The Greatest Showman

Chapter 634: Move the earth

From seven media reviews to 29 professional reviews, "Don Quixote", an album that no one cares about and no one knows about, after the "Tonight Show", even if it is not a household name, it is almost the same. Up.

Such an ugly duckling-like miracle, in the entertainment-to-death Hollywood, say no more, no less. The problem is that the ugly duckling suddenly stepped onto the stage. Under the attention of the public, not every ugly duckling can transform into a swan, but more of them died without a problem because of too much attention.

Fortunately, this time "Don Quixote" successfully completed the transformation! Twenty-nine professional reviews, with an average score of 92, have undoubtedly become one of the top ten highest-rated albums since the millennium!

For reference, Nora Jones released the album "Flying Away" in 2002. At that time, this independent album was also unknown. If it weren't for Grammy's digging, it might have been submerged in the market torrent. At that time, only 16 media outlets made comments, all of which were highly praised, and the final average score was 88 points.

Now, "Don Quixote" is considered to be at the same level as "Fly away" or even better, and it is also considered to be one of the best albums since the 21st century!

Not only that, the name of "Len Li-Hall" has become hot again!

In the entertainment industry, there are countless number of crossover artists. Not to mention the dual roles of singer and actor. There are also many comprehensive artists involved in industries such as director, filmmaker, screenwriter, model, photography, painting, design and so on.

Although people are expensive to specialize, it is extremely difficult to reach the top in a field; but people always like to see artists who still perform brilliantly after crossing the field, just like Oscars always favor "acting and excellent leading" The director, Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson, Kevin Costner, etc., are all true.

This time it was Lan Li's turn.

He is not only an excellent actor, but also an excellent singer, but also an excellent songwriter. It's not the kind of cross-border game of ticketing nature, nor is it the freewheeling of Disney idols, but the real excellence. The praise of "Don Quixote" is not inferior or even crazier even when compared to the affirmation of "Crazy Love" and "Buried Alive".

Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable!

Such a grand occasion immediately caused a sensation in all the media! The hustle and bustle of attention is like a homing bee, swarming from every corner of the world.

It is worth mentioning that two months ago, a newcomer named Kendrick Lamar (Kek rap rookie released his first solo studio album "Eighty District (.

This album is the same as "Don Quixote", almost no media attention, but it has been enthusiastically sought after by the hip-hop industry. Several heavyweights have selected Kendrick as the West Coast rap rookie; just a mere nine. Home media gave the score, the average score of this album temporarily settled at ninety points, and it is also considered the best hip-hop album after the millennium.

Both of them are unknown singers, two of them are albums with high and low tunes, two of them are budding newcomers, and two of them are works that flood the torrent, one is hip-hop, the other is folk songs, but the "80s" "Still little known, "Don Quixote" turned out to be. The development of destiny is completely different, but it has not affected the cheers and shouts of independent music media: Is the music market that has been silent for many years, is it really about to reappear?

It is not the recovery of sales, not the prosperity of the market, but the return of music. This is the best gift for music critics. As for the rise and fall of the market and the ups and downs of the industry, they are involved in the torrent of the times. Even if they want to help, they have more than enough energy. Therefore, they will not be greedy.

From this perspective, these music critics are actually the same kind of people as George Slander. Harsh, tricky, strict, sharp, pungent, hard to serve, in the final analysis, it still stems from the inner love and the stomach waiting to be fed.

Who would have thought that "Love Is Crazy" drove the attention of the ending song "Undoubtedly", and the curiosity of "Tonight Show" involved "Don Quixote", and finally this album by Lan Li appeared In front of the public, this way of appearing on the stage is truly original. However, with an excellent rating of 92 points and positive feedback without any negative and neutral comments, "Don Quixote" has quietly become an album that cannot be ignored in 2011.

On August 29th, "Don Quixote" was officially launched, and six weeks have passed in a blink of an eye. The album has never really caught the attention of the market. The sales are not tepid, or even bleak. In the first week it sold 2,000 copies and the next week it sold 4,000 copies. After that, the average weekly sales volume has stabilized at around 3,000 copies. So far, sales barely exceeded 20,000.

As expected by George Slander and Renly Hall, this is an "unsellable" album! If things go on like this, losing money is a certainty. The question is, how much will you lose?

However, in the midst of this bleak cloud, George, Neal, Stanley and others have never given up hope, and are still tirelessly and persistently supporting "Don Quixote." Strictly speaking, for this group of avid music lovers, the advent of the album is already a victory. What else do they need?

What's more, it's not all bad news. After "Pioneer Village Night" was uploaded on YouTube, the spread speed began to spread with a slow but firm rhythm, especially the fans who attended the scene that day, they spared no effort to promote it. Thanks to this, the weekly sales volume of "Don Quixote" has always been maintained at around 3,000 copies. There has been no increase, but no decline. The performance is stable, just like the frozen Baikal.

The thick ice surface has no fluctuations, no ripples, no waves, or even movement; but under the ice surface, the raging dark tide is waiting for the arrival of the icebreaking day, and the slowly increasing supporters are still very weak. The group is firm enough, loyal enough, and fanatical enough.

Since entering the Billboard album chart in the first week of September, "Don Quixote" has been hovering around one hundred and fifty. There has been no breakthrough, but it has never been on the charts, as if it is still on the charts. "Ophelia" is average and self-heavy in the low position.

Now, the time for the enthusiastic supporters has finally arrived: after the "Tonight Show" was broadcast, within a week, the weekly sales of "Don Quixote" reached 16,000, just like riding a rocket. , "Swish" instantly rose to the top 50 of the Billboard Albums Chart, temporarily ranking 38th.

The sales volume in one week is almost comparable to the sales volume in the previous six weeks!

This is also a major feature of the Internet age: trust in the media. The mass audience’s dependence on the media is becoming more and more profound, and the effect of following the trend without thinking and people’s cloud is becoming more and more obvious. As long as there is enough media promotion, as long as enough public exposure, as long as enough topic effect, it can basically ensure a certain degree Sales, such as the box office of a movie's premiere weekend, such as the weekly sales of an album.

The problem with this method is that sufficient propaganda means, which requires sufficient cost support, may not necessarily be able to reap sufficient profits. It's best to avoid using it for small companies, such as Eleven Studio.

"Tonight Show" is obviously such a propaganda method, which is not part of the 11th studio's plan, but it produces the same effect. The weekly sales volume is 16,000, and the bulletin board ranks 38. "Don Quixote" has truly entered the public eye.

It’s just that, of the 6,000 sales, how many are the navy who join in the fun, how many are the crowd eating melons onlookers, and how many are the followers of the craze, after squeezing all of these "waters" dry. , How many really like this album? How many really appreciate this album like George Slander and Clyde Coughlin? How many did you understand this album and bought it? How many dreamers are willing to join Pioneer Village Night?

This, unknown, can only be handed over to time.

Perhaps, "Don Quixote" will become another "Fly away", and then this opportunity, truly known to the public, with a high rating of 92 points, can become the key to breaking the popular market barriers; perhaps, " "Don Quixote" will become another "Eighty Zone". After a short blockbuster, everyone will be stunned again. The craze and bubbles have subsided. No one pays more attention. The album just piles up in the corner and starts to accumulate dust~www dream has sprouted, but it needs more than a "Tonight Show" if it wants to grow into a big tree.

Despite this, "Don Quixote" has achieved the biggest victory since its release, not only the album ranking has risen, but even the singles ranking has undergone drastic changes.

"Cleopatra", the popular folk single, benefited from the sales of the album this week, and the singles chart once again rushed into the top ten, and will be placed in the tenth place. You know, this is the sixty-eighth week of the single's release. Any language is pale and feeble in the face of such results. In addition to shock, it is shock!

"Ophelia" also benefited. If the statistics are correct, this is the first time since the release of the single, it has been among the top 50, and this is the 54th week of the single's release. Such a phenomenal performance has already written his own history quietly.

Archimedes once said, "Give me a fulcrum and a lever long enough, and I can move the earth."

This remark was considered by countless people to be brazen, but later science also proved that Archimedes' hypothesis is feasible, but due to the limitations of current technology, there is no way to actually operate it. But now, "Don Quixote" is proving this theory:

"The Tonight Show" is the fulcrum, and the "Don Quixote" album itself is the lever, and Renly Hall is leveraging the earth. The most absurd, craziest, and most dreamy conjecture is now becoming a reality.

However, compared with "Cleopatra", compared with "Ophelia", "Confirmed Undoubted" is the biggest winner in this wave of action to move the earth! 8)) Download the free reader!!

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