The Greatest Showman

Chapter 547: Ready

Roy Lockley and Nathan Press stood side by side on the playground, penetrating the glass windows of the classroom, watching the busyness and noise of the people inside.

The crew of "Transcendence" is not huge, but it is not small. The core staff is about 30 people. In addition to the actors who have no lines, the number of people who came to the crew to report on the first day exceeded 70 people, trance. At that time, it gave the illusion that the school never had a holiday, and today the students are back to class.

Amidst the noise, Roy's sight never left Lan Li. This is the first time he has appeared on the set as a manager of Lanly; to be precise, this is the first time he has challenged the work of a manager. He actually entered the shooting scene, which is familiar, but more strange. He is groping and learning, trying to adapt to his new identity.

"Is it always like this before the official shooting?" Roy asked curiously, "I mean, Lan Li always practice scripts?"

At this moment, the classroom is clearly divided into two distinct camps. On one side are the old drama players who have been rolling in the industry for many years, and on the other are non-professional actors without any performance experience.

Such a situation is rare in the crew. Even if a large number of newcomers are used, the casting director will still consider the factors of collocation and cooperation when choosing actors. But "detachment" is different. Under Tony's insistence and instruction, all the teachers have chosen senior actors, and the number is about nine or ten teachers. All the students have chosen non-professionals. People, many of them are not even actors, but just the real residents of slums, there are about 30 people.

The veteran actors are familiar with all the processes of the crew. After arriving at the crew, they greeted them with ease, and then prepared for the next shooting; the amateurs were a bit at a loss, and some curiously looked at the crew setting the shooting track and building the rocker In the work of the camera, some people whispered about the figures that had been seen on the big screen or the small screen, while others stood nervously in the corner watching the changes——

There is also a small group of people around Lan Li, doing script exercises with him.

This morning, Lan Li arrived at the scene an hour and a half early, in his words: to be familiar with his battlefield. The work "Beyond Departure" is different from any previous filming experience. Lan Li treats it as a Broadway performance stage, and it is their basic preparation work for every stage performer to be familiar with the stage before officially taking the stage.

Lan Li was the first actor to arrive on the set. It took half an hour to get acquainted with the whole school and the street next to the school inside and out. Then he chose a classroom at random and sat down and started reading the script. Soon after, Betty and Sami appeared one after another. They didn't think much about it, but took it for granted that Lanly's location was the actor's lounge, so they gradually began to gather.

When the reaction came, the actor's "class" division was formed, and Lan Li was divided into the "amateur" side.

However, Roy is not worried about this. In the film, Lan Li’s main opponents are these amateurs, and there are not many roles with professional actors. It is a good thing to be familiar with the situation before shooting; what Roy is worried about is Lan Li’s preparation habits before shooting—— Some actors like to relax and just read the script; some suspend their feet and start to recite their lines at the last moment of the scene; some actors prefer to be quiet and unwilling to be disturbed.

At this moment, there are about five or six actors around Lan Li. They communicate with Lan Li one by one, interact with each other, and ask questions. There are four or five people watching quietly beside Lan Li. The scene is really lively. .

Nathan couldn't help but frowned, "No. Before the official shooting, Lan Li was used to reading the script by himself. He had to read it over and over again and again, and when necessary, he would also find a director, screenwriter, or opponent actor. , Discuss some details. But there are really few script exercises."

Roy closed his jaw slightly. As a manager, his task is to ensure that Lan Li can devote himself to his work and perform in his own way. As an assistant, Nathan’s right to speak is very limited. If he rushes to find a producer or screenwriter, he is easy to offend others; but as a manager, Roy’s identity and status are different. This is also the case. The scope of his duties.

Roy is seriously thinking about whether he should ask Tony to give Lan Li a separate space for shooting preparations.

If it’s a top star, then it’s the basic condition to equip it with a RV; if it’s a group of first-tier stars, then it’s normal for the crew to be equipped with a RV for several main actors. But Roy is not so greedy now. He just hopes that there is a corner so that Lan Li can calm down and devote himself to the script reading without being disturbed.

Of course, before making the request, he needs to communicate with Lan Li personally. In the initial stage of cooperation, everything is a running-in period, and they need more communication.

The thoughts in his mind turned quickly, and when he looked at the scene carefully, Roy couldn't help but began to look forward to it, "Watching the Lan Li performance on the spot...what is it like?"

Although he is an industry insider, Roy does not know much about acting because of his different types of work. At the same time, it is precisely because of insiders that Roy knows more about how difficult it is to get so many praise from film critics. Today, I can finally watch the scene, uncontrollably, Roy is also a little excited.

This feeling is really long-lost, completely different from the life of a public broker.

Seeing Roy's eyes getting brighter, Nathan felt the same way, and laughed, "The shooting will start right away, don't you know if you see it with your own eyes? Spoilers in advance, this feels exactly like the big screen Different. Personally, I prefer to watch live. Naked eye 3D."

Roy was about to respond, and then saw Nathan's expression pause, as if seeing something, Roy turned his head and followed Nathan's line of sight, and then saw a commotion among the actors in the classroom, the crowd Among them, Lan Li stood up and moved towards the door. Everyone automatically gave way to a passage, and curious, excited, and speculative gazes were projected over.

After Lan Li left the classroom, all the actors rushed to the window and cast their sights on the playground. It seems that the preliminary preparations have been completed, and "Delicate" is about to go into formal shooting. Expectations burst directly.

Lan Li could clearly feel the sight falling on her body, the heat was so hot that her clothes were about to burn. This was the first time she encountered this situation. Is it just because of "speed and excitement/emotion 5"? This does not seem to make sense. However, Lan Li didn't care. The performance work was originally under the spotlight. Overcoming the tension and jerky feeling under the attention of the eye, and focusing on the performance, this is the threshold to be on the stage.

After leaving the classroom, Lan Li walked towards the door of the teaching building, and out of his sight, he saw the familiar faces in the classroom next door-these are the famous old opera bones in the industry, including Many well-known senior people can see Tony's strong network from here.

Upon seeing a familiar and unfamiliar face, Lan Li smiled and greeted politely, "Lucy, good morning."

Lucy-Liu (Lucy-Liu, Liu/Yu/Ling) couldn't help but pause, with question marks all over her head, but she nodded hesitantly and replied, "Good morning, Lan Li."

Chinese actors have always been a disadvantaged group in Hollywood. Although Li/Xiao/Long, Jackie/Long, Zhang/Zi/Yi, Chen/Chong, Zun/Long and many other actors have appeared on this stage, on the whole, they The development of the country has been constrained. In American movies, Asian faces are always rigid and conservative, with strong racial/ethnicity/discrimination/discrimination. This situation did not change slightly until the second decade of the 21st century. I can imagine how difficult the situation of Chinese actors is.

Thanks to the injection of powerful capital, the development of Korean and Indian actors in Hollywood is actually the best. For example, Hyundai Motors strongly sponsors a certain TV series or movie, and then requires actors to be Korean. This creates working conditions for many Korean actors and changes the status quo of the industry bit by bit.

However, the operation of Chinese capital and Hollywood investment has never found a suitable and effective plan, and has not been able to create more favorable conditions for the upward momentum of Chinese actors. This is a pity that many Chinese actors have to play Korean in the drama. Or a Japanese character.

But in such a difficult situation, Lucy is a special case. As a second-generation immigrant, Lucy relied on her hard work and hard work to break into the sky in the midst of discrimination. After nearly ten years in the position of She won an Emmy nomination with "Sweet Pretty Girl", and finally opened the door for her career.

After that, she not only starred in works such as "Charlie Girl", "Kill Bill", "Kung Fu Panda" and other works, but also later became the heroine of the TV series "Basic Deduction". It is no exaggeration to say that she is the most developed one among the many Chinese actors in Hollywood.

With his own ability to break into a world, Lan Li knows better than anyone the situation Lucy is facing. This time, when he was able to cooperate in "detachment" by accident, Lan Li took the initiative to express his friendship and respect.

"I hope everything goes smoothly at work today." Lan Li nodded and conveyed his kindness, but when he clicked, he continued to move forward.

Lucy stood there, stunned for a moment, unable to turn her mind for a while-she had been rolling in Hollywood for twenty years, and such a situation was rare. In the crew, Asian actors are always the most inconspicuous and least valued group. What's more, there are many big names in the "detachment" crew.

Looking at Lan Li's back, the smile at the corner of Lucy's mouth rose involuntarily.

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