The Greatest Showman

Chapter 576: Choose a position

Paul is not a person who is good at hiding things. His open face is always bright and shy, and all his emotions are clear at a glance.

It was just a casual joke that easily exposed Paul.

Lifting his head, looking at Lan Li’s surprised expression, Paul rubbed his hair vigorously, as if to wipe away all the irritation, gritted his teeth, and said in a bulging voice, "Sorry. I can’t stop it, I’ll try Yes, I tried to talk to Michael, and I tried to talk to Neil, but they all just said that I only need to do my job with peace of mind and leave the rest to them. This is not right, this is not right, I tried to tell They, this is unfair and stupid, but..."

Looking at Paul's expressions of deep hatred and indignation, Lan Li was at a loss. He thought that if he listened carefully, things would gradually become clear, but in fact, the more he listened, the more confused he became. There were more and more question marks on his head. He had to interrupt Paul's words, "What are you trying to stop? What are you trying to talk to? You know, before confessing to the priest, you need to talk about the ins and outs of the matter."

Paul was also stunned, his eyes rolled twice, and he said hesitantly, "I...I' stop them from making mistakes. They didn't see the importance of you and refused to give you the corresponding attention. This is not only a short-sighted approach, but also a wrong approach. Fan can't do this. They know that Fan is targeting you, but they still agree with Fan's outrageous suggestions."

"Wait." Lan Li raised his hand again, he vaguely grasped some important points, but today he was filming a practical brain overload, he needs a rest now, and he is too lazy to use his brain, so he stopped Paul for the second time. "From the very beginning of the matter. Are you talking about'speed and excitement/emotion 5'thing?"

"No, I'm talking about the sequel." Paul reacted at this moment, his eyes rounded, his face full of consternation, "Don't you know? Didn't your agent talk to you about the sequel?"

"During the filming, I tried to eliminate external interference as much as possible." Lan Li is still in that slow manner, and he drinks coffee in a leisurely manner, savoring the fragrance of coffee, "I think Andy should have mentioned it to Nathan. Nathan mentioned it to me, but I didn't care at the time. What's wrong? Isn't the movie still in theaters? Why is the sequel so anxious?"

Paul was stunned, and then showed a look of sudden realization, "So, you don't know anything?" After receiving the affirmative answer from Lan Li, Paul paused for a moment, laughed dumbly, and realized his own oolong just now." Yes, the sequel has now been discussed. They can’t wait to start thinking about their next plan to make money.” Paul also ridiculed it once in a while, but the bright smile made the ridicule shine. stand up.

"Now they have started to discuss the story, framework, characters, content, etc. of the sequel. You know, the blueprint for the entire sequel was constructed." Paul started directly from the beginning this time, "Fan is also one of the producers, he told Others, you are not that important to the sequel. They shouldn't give you special treatment, not only in terms of roles, but also in terms of film pay. Do you know how much they plan to pay you?"

This was originally a question, but before Lan Li had time to open his mouth, Paul had already asked and answered himself, "Three and a half million dollars!" And he was still full of anger.

"Didn’t they realize that this was a mistake? Fan just opened his eyes and talked nonsense. He didn’t deal with you. Everyone knows that he was obviously avenging his personal vengeance, reversing right and wrong, and talking nonsense. As a result, others All of them are getting confused.

Everyone can see that this time the work can achieve such a breakthrough success, most of it is your credit, and they have to listen to Fan's nonsense there! It's really disgusting!

This is not the correct way to treat the crew of the crew, nor the correct way to treat the heroes of the crew. I think they are all confused, and they have completely forgotten how hard you were when you were on the crew, trying your best to make good works, but Fan is like an adolescent girl, twisted and immersed in In my own emotions, this is really absurd!

I can't believe that Universal Pictures will be so dizzy and make such a stupid mistake. Do they know what they are doing? "

Talking, frothing, and impassioned, such Paul is too strange.

Paul, whom Lanly is familiar with, is a good-tempered, good-natured man who smiles all day long. Even if someone offends him, he waved his hand to indicate that it was okay. When talking about surfing, his eyes always glow involuntarily; he stays away from the spotlight and is obscured. He is doing charity work, never think that the profession of actor has anything special, and always maintains a humble and low-key style.

But today, Paul showed another side of his temper.

With such a true temperament, Lan Li's heart was filled with warmth.

He knows, he knows clearly that Universal Pictures is not stupid. They have no personal grievances with Lan Li and He Fan. At best, they are driven by interests. As long as there are enough benefits, Universal Pictures will change. idea. The reason why they are on Fan's side is only because they are unwilling to let go of the benefits easily.

They are the ones who have a personal position. Fan is his enemy, so he tries his best to make him uncomfortable; and Paul is his friend, so he is fighting injustices both inside and outside. They are very unreasonable, because they are guarding their positions.

Looking at Paul who was babbling and complaining in front of him, the smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth rose uncontrollably.

Fortunately, he missed the family affection in this life, but made a real friend. Especially in the colorful vanity fair of Hollywood, it is really rare to be able to make sincere friends like Paul.

Paul's gaze fell on Lan Li's face, and then he saw the smile. He was stunned, frowned, and anxiously said, "Are you still not in a hurry? This is going to burn your eyebrows. I found Neil, Michael, and two other producers, but none of them seemed to have any effect! If this continues, maybe they will just kick you out of the game!"

Paul was anxious, he could not help but patted Lanly’s arm hard. Lan Li quickly stretched out the coffee to avoid spilling the hot coffee on the clothes. This action made Paul stretch out his hands and carefully protect Lanly’s. After making sure that the coffee was not spilled, the rush of temper calmed down again.

Paul let out a heavy breath, leaned back in his chair depressed, and said depressedly, "Sorry, it was all my fault. If I had discovered it earlier, if I had become a producer in the first place... the situation is different now. Up."

"Haha." Lan Li chuckled, which made Paul stop being angry. He glanced at Lan Li silently, and then looked at Lan Li's relaxed expression, which was absurd and funny, and the corners of his mouth twitched. , Tried to hold back the urge to smile, but after all he didn't hold back, he just laughed, shook his head, and took Lan Li completely.

"It's not your responsibility." Lanly patted Paul on the shoulder gently, "Trust me, it's definitely not your responsibility. If Universal Pictures chooses not to adopt me in the sequel, it is their decision; If I choose to protest, but I don’t get the results I want, that’s the responsibility of my agent. Paul, you are my friend, but you don’t need to be responsible for my work.”

"But..." Paul tilted his head and looked at Lan Li with a gloomy look. He is not a good talker. There are countless words in his mind, but he can't express it. In the end, he can only say depressedly, "but Fan is not clear. Against you."

"Then do you think I would be afraid of him?" Lan Li's understatement has strong self-confidence, not to mention that things have not settled yet, just preliminary discussions, and the road ahead is still long; A sequel agreement was signed. During the shooting of the sequel, Lan Li was not stage fright at all when facing Fan.

Paul blinked his eyes and looked at the blue gift that was slowly tasting the coffee, and found that he had no way to refute But he was one of the producers, and if he didn't let go, things would be fine. Room for maneuver. "After speaking, Paul realized that Van Diesel was an insurmountable wall, and he became frustrated.

Universal Pictures is one of the six major film companies, and the clash with artists always has an innate advantage. Even the top existences like James Cameron and Steven Spielberg can seize the advantage in the game. It also takes a lot of thought. If you accidentally tore your face, it will be the artist who suffers from the beating.

What Paul meant, Lan Li understood. After entering Hollywood, entering from outside the door, Lan Li also gradually got a glimpse of the truth about this Vanity Fair, especially after signing Andy as an agent, Lan Li also understood that in the real world, talent is not everything, dreams No, the exchange of benefits requires dedication to gain.

"Paul, why did you become an actor?" In the face of Paul's concern, Lan Li started to chat in an awkward manner.

Paul did not wonder, but seriously thought about it, "In the beginning, there was actually no special idea, just because my mother was a model, and then I started modeling when I was two years old; later when I was a child , Went to audition for a few works, and became an actor."

Paul was born as a child star, but Hollywood child stars have always been difficult to get ahead. Just look at the iron law of Hollywood: never shoot a work with children and animals. There are many famous child stars in the long history, but not many, and Paul is not one of them.

"But when I grew up, I used to have other choices." It was just a simple question, but Paul put his heart to heart. "In the end I chose an actor because I can travel everywhere, because I can experience a different life, because I feel happy. ."

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