too many people here! In the end, Tyronn Johnson, who had met at the Toronto Film Festival before, saw her and called her several words, which made her find the organization.

William Taylor, Graham Hughes, Hope Baez, Chanel Laurent... These little friends, strange or familiar, gathered at Lincoln Center in New York because of the same man. It’s December, and it’s the most stressful time at the end of the semester. I can’t leave at all, but everyone is worried that the premiere of "Anti-Cancer Me" will not be popular, so we invite collectively and come to New York to spend it. On the weekend, I was cheering for Lanli, and I was looking forward to watching this movie for the first time.

"Jesus Christ, who was the first to say that there might be no one at the premiere?" This was Tessa's first reaction.

"Yes, yes, we were discussing it just now." Hope opened his eyes wide and discussed with excitement. "After we got here, we were terrified. What happened? Why are so many people here? We just looked at it. There are at least two thousand five hundred people. There must be one! And they are still coming over. It's less than twelve o'clock now. This is crazy!"

"I even wondered, did we come to the wrong place?" William sighed and immediately made Tessa jump up, "That's right, I thought the same way just now!" Everyone nearby laughed.

"I specifically went to the entrance of the screening hall to confirm. Yes, this is our destination." Graham said loudly, giving confirmation. Everyone in the line of sight was filled with excitement and excitement. Ham's voice was also raised an octave, his speech gestures increased, and his mood began to fly inexplicably.

Tessa's eyes were still inseparable from the dense crowds around him. To be precise, his eyes were filled with light. "Does anyone know what the **** is going on? Why is there so many people at the premiere today? When I watched'Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion', I was not so exaggerated." Tessa was still full of question marks, "Or, what is the performance at Lincoln Center tonight? The dates are overlapped, so there are so many people?"

If it is the night of important performances at Lincoln Center, the scale of three thousand and four thousand people is nothing more than normal.

"I asked around just now. Most of them came because of'crazy love', and all of them were extremely enthusiastic, as if they were really crazy." Chanel is tall and slender, just standing. Next to it, I easily attracted attention, "I only found out when I read the'New Yorker' yesterday that the attendance rate of'Crazy Love' in New York is still high, and New Yorkers seem to particularly like this work."

This is not an unexpected answer. "Then there are a small number of people who came here because of Lanly's album. I heard that'Don Quixote' seems to have set a record, but I am not sure." Chanel said vaguely. , The explanation is not clear, and he simply pointed in the direction, "There are a large group of people there. They didn't come here for the premiere of the movie. They said they just wanted to express their support and gratitude to Lan Li. They also prepared posters. , Banners, and support cards, I think it’s much more comprehensive than ours."

"Really?" Hope's eyes brightened immediately, "Let's go over and take a look. William, let's go over together and have a good exchange. See if we can have more cooperation in the future!"

They now have fan groups in the Yahoo community and Facebook. At the beginning, they were just for the purpose of providing a platform for Renly's film lovers to communicate, but after experiencing the negative news during the shooting of the "anti-cancer me" at the beginning of the year , The positioning of the group has gradually changed a little. Compared with fans, it is more like a fan group, cheering for Lan Li.

Hope is one of the group's administrators. This time he came to New York to attend the premiere. Hope organized and invited five hundred group members to gather at Lincoln Center. However, the actual situation at the scene far exceeded their expectations, and the number of five hundred seemed to be only a small part of it.

After Hope and William left, Tessa rallied, "Let's talk about it, how are we going to support it? This is our first official event, honestly I'm a little excited!" Fans can’t be like that, just watch the excitement, they must also do something, hoping to contribute to the premiere.

"Come on, we have prepared some slogans and hope to give Lan Li a surprise!" Graham greeted Tessa, turned around, and introduced Tessa to the other friends in the fan group. The atmosphere became hot again. Get connected.

The sun over the city is slowly falling to the west. The turbulent crowd on the plaza in front of Lincoln Center continues to grow. The plaza is already extremely crowded at noon. It is already impenetrable when the premiere is approaching. The heads are next to the heads and bodies. When hitting his body, it seemed that even a fly couldn't fly in, and the scene of shoulder-to-shouldering was magnificent.

Not to mention the audience, even the well-informed reporters were completely shocked. If it weren’t for the reporters to have a special interview area, I’m afraid it would be impossible for them to get a foothold here, because most of the reporters arrived at the scene after four o’clock to prepare for the premiere. At that time, the square was This is already the scene.

According to incomplete statistics, more than five thousand people gathered on the scene! Even if it is a super blockbuster in the summer, the premiere is not on such a scale, unless it is a series of fan movies such as "Star Wars" and "Harry Potter" that completely ignite the enthusiasm of enthusiastic fans, will such a scene appear. But now, it appeared in the premiere of a small-cost independent film?

This is definitely a fantasy, but it's actually happening.

Lionsgate’s original intention was only to hold a small premiere, but it turned into the biggest premiere of 2011, except for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2 and "Twilight Apart from the global premiere of "City: Breaking Dawn (Part 1, no one can match it!

But this is just the beginning.

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