The Greatest Showman

Chapter 592: Long-term

Facing Roy's direct questioning without gimmicks, Lan Li suppressed a smile instead, and said solemnly, "If I say, these two works will hit the street?"

Isn't it rejecting two works, but both works will hit the street?

What kind of answer is this? It's not that the scripts of the two works are too bad, or that the two works are not suitable for you, but that the box office of the two works will fail? They are not prophets, how can they predict the future?

Although it is said that any commercial work is risky, it is a business, and there is no 100% stable profit. Even the fourth book of "Harry Potter" "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" They have all encountered Waterloo, they are not popular, the series of movies have the lowest box office, not to mention other works; but why do you say that "Super Battleship" and "Alien Battlefield" will hit the streets? More importantly, why does Lan Li say this?

Between the lightning and flint, Roy's mind was already vicissitudes of life.

Lan Li could see Roy's pupils shaking, and couldn't help laughing. Smart people always think too much. Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's not. In fact, he only thought of the situation in the previous life, and then thought of the current situation, there was an inexplicable feeling of joy, but he did not hold back, nothing more.

In the previous life, the heroes of "Super Battleship" and "Alien Battlefield" were both the same, Taylor-Kitsh; the two movies were released in the same year, and the difference was only two months; the two works were at the same time Throwing on the street, it was terrible.

Taylor Kitsch, the new-generation niche born in 1981, has a handsome face, model figure and tall body. He is a young version of Brad Pitt. After starring in several youth idol movies, Under the strong promotion of the agent, he successively won the opportunity to lead starring roles in two super blockbuster films, "Super Warship" and "Alien Battlefield". Many people are optimistic about becoming another Ryan Gosling. Both of them are Canadian. people.

From any point of view, "Super Battleship" and "Alien Battlefield" both meet the criteria of a box office explosion. These should be two works that will not fail, and there is no reason for the box office collapse.

As a result, the "Super Battleship" invested 210 million, but the North American box office was only 65 million, and the global box office barely exceeded 300 million, with a loss of more than 150 million. Universal Pictures was thunderous. As for the reputation of the works Needless to say, it was a complete failure, and both critics and audience criticized it.

The "Alien Battlefield" invested 250 million yuan, the North American box office was 73 million yuan, and the global box office did not even exceed 300 million yuan, only 280 million yuan, and a loss of more than 200 million yuan, which directly led to the chairman of Disney Studios. Stepped down, and Andrew Stanton's live-action film director career was directly ruined. In terms of word-of-mouth, it is almost the same as the former.

For the two film production companies, this is a disaster; for Taylor, it is even more a disaster. His career has just risen. Everyone thinks that he will become the next superstar. In the end... it stops abruptly. After that, don’t Speaking of a super blockbuster, even the protagonist has very few opportunities, and he is a handsome guy who can't act, faster than Hayden Christensen's falling speed. To be precise, before it had time to shine, it was directly pinched out.

Now, the opportunity belonging to Taylor Kitsch appeared on Lan Li's desktop at the same time. It is difficult for Lan Li not to have associations: if he takes over these two works, will his dream come to an end? It is estimated that George and Elizabeth will be very happy to see such an ending.

Such a coincidence corresponds to such a destiny. Even though he was as quiet as Lanli, he still didn't hold back his smile after all, including the ridicule just now, he couldn't help himself.

Everyone says that Henry Cavill is the most unfortunate person in Hollywood. He missed "Superman Returns", missed "Twilight", missed "007" James Bond, and missed " "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" did not emerge until the arrival of "Superman: Man of Steel", but in Renly's view, Taylor Kitsch's fate was too ill-fated. If he takes over, then he will become the "unfortunate" successor.

After the joke, Lan Li went on to say, "I was just thinking, why would you reject the'Super Battleship' and choose the'Alien Battlefield'? I mean, it is understandable to reject the former, but the reason for choosing the latter What?"

When the "Super Warship" was in the preparatory stage, the template was "Transformers", and there really is no room for such works. First, Ren Li is not Megan Fox, second, Ren Li is not Shia LaBeouf, and third, the image of the idol vase is not suitable for Ren Li. It is only natural to reject the "super battleship".

In fact, on the other hand, the "Super Warship" will not consider Lan Li.

To shoot such a blockbuster, what the crew needs are actors who know how to make full use of their charm to supplement the visual effects of the movie. This is also the reason why many super blockbuster movies are happy to use models when they choose heroines. They shine on the stretch stage. Movies are the most beautiful scenery. If the actor is right, why not choose a model?

Roy came back to his senses and noticed the small details in Renly's words, "Why, do you have a different opinion on the script of'Alien Battlefield'?" He knew that Renly had never read the script, but his instinct told him so. :Len Li has his own judgment.

"First, the original novel is a work a hundred years ago, and the audience's taste has changed drastically. If there is no innovation, no one will buy such a story. But the problem is, Disney?" Lan Li A rhetorical question from, even if there is no extra explanation, the meaning is still not clear. Among the six major Hollywood studios, Disney is the most conservative, traditional, and stubborn company.

Before 2016, industry insiders believed that Disney’s main audience groups were families and children. They could not but dare to innovate boldly and always adhere to traditional concepts; but in 2016, the "Variety Show" magazine panicked and made a The statistical table, based on the 21st century, counts the director composition of all the films of the six major Hollywood film companies, including race, gender, sexual orientation and other data.

It was then discovered that Warner Bros. had the highest proportion of Asian directors; Twentieth Century Fox had the most dared to use black directors; Sony Columbia Pictures and Universal Pictures dared to use female directors boldly. Of course, this is just a trend statistics. The most interesting fact is that Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, Sony Columbia Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, these five companies more or less use The proportion of directors who have ever been Asian or black or female, or even come out publicly, may not be high, but at least they have used them.

The only exception is Disney. In the statistical list, all Disney data is "zero". Thinking about it further, after Disney bought Lucasfilm, Marvel Entertainment, and Pixar, it has never left its old route. So far, no independent female superhero movie has come out, let alone that they will once again Classic cartoons have been adapted into live-action animations, but the status of women has not changed.

After the statistics of "Variety Show" magazine was released, it caused a sensation throughout Hollywood. For a time, Disney pointedly pointed out. Obviously, this is not just a problem of the main audience group, but a problem of the entire company culture.

Returning to the topic of Lan Li’s just now, the original novel of "Alien Battlefield" was a work of a century ago and was released in 1912. If it is not adapted to keep pace with the times, the story is difficult to satisfy for modern audiences. of. Disney is the least adept at keeping pace with the times.

"Second, the script of a super blockbuster is really not that important, but it doesn't mean not to read the story. For such a work, the story can be simple, but there must be a master of storytelling. The story of'Avatar' is extremely simple, James- Cameron's story was ups and downs. Not everyone has this kind of talent." Lan Li smiled and said the second point. Similarly, the follow-up did not continue to evaluate, but left a meaningful one. After rhyme.

Roy showed a confused look. "Andrew Stanton is a storyteller."

"No, Andrew Stanton is a person who can talk about characters and emotions, but he can't tell stories." Lanly's retort made Roy lost his thoughts.

"Finding Nemo" and "Robot Walli", the stories of these two works are actually quite satisfactory, but the reason why they are so touching is that the emotions of the little characters are full and real, originated from the simplest and simple emotions, and then projected to each In an audience, there is boundless touch and reflection. This is what Andrew is good at.

However, "Alien Battlefield" is a movie that does not need to talk about characters or emotions.

Roy thought about it seriously, and closed his jaw thoughtfully. He is not an actor, he is just an agent. His knowledge of the script is naturally inferior to Lanli. He can only give a preliminary analysis from the story, scale, lineup, subject matter, etc., and then the interpretation. It still has to be done by Lan Li himself.

"So, do you mean that these two works are rejected?" Roy needed further communication, and he recalled Lan Li's joke just Lan Li smiled and shook his head. , "No, I mean, I need to read the script carefully before making a decision. Think long-term."

Roy laughed mockingly, "That's it." The mentality is still a little anxious. Lan Li has just got the script, so is it possible to make a decision?

He originally wanted to ask about Lan Li’s current thoughts. He just said a long, dry mouth, whether he had a crude impression and whether he recognized his judgment; but the words came to his lips. Still settled down.

Whether today’s assessment has been passed or not, and if it has passed, what the results will be can be seen in the subsequent dealings. There is no need to worry at this moment.

Thinking of this, Roy calmed down again, and poured the coffee in the cup into his mouth in one breath, "Then I will leave first, and you have a good nap. In the next few days, you will flip through the script and relax . After Andy and Warner Bros. make progress, we will make further judgments."

After speaking, Roy didn't stay any longer, picking up his motorcycle helmet, turned and left.

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