The Greatest Showman

Chapter 545: Amateur actors

Sammy is almost suffocated. So far, she still can't believe that all this is true. She has really become the will of the "detachment" crew. She is really about to cooperate with the big-name actors——

Golden supporting actor Tim-Nelson (Tim-Nelson), this is an actor who has been rolling in the industry for more than fifteen years. He has starred in "Loyal Traitors", "Thin Red Line", "Three Kings of Prison Escape", "Minority Report", "Invincible Hulk", "Synrena" and other works; real old drama in the industry Marcia-Gay-Harden (Marcia-Gay-Harden), two Oscar nominations for best supporting actress , And got a statuette in 2001; and Christina-Hendricks (Christina-Hendricks), because she starred in "Firefly" and "Mad Men" two works and became popular as a powerful actor...

Any actor is a well-known solid player in the industry. Sammy is not sure how many newcomers are in the crew, but what is certain is that the pressure of standing in front of the camera is definitely not trivial. Just imagining it in my mind, the excitement and nervousness made the hands and feet not know how to place it.

Of course, there is the most important Renly Hall. At the same time, he was also Sammy's most direct counterpart in the movie. Just thinking about standing in front of the camera with Lan Li and performing a rivalry, Sammy was so excited that he wanted to scream, and his blood began to boil.

Lan Li, the well-known Lan Li, the recent ferocious Lan Li, has shown a terrifying talent for performance at the age of only 21, and has created a series of records with his debut work "Buried Alive"——

He is not only the first actor to be nominated for the actor with his debut debut in 43 years since Dustin Hoffman in 1967; he is also the third youngest actor nominee in film history, ranking the top two. Both were in the early 30s and 40s of the Oscars. Jackie-Cooper (Jackie-Cooper) won the nomination at the age of nine, and Mickey-Rooney (Mickey-Rooney) won the nomination at the age of nine. ), won the nomination at the age of nineteen.

There is no doubt that Lan Li is the most highly anticipated new-generation actor in the past year. Although he missed the Oscars, his influence seems to have not been further improved, but for the Hollywood industry, his name is already Rui Guaner.

When he learned that he had taken the role of Erika, a prostitute, Sammy could hardly believe it, that he was about to usher in his first work on the big screen, that he was about to cooperate with so many top actors, and that he was not convinced. About to shoot rival scenes with Lan Li. That's Lan Li!

Not long ago, she had just watched "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" in the cinema. The handsome and heroic Lan Li on the big screen made her blushing and heart-pounding. After returning home, she specially treated her. I have been crazy about computer screens for a long time, looking for a large number of posters and photos, as well as all kinds of consultations from Lan Li, and all kinds of fantasies continue to emerge in my mind. Lan Li is completely her dream. The type of lover.

Unexpectedly, she is about to cooperate with Lan Li now?


In my mind, I couldn't help but start to imagine, what exactly does Lan Li look like in real life, like Hobbes's heroic and powerful style? Or the elegant and handsome style in daily life? The gentle English accent is really enough to melt people, as long as he thinks that Lan Li might call his name, Sami feels that he is about to fly.

Half nervous and half expecting, Sammy walked into the school in front of him, trembling slightly, which was the "detached" filming location. Now the summer vacation has begun, and the whole school has been emptied. After looking around, no one can be seen, which makes Sami hesitate in his footsteps.

She had to clean up the excitement first and concentrate on finding the location of the crew.

After turning around in the playground, I walked into the building of the teaching building and finally saw the staff in the corridor. There are not many people, about seven or eight people. Two or three of them are holding photometers, detecting light from different positions, and then communicating in a low voice; the others are resting, and there are several big people next to each other. The box, at a glance, you can tell that it is a box containing equipment such as cameras.

After noticing Sami's appearance, the people who were resting turned their heads, and after Sami politely greeted them, they pointed to the front, "The second room on the right hand side, now two people are here, both are there."

Sami Weiwei was a little surprised, because she was worried about being late, she arrived at the scene an hour earlier than the scheduled time, and there are actors earlier than her?

According to the filming experience of TV dramas, the actor's arrival time is different from the staff, because the staff must arrange the set in advance and prepare for shooting. If the actors arrive at the scene so long in advance, then the scene will be a scene where the staff are busy, and the actors will basically not show up because there is no need at all.

But today is different. Sammy's mind couldn't help but start thinking about it, could it be other new actors? She asked her agent and learned that this was a movie about school. Director Tony asked a large number of real high school students who had no experience in shooting to play in their true colors. So, are these actors who arrived at the scene early?

She couldn’t help speeding up, expecting to begin to gain the upper hand. Standing at the door of the classroom, she carefully probed into it. She almost screamed-she covered her mouth with her hands in time, but there was still a sound that was leaked out. It was blue. ceremony! That is really a blue gift! The person who arrived on the set early was actually Lan Li!

He was wearing a neat suit, a white shirt, a smoky gray coat, a diagonally striped tie, and a short golden brown hair combed into a fit and two-eight-point back, fully revealing his handsome features; he was casual Sitting in a student chair, there is a book spread out on the table, and he is reading it carefully. There was a bookish air in the elegance, like the golden sunlight that fell on the first green bud in early March.

It really is him! The dream has really become a reality! The strong sense of realism hit Sammy hard, and the exclamation was already yelled before the brain could react. She quickly just covered her mouth, stared at Lan Li with rounded eyes, full of eyes. The disbelief gradually turned into excitement.

Fortunately, her shout did not disturb Lan Li—he was still reading, without raising his head.

Sammy only noticed another figure in the classroom at this time. It was a girl similar to her age, with a chubby figure and short corn whisker hair. She turned her eyes timidly, but did not dare to look at Sammy. , Just looking at Sami quietly through the hanging hair. Noting Sammy's projected gaze, she immediately turned her gaze away, pretending that nothing happened.

This is a completely unfamiliar face, at least Sami doesn't recognize it.

Sammy tiptoed over and sat down next to the girl. His eyes couldn't help but float to Lan Li. There were two rows of seats between them, at least five or six meters away, but the heartbeat was still Uncontrollably speed up. So, Sammy cast his help-seeking gaze towards the only companion, not daring to speak out, and could only use his mouth to say, "What should we do?"

The girl still didn't turn her head, but she caught the information out of her sight, and then shook her head. It was a response, but she still didn't say a word. do not know? Prefer not to say? inconvenient? What exactly does that head shaking mean is confusing. But obviously, she had no intention of explaining.

Sammy was quiet for a while, but the whole person always seemed uneasy. No matter how she dodges, her eyes can always catch Lan Li's figure, which makes her completely unable to calm down, so she leaned to the girl's side again, "I It's Sami Gail, how about you?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, and said in a voice that was almost mosquitoes, "Betty." There was a pause, and just when Sami almost thought that was all, she continued, "Betty-Kaye."

Betty Kaye, the daughter of director Tony Kaye, will play the role of Meredith in the movie. Tony considered many actors when casting Meredith, but he could not find a suitable choice. In the end, he set his sights on his daughter-in fact, Betty had no intention of becoming an actor at all. .

In the "detachment", there are three desperate women around Henry, one is Erica played by Sammy, one is Sarah played by Christina Hendricks, and the other is May played by Betty. Redis.

But Meredith is a tragic character, suffering from obesity, as well as cold violence at home and school, and asks Henry for help, but Sarah mistakenly thinks Henry is/sex/ assaults her, causing Henry to have to pull Driving distance Finally, in despair, Meredith chose to commit suicide.

Betty's childhood life was very unfortunate, not because of obesity, but because of the bumps from the family and lack of self-confidence, traumatized. Tony thinks that Betty can interpret Meredith's sense of trauma, so he persuades Betty to act. But for Betty who lacks self-confidence, it is simply a torture.

From this point of view, Tony is not a competent father, more like an artist who has become confused.

However, Sammy didn't notice the meaning of the surname "Kaye", and his voice became a little excited, "What should we do now? Can I talk to Lan Li? Do you know Lan Li?" That flickered Expecting her eyes to stare at Betty closely, but Betty pursed her mouth and shook her head slightly, which immediately caused Sami to fry the pan, "What! How could you not know Lan Li?"

After speaking, Sammy realized that she was in trouble—because she didn't suppress her voice, she just yelled out. This was a shame, and more importantly, it interrupted Lan Li's work.

She covered her mouth tightly, and quietly glanced up at Lan Li, afraid and nervous.

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