The Greatest Showman

Chapter 512: Officially declare war

After the premiere, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" became the focus of attention. In this outpost related to the trend of the opening battle, Universal Pictures succeeded in going first and gaining the audience’s attention. Affirmative, but also ushered in the affirmation of the media. 【】

"Variety" magazine overturned its previous predictions without any psychological obstacles. The chief film critic Stephen Horden praised the film in the film review, and individually praised Lan Li, thinking that Lan Li is the chemical reaction of the film. The key to this coincides with the sample survey of the Seattle Post.

This not only unveiled the "speed and excitement/love 5" praise frenzy; at the same time, it also focused all the focus on Lan Li without any burden. Steven gave 88 points on behalf of "Variety" magazine, which became a wonderful start for forty-three media reviews and laid a solid foundation.

"U.S. Weekly" film critic Scott -Tobias opened with a series of interjections, "Jesus Christ, unbelievable!"

Subsequently, a series of adjectives were connected, “thrilling, exciting, funny, brisk, beautiful, and more importantly, beyond imagination. This work completely breaks the patterns and routines of the previous four series of movies, presenting a crime and justice, The fascinating dark world of friendship and regulations intertwined, and presents a wonderful blockbuster scene-not special effects, but actual combat. It has set an excellent precedent for commercial films this year and set a good benchmark, enough Amazing!"

Finally, I will end with a series of statements, "The film’s success is largely due to Renly Hall. This new face is more like the true core of the film: in the face of justice, can laws and regulations be broken? ; In the face of emotions, should reason and morality be compromised; and, in the face of absolute force, are the fists and brain the correct answer?

The charm of the role played by Hall hides a rich story and powerful courage. His debut has become the key to the reinvention of the whole movie! "

Because of the Gavin Hunter relationship, "U.S. Weekly" is considered by many people to be a loyal supporter of Renly. This time the film critic Scott also continued this trend, giving him a high score of ninety points. This is the only ninety points in the professional film reviews after the premiere of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5"; of course, it is also the first ninety points in the series of five works.

First "Variety Show", then "U.S. Weekly", "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" showed an absolutely strong posture in the first batch of media reviews, coupled with the enthusiastic pursuit of the premiere audience, for a time, This work rises in popularity and is bathed in a halo, which is incredible for a commercial film; for a sequel film that has been criticized for the first four in the series, it is even more incredible.

In fact, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" is not all surrounded by flowers and applause.

Pete Travis of "Rolling Stone" magazine thinks, "The plot turn in the movie is reminiscent of the game played by the eleven-year-old boys on the playground. The chaos and noise of the transition are like a joke. Except for Huo In addition to Hobbes played by Er, the other characters seem to be trying to prove,'I'm handsome, I'm strong, I'm powerful', but in fact, they are just a bunch of criminals who feel good about themselves."

In the end, Pete ended his mockery in a joking manner, "This movie will touch all the buttons on your body, including those that are orgasmic, and of course, those that can't be touched."

Only sixty-three points, clearly showing the standpoint of "Rolling Stone" magazine. This is the third time Pete has criticized Lan Li's work after "Buried Alive" and "Love Is Crazy". This senior film critic does not know if he has a personal grievance with Lan Li, but it is certain that he has no coldness with Lan Li's works. Amidst the sound of praise, cold water was poured unwaveringly.

This time, "Rolling Stone" is not alone, and "Entertainment Weekly" and "Empire" magazines are also on the same front.

"Empire" magazine gave a score of 60 points, and it was still a bad review. Sean Levy wrote in the comment, "The expression is tough, the eyes are sharp, and the muscles are strong. This work looks like it is full of force. , IQ value is cleared to zero, every character is pretending, but they don’t know what they are pretending. The only exception, Renly Hall, changed his position in the second half and became another fool. The character construction is completely ruined. This is the dumbest, most magnificent, lowest, and most boring work you can find on the big screen this summer."

Full firepower, this is the real firepower, almost the entire movie is sprayed once, but what is interesting is that Sean gave 60 points, but he was among the five works in the series. , The only passing score. From this perspective, it is actually not that bad.

The real disaster was created by "Entertainment Weekly". This entertainment magazine with its boundless beauty in the past few months has repeatedly been able to seize the hot spots and attract countless eyeballs, and this time is no exception. Amidst the praise of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", the nanny Lisa-Schwarz held high the banner of opposition and carried out a full range of criticism of the film.

"If you are curious about such a catastrophically bad movie, why it lasted for two full hours, it’s because it opened the cookie cutter, carefully and carefully read every detail, every prop, every one of it. The way, and then everything was put together in arms. By the way, Renly Hall looks like Adam **** without a brain."

Lisa even used an insulting term, "Adam Sandler."

As we all know, Adam is a typical representative who has no acting skills, no self-motivated, no ambition, no hard work, and no attitude. He has always been satisfied with his identity as a comedian, and is also very satisfied with his routine performance for ten years. Every year, he will shoot a batch of bad movies that have been scolded by film critics, but he is always unwilling to change. Completely settle for the status quo. In addition, Adam is also a representative of facial paralysis.

This shows Lisa's contempt and anger, and she ruthlessly nailed "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" to the pillar of shame, and of course, Lan Li. The final scoring is even more a masterpiece, showing Lisa's rejection incisively and vividly: thirty-eight points.

Yes, only thirty-eight points. This is the only failing score among the first batch of reviews of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", and it dropped to 38 in one breath. It deeply shows the abhorrence of "Entertainment Weekly", even if it is "Empire". "The Sean is also willing to bow down.

If there is good reviews, there will naturally be negative reviews; if there is opposition, there will naturally be support. This is an inevitable law. This is true for any movie, and commercial movies are especially prosperous.

Fortunately, among the 43 professional media reviews of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", only three gave bad reviews, single digits; in addition, ten gave mixed reviews. ; There are also thirty companies, a full thirty, all gave praise, and vented the praises in one go.

"Hollywood Reporter", eighty-three points, "Rampaging explosions, fiery beauties, tumbling male hormones, not to mention, there are handsome, vigorous, courageous, and amazingly charming Lan Li-Hall— —He may be the hottest federal agent on the screen this summer. This is an irresistible attraction for young audiences. For a popcorn action movie, you can’t ask for more.”

"Vanity Fair", 80 points, "You can think of the'Fast and Furious' series as a car. You have made various upgrades, and various performances have been improved. But before that, these upgrades still cannot Satisfaction, until now. With the addition of Lanly-Hall, this car was turned upside down, and it was almost unstoppable, glowing with brand new vitality. Even though it still has many flaws, you have already begun to fall in love with it. Got this car."

"Los Angeles Times", seventy-five points, "This is a simple movie, which is not surprising. Strong muscles, dirty big guys, all kinds of speeding cars, lines with explanations, and of course. Everything is so straightforward and easy to understand. Movies like'Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5'are hard to be annoying. It accomplishes its goal and uses every opportunity to ignite the pleasure in the audience's mind. The only thing is. Regret: Renly Hall’s role weight did not meet expectations."

"New York Times", 80 minutes, "Is this the worst work in the series? No. The entertaining racing scenes, the narrative rhythm of the flowing water, the simple and rude production of pleasure/sensation, the movie brings the entertainment attributes of popcorn to the fullest. The extreme, unconstrained imagination is amazing. From this point alone, the fifth part has surpassed any previous work in the series.

Is this the best work in the series? Yes. The role of Lan Li-Hall gave more content and space to the script, and the light-weight performance made the commercial film break away from the original rough and messy, and all the settings became reasonable. Unfortunately, the script did not qualify as Hall’s performance, which also prevented the work from making the leap from eighty to ninety of the Village", 75 points, "Who would have thought, The series of works actually completed the leap from quantitative change to qualitative change. Placing Lanly Hall on the opposite side of Van Diesel and Paul Walker, one enemy two, this is either a genius idea or a crazy idea. Justin Lin successfully completed the genius style. Shooting. The appearance of Hall successfully gave the movie more excitement/love and spark, and at the same time gave the movie more story and meaning. The simplicity and rudeness of the B-level movie turned into an adrenaline carnival feast. Congratulations. "

"USA Today", seventy minutes, "This is an extremely stupid movie with no more connotations, but it is enough, and it is exactly what is needed for the summer archive. Lanly-Hall really shines."

Praise, praise, or praise; amazing, amazing, or amazing!

Under the circumstances of not being optimistic, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" handed over a high score of 73 in the media review, not only creating the best series, but also officially declaring war on "Thor" with an absolutely strong posture: Now that one party has taken the lead, how will "Thor" fight against it? .


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